Sometimes my future husband is absolutely brilliant. The conversation ended with “…we have to just keep hitting singles. You cannot put the bat down now.”

LIFE!!!!!! Seriously Universe! I am ready for a little less spice and a little more bored please!!!

Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Dr Erica Peabody - Hitting Singles

As most of you know, I have been working on building a house for the past almost 3 years. I was told “start to finish, this project of building a house is about 9 months.” “AWESOME!!! Sign me up!!!” was my response.

It has been 34 months, turning the corner on 35 months here in a couple days. It has been one thing after the next after the next after the next. It has been one delay after the next after the next after the next.

Frustration doesn’t even begin to explain any of it, that is just a tip of the iceberg of emotions. The great thing is I have Mike and he is an exceptional project manager. Between he and I, we have it handled. But timing of one contractor depends on timing of another and the facts we get at one point do not match facts we get a couple weeks later.

We are very close, within just a few days in fact. I am so very grateful for that.

So when I am overwhelmed with the wedding approaching and still not being in the house, tears stream down my face on a regular basis. It is all okay and really great stuff that is happening, but happening all at one time is the real challenge. Mike tries to settle the tears and that is when he says “We just have to keep hitting singles, you cannot put the bat down now.”

Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Dr Erica Peabody - Hitting Singles

No truer words have ever been spoken and then I looked out into life and just how applicable that is to ALL of life. I was just talking to a patient today that mentioned she started working out every morning for the past month and she is getting up earlier than usual to get 45 minutes in every single morning. I said “45 minutes is a big commitment, and although amazing if you can keep up the stamina, just know that if there is a morning that you can’t do 45 full minutes, do at least 20 minutes.” 45 minutes of daily exercise would be a home run every single day and the 20 minutes would be like hitting a single. We need to hit singles but we need to hit them every single day.

Hitting single after single after single is how you get something done and move forward in life. Think about getting a college degree…that is literally taking a few classes at a time. Want a college degree? Plan on continually hitting singles for 4+ years. Want to build a business? Same thing. Build a family? Same thing. Hit singles.

For whatever reason, life in this country and our culture/mindset is all about instant gratification and desire to HIT IT BIG the first time. There is a constant feeling, driven a lot by social media, that everyone has hit home runs…but the challenge is that many people that appear to be at “home run” status, those that seem to be wildly successful, have been working behind the scenes hitting singles – FOR YEARS!!!!  YEARS AND YEARS!!!You just see the end product!

Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Hitting Singles - Dr Erica Peabody

Patience is a lost virtue these days. As I just looked that concept up, it also says that patience can be synonymous with “courage”. I think that is an interesting synonym: courage to pursue whatever it is in the first place, courage to commit to the process, courage to get up and start again after falling down time after time after time, courage to keep going when it seems impossible and navigate the bumps in the road, courage to find a different path if it is just not working for you. Patience = Courage …I really love that.

I am giving the BIGGEST SHOUT OUT to my future husband that is one of the only people that gets to see the true stumbling that I do through life, boosts me back up, helps me change my perspective on a minute to minute basis and reminds me that all we have to do is keep “HITTING SINGLES”. You are my dream man for so many reasons, you know that right? <3


During a yoga class a few days ago, the instructor says “I remember when I was six and I was sitting on my bed listening to this song.” I cannot remember exactly what song she was talking about but I do remember first hearing that song when I was in my upper 20s.Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - When I was 6 - Dr Erica Peabody


In that very moment, I was reminded of just how many times I have already been around the sun…and another trip will come to completion in just a couple months.

This kind of an idea can be a real downer, although I am certain she didn’t mean it in that way.  She was just in a sincere moment of remembering inside of her own life.

We all have those songs that take us back to a time and place in our lives.  If you are a patient of mine at Cafe of LIFE Chiropractic here in Fenton, you have heard some “different”, “interesting” and maybe “unusual” music during your visits.

This has 2 primary reasons:  FIRST, if it was music that you know and have heard before, probably I have too, and you would have a singing chiropractor all day long.  And though I have been told that my voice is reasonable (and of course my fiance says I have a “voice of an angel”), nobody is interested in hearing me sing all day long, and especially my team.  And SECOND, a song in your life can be a trigger for something amazing while that very same song can trigger the next person back into some of the worst moments in their lives.  I have deliberately chosen music that is unfamiliar except inside of this healing space (or its quite possible you have heard some songs inside of the local yoga studios or meditation centers, other places for healing).

That was a complete tangent on music and is not the message I am really wanting to write about today.

What I want to talk about is, in that moment when the young yoga instructor was sharing her initial memories of a song at age 6 and mine was upper 20 something, my internal dialogue went to “Oh to be 25 again…”  and “Wow I am old!!”

I hear you little internal critical voice.  You do really work against me most of the time don’t you?Best Chiropractor Fenton - When I was 6 - Dr Erica Peabody

In the very same moment I was inside of an intense and powerful yoga pose, with my strong arms and legs, my “relatively” peaceful mind, after a busy day serving people going on 15 years in practice, inside the 4 walls of my incredibly beautiful office, in a time that I am closing in on marrying the man of my dreams and planning for a beautiful life, in this body that has taken me incredible places and climbed one of the highest peaks in the world, gotten my doctorate degree, lived all over the country, and…and…and.

In that very same moment, that sweet little comment from the yoga instructor took me down into a valley of how old I am getting AND then the work that I have done in gratitude and appreciation for my life and what I have done in such a short amount of time, took me to the highest of highs.  It was a beautiful roller coaster and one that I felt like I was watching from an outsider’s perspective, but I was living it.

I didn’t even know I could have an opinion about music until I was 9 years old and my older brother got two cassette tapes:  Michael Jackson “Thriller” and Prince “Purple Rain”.  It is the first music in my life that I remember I would consciously choose to listen to myself.  Everything before that was just Cars 108 on the radio in my mom and dad’s cars.

It is funny how life works and it is sometimes frightening how fast life goes.  I have a clear memory when I was 6 years old, in first grade and I had some neighbors that were in fifth and sixth grades.  I remember thinking “WOW!!!  Those girls are old and it will be fun to be in fifth or sixth grade and not in first.”  

So here we are, I am not 6 anymore, not 16, 26 or 36 anymore.  The years tick by and the sweetness of the memories carry through the accomplishments of life and all the juice that is squeezed out of each and every day.  I am so grateful for that sweet, little w”when I was 6″ comment she made that day as it makes me also really appreciate not being 6 anymore and that I have had such a full life already.  Do you have a music memory?  Whats your very first favorite song?  Music really matters…to me anyway.


I had a really interesting Super Bowl experience this year and I will tell you a little bit about how it went.

Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Super Bowl - Dr Erica Peabody

First off, I didn’t even realize it was Super Bowl weekend until maybe Friday. I do like to watch sports but my time is demanded in other areas of life right now and I haven’t even watched one single professional football game this year, and maybe caught portions of 2 Spartan games (and I don’t mean going to the stadium, I mean just on TV) the entire season.

We missed the entire first quarter of the Super Bowl and started around 8 minutes left in the second quarter. Of course the half-time show was great however I am still wondering why a guy like Adam Levine needed to take his shirt off? I am so confused by that. He is crazy talented and put on an exceptional show, and as soon as he took his shirt off, it sort of ruined it for me. Am I the only one?

Second half started and I fell asleep, not because of the pace of the game, but because the energy the TV puts out is so low and slow that I sit down and zonk right out. I was a little surprised by that but I do not have TV in my house and I do not watch any TV on a regular basis and I feel like my brain was sort of saying “A better use of my time right now is to rest.” We had a very busy weekend and so I am actually grateful to have spent some good time sleeping.

I woke up with 5 minutes left of the game. The Patriots were ahead. In all sporting events, the last minutes are the best so I was intently watching as they progressed through those last few.

Good Game Patriots!!!

Here is what I learned from watching the Super Bowl this year:

I am not a fan of TV and every time I turn it on, I want to turn it off immediately. The commercials are not even worth watching the game anymore…well except for maybe the Verizon commercial, that was really well done, but I am already a Verizon customer.

I learned I value my sleep over anything the media has to offer. The game gathers a lot of energy around it and people get really excited and happy. I am massively impressed by Tom Brady; for his performance on the field over and over and over, that is a given. More than that I am impressed with an athlete who really values health and puts in the work to keep his aging body, and brain, at tip top shape as the years go by. He fuels his body and works out, of course, but more than that, if you listen to interviews, podcasts and read some of the articles over the years, his value on health is right at the top of his priority list.

I am a pretty big fan of the idea that health comes from within and that it happens through continuously doing healthy things, and that we don’t get something for nothing and it REQUIRES WORK!!!! Tom also is a huge proponent of chiropractic care, and not just for pain, but for optimal performance. In fact, all NFL teams have a team chiropractor these days.

Now, I am no dummy to the fact that there are possibly some things that are in the hush hush about his life and actions behind the scenes, I believe those at the top of a game like that have some secrets somewhere.

I also learned that I love my little family-to-be (in 5 weeks from now) and when we spend time together, it fills my heart. I love my future husband and the fact that he will snuggle in on the couch with me for hours even if I am sleeping.

Over the years, people have asked “how do you live without TV?” My honest answer is “I don’t believe much in spending my time that way”, however, now I realize there is a bit that I can learn from watching the Super Bowl. 🙂