Month: April 2009
So the conference that I went to over the weekend….AMAZING!!! I was in the presence of some amazing practitioners. It was a lecture format conference for the first day and the second was a panel discussion between the audience members and the presenters. On the panel was the Traditional Chinese Medicine provider to the Queen of England, the developer of Naturopathy from the West Coast, Ayurveda practitioner that was raised in the area of the world where it was developed and grew up that way, the Chiropractic Philosopher that is revising and up-grading the philosophy that our profession was built on, an MD, as well as a few others. It was really exciting to be in the audience and listen to the different perspectives. There was some really cerebral/heady stuff going on as well as some stuff that anyone can easily wrap their heads around. The bottom line is it is about life. It is about the principal that the body is way more intelligent than many (and especially the medical field and pharmaceuticals which run our health care in this country) people give it credit for. There was a strong undertone to the lecture of the health care system here in the United States is broken and run strictly for money and greed. We need a change! There is a wisdom controlling and coordinating the body and is not making mistakes in the process. It is doing exactly what needs to be done according to the internal environment it is dealing with. And this idea is exactly central to the chiropractic profession. It is wonderful to be part of a health care field that is based on truth. As mentioned previously, I received continuing education credits for being there, however those types of events, I will choose to be a part of regardless. Amazing, powerful, truth, community, and HEALTH!