There is something super magical about SPRINGTIME here in Michigan and I know you are all feeling it!

Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Dr Erica Peabody - Expansion

Being that our office is right downtown, we are all always so happy to be part of the walking culture that the DDA of Fenton created for this community!

I often walk outside after a day of work and take a quick jaunt down the street to the post office and put the outgoing mail in the mailbox. Since I am just half a block from there, I usually just continue on around at least the block. But since I am heading around one block, I usually pick one more block….and then one more…and that is how a 20-30 minute walk is done. It goes along with the Law if Inertiaa body in motion will tend to stay in motion…

And if any of you spend any time downtown Fenton, you realize just how much pride people have put into their homes and businesses and IT IS BEAUTIFUL down here!

Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Dr Erica Peabody Blossoms

Sitting front and center in town for almost 6 solid years already (ALREADY!!!!!), we see lots of people out walking, biking and strolling around. We often see sports teams running by in big groups from Fenton Middle School and Fenton High School. We love all the energy as our community has become a small hub of people taking good care of their bodies and getting their exercise in.

A friend of mine was asking me yesterday how many gyms and fitness centers are in the city of Fenton. I began to list them and it was upwards between 12+ that I could name off the top of my head and I am sure there were some that were skipping my mind. We are fortunate as our city grows, so does our health and wellness culture surrounding it all!

The Peabody Center for Well-Being is the location of Cafe of LIFE Chiropractic office, my chiropractic office and this building is completely occupied with some of the area’s greatest health/wellness/well-being professionals in the area!

Even after 6 years in this location, and many of those years with occupied office spaces, it surprises a lot of people to know that the building houses so many awesome businesses.

About a year ago, we launched a website that serves as a building directory. This is a virtual landing page for all the professionals in the building. I wanted to take a moment and invite you to take a glance through and connect with the businesses that can help you along you and your family’s health and wellness journey!


Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - 3 Days In - Dr Erica Peabody (810)69-6023 - Grouchy

Take a moment and browse through the site. This is the location that allows you to directly connect and contact each person to set up your appointments! We keep this information up to date to help you!

Enjoy the SPRINGTIME energy of our world right now and make a plan for the healthiest and happiest season ever!




I am not sure I have actually written much in this space about dog mom life.

It is truly the BEST LIFE!

Most of you already know that Louis came to me is a super roundabout way and I didn’t have any intention of having a dog in my life.  I grew up with dogs and after having to rehome a dog a few years ago, I didn’t have time and space to have a dog in my life…or so I thought.

Obviously having Louis has been one of the greatest things that has ever happened to me.  We are all certain about that! 

Just over 2 years ago, I began to follow a group up in Traverse City who breeds teeny tiny dogs.  I was in communication with them asking what it is like with the teeny tiny dogs in the same home as big dogs.  She graciously answered all of my questions back then though ultimately I decided not to pursue one of their dogs.  I did, however, keep following them and their accounts on social media.

Last September, one of their dogs birthed just a single puppy.  I don’t know much about dogs but I do know that dogs have litters, not single puppies.  I was curious about this little one but more curious how he was born a singleton

Fast forward to the first week in January and the breeder posted on Facebook that they needed to help a family rehome their little dog and that he just wasn’t fitting into their home well enough.  It was on my heart to reach out to talk about this pup and maybe get a chance to meet him. 

During that time, I had remembered that i tuned in when this pup was born as it was the singleton from September!   Apparently when a mom is done having puppies, they spay them (obviously) but when they went to spay her, she was already and unknowingly pregnant.   Her body was done having puppies and so she was unable to support a full litter and only one made it to their birthday.  

I met Tater Tot, formally named Maddox and Nico, the first Friday of January, the family brought him to me so that he and Louis could meet.  

It wasn’t an instant match, but it was a fun playmate that Louis took to right away.  I knew that both Louis and I would need a bit of time to get used to the idea of having this 3 pound pipsqueak around AND I also knew in my heart that it was the right thing to do in that moment. 

So this little one came home with us that day.  

3AM in the morning, I woke up with so much anxiety…HOW ON EARTH IS THIS TEENY TINY 3 POUND BABY GOING TO SURVIVE THE STAIRS IN OUR HOUSE?1/!?!?!?!!!!!!  My house has 4 full flights of wood stairs and there is just no way around it.  In my mind, there was just no way that he would be able to manage going up and down that many stairs when he was smaller than the stair itself!

I wrote to the breeder and also the family to let them know that I made a horrible mistake!  I am still not sure that either of them appreciated a 3AM email but sharing this concern was the only way I was going to be able to go back to sleep!

I awoke to an email from the breeder assuring me that all their little ones eventually learn to work with all the stairs in all the homes that they live in.  

Little did I know that the big guy would also be teaching the little one so many things, including going up the stairs within just a couple days.  Louis would go up to the top of the steps and wait for Tate to do the same.  He would sit at the landing wagging his tail and of course I was there being his cheerleader too.  

He mastered going up the stairs in 2.5 days and another couple days, he mastered going down too.

For those reading this who live in Michigan, you may remember the weather through those winter months.  To be honest, it was very difficult to bundle up 7 times each day to take this little one out.  I also knew that when I took him home on that Friday that I was signing up for that for the season no matter what was happening.  I also had faith that the commitment to that this year would be tough but wouldn’t be every year.  

The biggest concern of all was being a single mom to two dogs.  What was I even thinking?  Would I be able to make that happen?  Would I be able to manage two dogs?  Would it be overwhelming to have eight little legs and feet running around the house?  Will I have enough time and energy for both of them?  Will they figure out how to eat next to each other?  


Having the little one has brought new life and fun into Lou’s world, as well as, Lou teaching Tate so much about life and living and listening (well we are still working on that last part).  

They aren’t the very best of friends just yet but day by day they are growing and evolving together.  I also take them on adventures together, and very different kinds of adventures separately.  

So the question that everyone has asked, “WHEN IS TATE COMING INTO THE OFFICE???”

That is NOT our plan.  Although you would all love him so much, the office would be more of a dog party than a chiropractic office.  And more importantly, he want to be in the mix of it all and he easily become a trip hazard for me…and also for all of YOU!!!  There are just too many moving parts inside of our days to make that happen.  For a long while anyway.  We will see once he is maybe a couple years old to see what kind of temperament he evolves into.  

If you are still reading this, THANK YOU!!!  It has been wordy however both of their stories deserve to be shared as this DOG MOM LIFE is the VERY BEST LIFE EVER!!!! 


What started as a dream way before I even went to chiropractic college, is now five years old!  

Five years ago today, June 14, 2018, I purchased this beautiful big blue building and converted it into a sacred healing space.  I did have the image that it would get to the point that it is today, however being in the “real-lifing” of a dream is…well I am not sure there are really words for it all.Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Dr Erica Peabody - Expansion

I remember when I first saw the listing on Zillow.  I took a quick screen shot of the listing and sent it to my realtor with the message “What is up with this?”

His quick response, I don’t know but LET’S GO TAKE A LOOK!

…and so the due diligence began. 

It was quite a process that went day by day collecting information, paperwork, getting inspections done, discussing with my personal “board of directors”, getting contractors eyes on it, and on and on.  

A process that began the end of February 2018 came to a close on June 14th and I got keys in hand.  

The cool thing was that I had a sidekick at the time.  The cooler thing is that said sidekick left and it was all me and has been that way ever since.  What makes that the “cooler thing” is that it drove me to spend many days and night figuring things out on my own.  The “cooler thing” is also that I drove me to make lots and lots of incredible connections with great contractors – too numerous to list – that still help me to this day.  I have become someone that people turn to when they are needing a trusted and reputable contractor for their projects and I am always happy to share those connections.  

After just a few months, I was able to move my chiropractic office here and open our doors.  Within just a few months I was able to begin to host other tenants doing health and wellness work and the Peabody Center for Well-Being took off!  

People often ask, “What do you do with all that space?”  

What space?!?!?  I don’t have any extra space as it is filled with incredible people doing incredible things!  When you walk into the building, you can feel the good mojo in here!  I purchased the building for the community.  Of course, it is a great investment personally, that is without a shadow of a doubt, however, this place is a community center and BIG BLUE holds the community well! 

So my questions to you are:




WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR?Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Home - Dr Erica Peabody - Grouchy

When you pull into our parking lot, you will walk down the sidewalk just off the parking lot and into our Center.  Upon entering the building, if you turn your gaze to the right, you will see an info wall.  There is a DIRECTORY there in the info center you can grab and see everyone in the building.  You can also grab yourself some business cards and get in touch with individual businesses that you are interested in.  

You can also find everyone on Facebook at Peabody Center for Well-Being   (<— click here).

You can find the Cafe of LIFE Chiropractic Center on Facebook or me personally at Dr Erica Peabody Facebook or Dr Erica Peabody Instagram.  I am very active and also respond to direct messages all the time.  If I can help, I want to!

Okay, now that all of that is said, I just wanted to say THANK YOU!  All of you!  If you are reading this, know that I am grateful for your support big and small inside of this beautiful BIG BLUE building!  It seems absolutely impossible that it has already been five years but here we are…and SO MANY MORE TO GO!!!  

I love you so much.  Thank you.