I am a runner…and during the process of the long runs, I have to remind myself of that and say to myself “I am a runner”. Just by saying that, the steps forward get easier. I ran the Bastille Day 15K (9.3 miles) and if you know Fenton at all, mile 7-8 is straight up Denton Hill from the south. It is a really tough route all together and then add that mountain at the end of the course. During the race I find myself saying “why do I do this to myself?”…and then I remind myself that “I am a runner” and it gets easier again and I keep moving forward. During road races, you can usually look on the internet ahead of time and study the course that you will be running to plan accordingly. This is the 3rd time I have ran that particular race and I know those roads like the back of my hand since that is where I grew up. Even though I know the course, I rest easy with the fact that all I have to do is just keep putting one foot in front of the other and follow where I am being directed and I will make it to the end, since ultimately, getting to the finish line is the goal and final destination. Recently I started leaving my iPod at home and running with myself and thoughts alone so that I may take in the entire process. Sometimes
I do road races without knowing the course. I have no idea what turn to make though I know if I just keep putting one foot in front of the other and go where the course crew directs me, I will make it to the end. This is such a great analogy for life…we do not always know where the destination is, however if we keep putting one foot in front of the other, and follow where the course crew (our experiences in life) direct us, we will head in the right direction. The difference is that life is not about getting to the finish line…it is about enjoying the journey and scenery along the way. Our lives are filled with distractions…music, TV, people, cell phones, text messaging…that we forget to be with ourselves and take time to think and process. In my life, the key to success or happiness (success means happiness to me) is to choose a particular direction to head, keep putting one foot in front of the other, learn from experiences and enjoy the journey. It really is that simple…let’s keep it simple since we really only get one chance… 🙂
(the first picture is me starting the race in front of the Cafe of LIFE. the second is me reaching the top of Denton Hill)
(Oh, and give credit where credit it due, I have been dating an amazing guy and he was in a chase car with water for the entire second half of the race, cheering me on with his cow bell and making sure I was hydrated enough. Thanks babe!! )
You are so welcome…!!
You always gotta have more cow bell!! 😉