Month: October 2008
I have been wondering lately how can I squeeze a few more hours in a day? I mean literally, find a place to add a couple hours so that I would have more time to get stuff done. I am overwhelmed with what I have to accomplish by the end of this week. I guess that comes with my “jet-set” (as my practice members call it) lifestyle. I realize now that if I had stayed in town last weekend instead of hopping a plane, I would have my scarecrow finished that is supposed to be done by 9am tomorrow morning. You see…there is a Chamber of Commerce event called “An Event So Good Its Scary” that happens this Friday. Because I registered as a hospitality point, which just means that I will welcome Trick-or-Treaters into my office on Friday from 1-6, I also have to have a scarecrow for the Chamber to judge. This is all very fun stuff, I just press my limits sometimes of what I can accomplish is what amount of time. That is how I was born. So during my break today, I will be making a scarecrow so make sure to swing by the Cafe of LIFE to see this creation. I will post pictures…
Where does the time go?