It is “Throw Back Thursday” and exactly 10 years today that I graduated from Chiropractic College. From the time I started college to finishing with my doctorate was also 10 years.

It is very clear that decades go on in the blink of an eye and it truly is important to take each day lightly and have fun. I have had so many incredible experiences and memories, and have learned so much in this past decade.

In the last 10 year:

I graduated from Chiropractic College with these great guys and loaded up my things and moved home to Fenton, MI.

I moved in with my parents, moved into an apartment, bought a condo and bought a home.Chiropractor Fenton Michigan Graduation 12 18 04

I started a practice, Cafe of LIFE Chiropractic at 110 Trealout Dr, moved my practice to 114 W. Caroline Street (where Crust is currently) and we found permanent digs in 2010 at 521 N. Leroy St.

I have celebrated the marriage of my mother to my step dad, and 2 of my brothers to 2 very beautiful women.

I have welcomed 4 nieces and 3 nephews, and watched my brothers become fathers.

I have been to countless birthday parties, holiday parties and spent hundreds of hours at the lake with my family.

I have had 5 extraordinary women help me run my practice…Thank you Lauren, Rachel, Vickie, Angie and Alyssa.

I have had 7 of the greatest massage therapists on my team…Thank you Rachel, Teri, Kelli, Rachael, Toni, Kel Leigh and Nicole.

I have traveled a lot and have some fun stamps on my passport.

I have participated in a Chiropractic Service Trip <<–YouTube picture book (Peru August 2014).

I have run a marathon, Chicago in 2006, many half-marathons, Crim 10 milers and other races.

I have finished 4 triathlons.

I have been to hundreds of yoga classes, maybe close to a thousand.

I took yoga teacher training and doula training.

I have been in love, been loved and fallen out of love.

I have done a FLASH MOB, jumped out of an AIRPLANE and taken a ride in a helicopter.

I have had health challenges, sports injuries and have more faith in the body’s ability to heal than ever before.

I have attended births, I adjusted women before labor, during labor and immediately after birthing their babies.

I have checked and adjusted too many babies to count, more kids than I can imagine, and I can’t even fathom how many adults.

I have adjusted people minutes after birth and hours prior to death, and those who have just lost someone important.

I have laughed more in the last 10 years than ever before in my life.

I have had more fun than ever before in my life.

I have cried so many tears of joy and sorrow.

I have never loved life so much as I do at this point right now.

I have made so many great friends, lost a few and learned so much from connections with others.

I have learned to embrace the moment, be present to the day and squeeze as much juice out of life as I possibly can.

I am so grateful, so very very grateful to be of service to a community that has given me so much.

I am so freakin’ grateful for my support system of people near and far and grateful to have people in my life that help me keep my flame lit.

I had no idea when that picture above was taken at my graduation that all of this stuff would have happened.

It has been quite a ride, I look forward to seeing what the next 10 years will bring.

10 years today. Truly unbelievable it has been 10.








The month of November is such a great time to bring our focus back to gratitude.
We have a gratitude project happening at Cafe of LIFE Chiropractic this month. There is a gratitude station set up in the reception area and every time you come in, we are asking you take a moment and think of something you are grateful for. It could be something really big or super small. It could be something from today, or something from years ago. Absolutely anything you are grateful for, write it down on a leaf and we have a “gratitude tree” painted on our big windows that you can tape it to.
The only other thing we ask is that you take an extra moment, maybe 5 or 10 seconds to consider what it is that you are grateful for.

It is one of our favorite activities of the year, literally planting seeds of gratitude in our reception area that grow and flourish.  I have to say, honestly, day after day after day of that really builds some incredible energy.  With the Thanksgiving holiday right around the corner, what perfect timing!!!
We have had some teachers come in and borrow that idea to take it back to their classroom. I actually got the idea from a friend of mine who did it on their window at home and allowed the entire family to participate.
What are you grateful for?
One Monday, one women said “I have so much to be grateful for, how can I pick just one?”
Take a moment every single day for gratitude. Truly we are blessed beyond what words could express if we really take a good look.
While we are on this topic, I would like to express my gratitude to you for being in my life. If you are part of my practice, part of my family, part my circle of friends, a colleague, someone who is following this blog or a perfect stranger that has stumbled upon this post by chance, Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! When I count my blessings, you are one of them and I want to take a moment to express my gratitude.


We have one of the greatest “Pay it Forward” campaigns going on in and around my town but spreading far and wide.

Nash Schupbach lived a way too short 5 months.  The grief and pain of losing a child is, as everyone can imagine, incomprehensible.  A very sweet family here in town has had to endure the loss of their sweet smiling little Fenton Chiropractor Nash Daybundle of joy.  Shelly, Nash’s mom, has a blog (caffreshe.wordpress.com) that she has been gracefully sharing her story.  Not many would have the strength to share the details of such an event.  I commend her for talking about something that people do not talk about.  I have been following them throughout their journey.  Todd, Nash’s dad, is one of my youngest brother’s best friends.  Though I do not know Todd and Shelly well, this story is a little too close for comfort.

What this family has done with their grief is absolutely astounding.  They have taken their long tear-filled days and exchanged them for heading out into the community to spread random acts of kindness.  I think it was just a day or 2 following the funeral, Shelly went out into the streets of our precious town and stopped people to give them flowers and other small things just Fenton Chiropractor Nash Day Augustto spread smiles around.

These small gestures of kindness caught on like wildfire and newspapers, television and other media picked up and shared their story.

“What we give, we get.”

This did not put an end to the grieving of their sweet little boy, but it gave a new purpose and increased awareness in and around our little community…and has spread to different parts of the country and trickled out around the world.  We are lucky to have these kinds of people in our community.

Nash was born on the January 9th of this year.  They have made the 9th of each month a day for random acts of kindness.  I just love that idea and am hoping after you read this, you think of the 9th a little more sweetly.

“Have a Nash Day!!” is a line that has caught up with this movement.  To have a “Nash Day” means to spread a smile a little further than what you would usually do and smile a little bit more yourself.  It means to go out of your way to make a loved one or a stranger smile; someone already in your life or someone you simply pass on the street.Fenton Chiropractor Nash Day September

One month ago, I was at Machu Picchu on this day.  I was traveling with one of my team members that I served with on my Chiropractic Mission Trip to Peru (clicking RIGHT HERE will take you to a slideshow of the trip) I was trying to figure out how to do a complete random act of kindness but I also don’t speak the language (so many different nationalities visit Machu Picchu) and couldn’t come up with how to express the story to a stranger. So I bought a bus ticket for my teammate, Dr. John for Nash Day in August and added a smile to his day.

Today, as I am writing this, we are having a Nash Day at my chiropractic office Cafe of LIFE.  For the first 20 people that come in for their adjustments today, we are doing scratch-off tickets from the Michigan Lottery.  Just for fun.  Just because scratch-off tickets are fun and make people smile.

So get out there and Pay It Forward!  Something big, something small, even just a smile and a free hug…spread a big of kindness into your day today and Have a Nash Day!!!




As I laid “boca abajo” or face down on the table to get my own spine checked this afternoon, my heart, which had swelled to triple its normal size today, burst wide open. My teammate noticed my tears and asked “are you alright?” The best I could describe to him was “I am just raw”.

I am not sure which was more significant to me today:
1) Being invited to set up an “office” on someone’s lawn and share space with their chickens.Chiropractor Fenton Michigan 1

2) The little boy who was being dragged by the arm to get adjusted, who refused but hung out for 3 hours and watched, and then finally got on the table completely open and ready to have his spine checked.
3) The Quechua village women who all got adjusted and then sat as the rest of the village showed up and helped them understand how to go about the process of getting their spines checked.Chiropractor Fenton Michigan 2
4) Checking and adjusting an infant dressed in layers of beautiful wool as he breastfed in his mother’s lap.
Chiropractor Fenton Michigan 35) Serving side by side with one of the most incredible women I know.
Chiropractor Fenton Michigan 46) Being stopped on the road and invited right into someone’s dirt floor home to set up our tables and serve their community because they caught wind that there were chiropractors in our car as we drove by.  Chiropractor Fenton Michigan 5
7) The intense dirt road drive up this mountain along side 500 foot drop offs and not guard rails.
8) The beautiful travel nurse that understands chiropractic care and educates these communities when we show up.  A special shout out to our driver that chose to carry our tables for us, take pictures and help the people understand what we were doing and how to participate.Chiropractor Fenton Michigan 8

9) The huge language barrier we were dealing with as neither of us speak Quechuan, but realizing a smile and laughter is a universal language.Chiropractor Fenton Michigan 6

10) The roaring laughter as these communities were lit up and a chance to be a small part of their lives.
We have documented our day well and without these pictures, you would never truly be able to grasp the extent of it all. Truly a blessing.
When serving like this, all the “stuff” is stripped away. The documentation, monetary exchange, health insurance coverage, the bills to run an office, the layers and layers of things that are required to run a successful office in the country where we live. And then when you no longer have language to communicate…it becomes raw. It is a  deep look into beautiful stranger”s eyes, a soul to soul connection, a smile and the purest intention to give, love and serve from a deep, abundant well inside of me. It is the most beautiful thing I know of in this entire world.Chiropractor Fenton Michigan 7


Some friendships bridge all concepts of time and space.  I am sure you have someone like that in your life. It has been close to 2.5 years since I have seen one of my greatest friends, Lana.  Time never seems to matter with us.

In June, we spent a beautiful long weekend in the Dominican Republic at Hard Rock Hotel & Casino (if you happen to be heading that way, I highly recommend this spot).  Fenton Chiropractor Soul Sisters

The resort was amazing, the food was wonderful and, of course, the company I was with was the best part.

Life has twists and turns and many ups and downs.  Sometimes managing our own lives at home can be enough, much less trying to stay closely connected with friends that are 3 time zones away.  Lana and I do not get to actually talk much, but we hang with each other in spirit all the time.

We had 4 solid days of uninterrupted “girl time”;  no homes to take care of, no kids to tend to, no practices to worry about…just time together.  Absolutely priceless.

We talked about life and practice and family and challenges and books and nutrition and growth and men and helping others and health and workouts and friends and clothes and love and adventures and…and…and…

We had some great meals together.  We had a 2 hour walk on the beach.  We had some serious laughs.  We had a blast.  When Lana and I met, we knew we were kindred souls.  As time has gone by, it is apparent we have always been connected in some form.  We think alike, ride the same wavelength and our lives have run parallel learning a lot of the same lessons at the same times.

Its friends like Lana (and there are a few others I connect with at this level, you know who you are) that make this life so much sweeter.

Did I mention that she earned this trip and had an extra spot for me to just go along for the ride?  What a gift.  Truly a gift and when I look at the generosity of a friend like that, I am grateful to tears.

I am hoping that our next time together isn’t 2.5 years from now, I am pretty confident it will be sooner than that.  Though she lives in wine country in Northern California, I feel her support by my side on a daily basis.  Thank you my dear friend.  Thank you.


10 000 FEET

“We have now reached an altitude of 10,000 feet and it is safe to use approved portable electronic devices.”

Hmmmm….10,000 feet.  WAIT!!!!  10,000 feet!!!!  That is how high the plane was I jumped just a few weeks ago!!!  HOLY CATS!!!

I am in a window seat and I take a glance out of the plane and the feeling comes rushing back to me since my very last plane ride was on was the one I jumped out of.  I have a slightly, what some would call “photographic memory” and the image I just experienced when looking out of this window was like my brain went to rewind mode and took me right back to that moment i jumped.

WOW!  WOW!  WOW! and WOAH!!!!!

I am absolutely floored and filled with adrenaline again.  I can contain it because it is not appropriate to interrupt my neighbors as one is reading her book and the other is browsing through SkyMall magazine.

I am in absolute awe of flight every single time I get on a plane.  I fly a lot and some would think that maybe I would become desensitized to how amazing it is…but I never do.Fenton Chiropractor Sedona Arizona 10,000 feet

As we were sitting in line a few minutes ago, waiting for our time to take-off, I could see the plane that was taking off just ahead of us.  There is a HUMUNGOUS metal tube, on a few itty-bitty wheels, with 2 wings, filled with people and luggage, and at a certain speed, it gets just the right amount of lift and takes off INTO THE AIR!!!  Are you kidding me!?!?!!!!

I was a science major and physics was a big part of my curriculum so I understand conceptually how it all works, but I am still amazed.  Those Wright Brothers were geniuses!!  Not to mention the logistics that go into making air travel possible for the average Joe.

And do not even get me started with helicopters…

Since I was a little girl, I have always wanted to fly a helicopter.  I remember one day when I was around 8 years old, I watched a helicopter land about 150 yards from where I was.  I thought it was the coolest thing ever at the time.  I don’t know if my desire to fly a helicopter came from that moment or some other time but I remember that clearly.

So about 6 weeks ago, I was on another amazing adventure that took me to Sedona, AZ.  I didn’t have any place to stay and no plans so I stopped into a tourist center to get some information.  As the kind woman was setting me up with a room for the night, I thumbed through “Red Rock Helicopter Tours” brochure.  Wait…they only want that much for me to get on a HELICOPTER???  That’s it???  Those machines are so complex, I never thought it would be a reasonable price to get on one…and in Sedona, nonetheless.

When I arrived at the airport the next morning, the helicopter landed shortly thereafter and they proceeded to TAKE THE DOORS OFF!!!  So now let me get this straight…I get to be in the front seat of that helicopter, with the doors off and FLY OVER SEDONA?!?!?!  Seriously, this is an absolute dream come true!!

They get me situated in the seat and give me a headset.  I think the company was smart for putting me in a headset because I had to consciously push a button in order to speak to anyone.   I don’t even remember taking off because all that is going through my head was “THIS IS SO FREAKIN’ COOL!!  THIS IS SO FREAKIN’ COOL!!  THIS IS SO FREAKIN’ COOL!!”…and that would have been what would have been coming out my mouth too if people could hear me and we didn’t have to have a headset on.  Fenton Chiropractor Sedona Helicopter

In the 45 minute flight, I did press the button a couple times just to let the pilot know that I thought the experience was “SO FREAKIN’ COOL”.  I think I cried during most of that flight,  had tears of excitement and gratitude just simply because I was in that helicopter…it was that freakin’ cool to me.

It truly was.  Even to this day, when I think about that flight, that experience, I well-up with tears.

I do not know exactly where my love and fascination for flight came from or where it will take me.  I don’t know if I will pursue flying helicopters or not.  I have thought about getting my sky-diving certification and purchasing gear.  Though now I have done it and realize it is quite safe, I don’t think spending my weekends skydiving is exactly appropriate as a chiropractor, business owner, daughter, aunt, cousin (I am pretty sure one of my cousins will intercept my car on the drive there), and friend.

I do know one thing though, I will keep flying around, traveling and having some awesome experiences, and sharing them with you.

I think it is pretty freakin’ cool that just a few minutes ago, when the flight attendant said “10,000 feet”, it was like I was brand new in this life again.  Though I am not new, I have a renewed excitement today that only something like getting way outside my comfort zone and skydiving can create.  I know I will hear it often and it is really freakin’ cool that the phrase “10,000 feet” has such a profound new meaning to me and is an anchor I will use to life live even more fully.



The rose is known for it’s beauty and energy.  It is a symbol for “love and beauty” and different colors mean different things.  I remember growing up, when I got a rose that was white, it meant something similar to the “like” button on Facebook, yellow meant “friendship” and red meant “love”.  When roses were delivered in high school from someone, the color truly was significant…but the bottom line was everyone loves roses.

This evening I was having wine and a bite to eat with a friend, and since it was Mother’s Day, the restaurant was giving red roses out to all the females…basically making the assumption that they were mothers.photo-4

One of the servers at the restaurant taps me on the shoulder and says “Ma’am, would you like a rose?”  Instantly, and based on my assumption that “roses are for mothers only” I said “No thank you.  I don’t deserve one.  I am not a mom.”

WOAH!!!  HOLD YOUR HORSES!!!!  …now all of a sudden I have made an assumption that in order to “deserve” a rose, to be “worthy” of receiving a rose from a random restaurant server, I must have birthed a child into this world or somehow married into a step-mother role.

When absolutely ridiculous statements like that fall out of my mouth, a HUGE red flag goes up indicating it is a good time for me to take a step back and evaluate where on Earth it came from.

The friend I was sitting with was just the perfect person to have this conversation with as he reminded me that I am worthy of a rose…and so much more.  “You are like a palm tree in the North Pole…you give hope and you give life and put a smile on people’s faces”.  “Leaders and movers in the world were never placed on a yacht in the Bahamas, they were always where hungry and thirsty souls are.” and “Bloom where you are planted.”

Thank you my dear friend.

So I took the rose and I placed it on my purse and it became the center of conversation and a focal point for the rest of the evening.

Have you looked at a rose lately?  If you sit and are really present with a rose and you take the time to check out the intricacies of it’s structure…it is truly magnificent, a beautiful natural work of art.  As I brought the rose up to my nose for a smell, I was taken back by the beauty of the layers and layers of pedals that created this amazing thing…and to think all of that came from a very small rosebud is absolutely astounding.

In its infant stages, all of that gorgeous structure was already planned and mapped out.  A rosebud holds so much potential that is only expressed if it is nurtured and given what is necessary for growth.  …and the same holds true for each one of us.  There is such a magnificent, grand plan that will unfold in perfect timing and perfect beautiful structure if it is nurtured and given what is necessary for growth.  And if you look around, you will find this is also true for everything around you.

So let the beauty of a rose remind you of your inborn, INNATE potential to be magnificent and grand and beautiful and loved.  When you walk by the floral department in your local grocery, take a second glance at the beauty that is the rose in all of its gorgeous shades.  But do more than that…pick one out of the group, buy it, take it home, put it in water and place it by your kitchen sink.  Let it be your early morning reminder, your lunchtime reminder and your after dinner reminder of the beautiful potential that is you.  Nurture that potential and give yourself what is necessary to grow…and then get busy blooming where you are planted.




I am in the process of finishing another trip around the sun.  I have done quite a few of them; a lot less than some people and a lot more than others.

Every year brings new adventures and every year around this time I sit down and check in with myself and evaluate where I have been, where it is that I still want to go and how I am going to get there.

Sometimes during this evaluation process, I run right into an enormous mountain of “shoulds”…I SHOULD have done this by now, I SHOULD have done that by now, I SHOULD be more like this or that, I should…I should…I should.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

But if ever the comment of “I SHOULD” comes up, it is usually followed by a non-truth.  If it is true that I SHOULD be married by now, for example, then no doubt that would have happened.  If something really and truly SHOULD be happening right now, then it WOULD be.  Whatever is happening is exactly what is supposed to be happening because that IS what’s happening.  There is no reason to struggle with any other idea, any other false belief about what is going on in life.

So instead, I choose to set a different intention and look in the direction I want to go, look ahead and step into that.  This year, I am choosing to find a little more peace and quiet in my mind and my being.  I will continue to move in the direction of being as healthy as I possibly can be.  I look forward to some travel, a lot of learning and spending time dreaming.  I look forward to meeting new friends, stepping into the unknown just to see what happens and continue to connect with others by getting involved in more rich, rewarding experiences.

I have to say that this birthday is officially just a little less fun than last year.  I have turned a corner with the number of trips I have taken around the sun…and the number is making me have a teeny, tiny panic attack, a little tiny freak out session on the inside. I expected that feeling to begin to happen at some point…

Time will pass no matter what…and all too quickly.  As I am writing this, I am reminded of this sweet little clip about how we are “spending our dash”.  Take a moment…

So I am doing my best to get the most out of my “dash”.  I am living the best way I know how and learning as much as I can.  Birthdays are just birthdays and the day comes and goes quickly.  I believe it is even more beneficial to set a little time aside each day or week during our trips to have a small little celebration because there is an awful lot of juice to be squeezed out of each trip around the sun!




I physically connect with a few hundred different people per week through service at my chiropractic office Cafe of LIFE, my book club, the gym, the yoga studio and other things that I am involved in.  A large portion of those people are connected with me through Facebook as well and I make a conscious effort to share my life experiences along the way through that medium.  I get a lot of feedback and people say things like “Wow! You are all over the map!”, or “You are so free and do so many things!” or “You are always doing something fun.” or…well you get the picture.  I absolutely live a blessed life and am always trying to be involved in rich, rewarding experiences.  But am I REALLY living?

You may ask yourself, “what exactly does she mean ‘REALLY living’?”Fenton chiropractor where the magic happens

I was reading a book about 3 weeks ago which presented this new-to-me concept of what it means to REALLY LIFE life.  To REALLY LIVE life, I need to find myself stepping outside my comfort zone so that I can expand my ideas, concepts and limitations so that I may continue to grow and evolve.

I spend a lot of time by myself and I love going on adventures and make it a point to look at most experiences as great adventures…but lately I am asking myself, how adventurous am I really?

I have a lot of free time and sometimes I will see an event posted somewhere that I think will be really fun to attend, I have the time free and I really want to go…but I hold back because I don’t want to be the one to show up alone.  “What will people think if I am there by myself?”  “What if all the seats are in pairs and I am sitting there with an empty seat next to me?”  “What if everyone is talking in groups and no one wants to strike up a conversation with me and so I awkwardly stand off to the side alone?”  “If only I could find a friend to go with me and I will be comfortable.”

I also come across events happening in places I have never been and I am held back from going by thoughts like “How am I going to be able to navigate traffic and parking?”  “What if I have the wrong shoes and end up having to walk a long distance?” “What if I don’t want to participate once I arrive?”  “What if it is a really bad experience?”

If I only participate in events that I know exactly what is happening when I get there and who will be in attendance…am I REALLY living?  If all the details are already known, and everything plays out as anticipated, how am I going to grow, expand and evolve from that experience?

When I heard this idea, just 3 weeks ago, that maybe I was not REALLY living, I vowed to myself that if something came up that I really wanted to do, and I couldn’t find anyone else who could or would want to go, then I will still go anyway. I will show up alone, to unknown places, and unknown people and get involved in activities that I do not know all the details ahead of time just to see what will happen and how it will pan out.  Why not?  I have nothing to lose and EVERYTHING to gain!

So I have started…I began with a new yoga studio that I had heard about and have wanted to try for some time now…and ended up having the most intense and amazing yoga experience of my life thus far.  While I was at that class, I was inspired to attend a class at the same location just a couple days later that turned out to be one of the most amazing experiences of live music and yoga I have been involved in thus far.  So now that I have had such great reward from stepping outside my usual and customary routine in life, I am inspired to do so much more…and I can tell this is going to snowball since I have only lived in this new thinking pattern for 3 weeks…which is a really great thing and gets me even more jazzed up about life than I already was so WATCH OUT WORLD!!!!

I am looking forward to more great adventures and trust me, when they present themselves…I am jumping because I AM REALLY LIVING THIS LIFE!!!!  Do you have a recent story that helps you relate to the idea of REALLY living life?  I would love if you would share and be an inspiration for me and others to keep stepping outside our comfort zone, since that is where life happens.  We only get one chance…




“HELLO!  HELLO!  HELLO!” is such a familiar greeting in my childhood.  “Mom, why does grandma say ‘Hello’ three times when we walk in?” my 7 year old self would ask as we walked into my grandmother’s home who lived just one mile down the street from where I grew up.

I just heard that familiar greeting as I am sitting in the living room at my grandmother’s home in her golf oasis in Florida as a few of her friends arrive for a visit.  I have been here all weekend with some other family members as my grandmother moves nearer and nearer to THE final destination.  Yes, she is dying.  Not today.  Not tomorrow.  Not this week.  Probably not next week or the week after.  Within a month or two she will leave this earthly plane but in the meantime she is alive and living the best that she can and we are here to experience some of that.

I feel fortunate to be privy to some of the stories that are shared in such an intimate setting.  I always knew my grandmother was strong, powerful, full of life and opinionated.  However, as I sit and listen the stories this weekend (and of course stories I have heard over the years) she is also a real person with real life experiences, has had many ups and downs, has shed a lot of tears, has found love and happiness and has the most contagious, roaring laugh on the planet.

My Mom is here, a few aunts and uncles, with other neighborhood friends of my grandparent’s stopping by during the days.  Grandma is spending most of the day relaxing, reminiscing and resting.  We have done a lot of sitting and talking, literally hours of sitting and talking.  We have all shed tears, shared stories, asked questions and done a ton of laughing.  In fact, the first morning I woke up here, I thought to myself how great it is to be awakened from sleep by roaring family laughter, especially considering these circumstances.

During this time, we have drawn out the family tree.  My grandmother birthed 10 children.  My grandfather, who isn’t my grandfather by blood but has been “Grandpa” to me for close to 30 years, has 7 children of his own.  There are layers of grandchildren and great grandchildren and the total count of immediate family comes to 96 people total.  WOW!!!  Isn’t that an absolute monstrosity of a family!!!

“It’s a myth that a big family is always happy.  We have our share of tears, but there is a network support system that always goes into gear in time of need.  My children were the reason I got up in the morning” a direct quote from my grandmother back in 1981 when she was voted “Mother of the Year” by the local Fenton newspaper at the time.

That “network support system” has always been a central idea to how our family was run and I see it in my generation, especially when it comes to my own siblings and nearest and dearest.  That theme is a powerful part of what my life was built around especially considering my dad was one of his own natural support network of 9 children.

There is nothing like family, absolutely nothing that can replace these blood connections.  When family gets to these numbers, there are good eggs and bad eggs, however we are all connected and always will be connected in a way that runs strong and deep behind the scenes…and largely due to the ideas of the amazing matriarch that started this show.

My grandmother is a legend and one of my heroes.  I know she will never truly grasp in this lifetime the extent of her extraordinary life and contribution to this world.  She will never realize what an amazing person she is, her beauty, her strength and how much good she contributed while she is here.  But her faith is strong and I know she will figure that out as soon as she sheds her current failing body.

When she leaves this earthly plane, she will travel effortlessly to wherever she believes Heaven is and I know God will know when she arrives because he will hear her roaring laughter and her infamous “HELLO! HELLO!  HELLO!”.  May peace be with you in your process of transitioning, Grandma, and thanks in advance for watching over all 95 of us from the other side.