In the chilling 30 degree wind, dodging rain drops and snow flakes, I learned something HUGE at the Michigan State vs. Ohio State football game last weekend. It begs me to start asking the question “Am I ready?” in my life on a regular basis.

If you know anything about either football team, they are both really good. My team, the Spartans, have finally put an excellent, high-quality team together after all these years and everyone knows that Ohio State is good and has been that way for a long, long time.

The teams came together at Spartan Stadium a week ago.  The anticipation surrounding that game was intense…everyone talking about it, looking forward to it, trash talking the other team, the whole thing.  It was probably one of the most highly anticipated games of the season in this region.Fenton Chiropractor MSU

If Ohio State beat my team, it really put the Spartans in a tough place.  After the previous season and a huge Rose Bowl win, this particular loss meant no playoffs at all and no big bowl game.

And that is exactly what happened.

I have to say that the better team won and I made an interesting observation while I was freezing my behind off sitting in the stands that night.

When Michigan State is up, they are up.  But when something goes wrong, they start moping around the field.

Sometime in the 2nd quarter there was a bad call by the refs.  With that bad call was our first unanswered touchdown drive.  Then, a missed field goal.  Coming out of that drive, Ohio State regains possession and you can see the mope happening in our team.  The mope of the players on the field begins this domino effect of the mope of the crowd in the stands.  It is as though the wind has been stripped out of our sails and all is doomed.  That may sound exaggerated but truly that is what it feels like to be in the stands.  The only hope for lifting energy in those moments is our fantastic marching band, but that only goes so far.

On the other hand, if Ohio State made a bad play, and there was a fumble and a few other turnovers, they stay on their horses and get right back out there.  They are ready every single time they get on the field and I can feel that from the stands.

One way this shows up as the game goes on is when the players take the field and get out to their starting positions, Ohio State players run/jog with enthusiasm all the way to their starting point.  Michigan State players take to the field with a jog, and if this start follows a play that didn’t go their way, they slow to a walk and take their starting positions.

Energetically this feels like OSU players are ready, really ready for whatever happens next.  Michigan State players are flat, they are settled into the ground, heavy and seem like they are hoping and praying for luck to turn in their favor.  Quite frankly, games are not won on luck alone.  I am not saying they truly are banking on luck, but that is what it feels like.  If the last play ended in their favor, they have a spunk to their step.   It is a pendulum that swings good and bad, high and flat, all game long and has for years.  …and the entire crowd in the stadium follows that lead.

It takes readiness and opportunity to win this college football game, but also the game of life.   When readiness isn’t there, opportunity is missed.Chiropractor Fenton Michigan Am I Ready

So let me ask you, have you ever shown up with “flat” energy to a meeting for work?  Have you shown up with “flat” energy to the gym?  Have you ever shown up flat and moping for your shower in the morning?  I know for me, when I show up with flat energy to the gym or even for my morning shower, it takes exceptionally more energy to get moving than if I energetically jog up to my starting point.

People often ask me about my office and how we work so efficiently and handle serving people so easily.  I never realized it but unconsciously when I walk in the doors of Cafe of LIFE Chiropractic, I energetically jog.  My whole staff does this. The first person on my table is usually ready and waiting for me.  I don’t physically jog up to the table, but that is exactly where I am energetically.

Do I always feel like it?  No, however if I do it whether I feel like it or not, I start to take on that readiness feeling, it takes over my being, and I am able to serve from that place regardless of what was happening just minutes prior.

This also happens in my workouts.  Sometimes I just do not feel like moving.  If I can get to the place that I planned my workout, whether that be the gym, yoga studio or outdoor trail somewhere, and I can find it in me to jog into my starting position, everything gets easier from there.

How are you showing up?

Regardless of the awareness OSU’s team brought to me, by no means am I wanting you to become a Ohio State fan, we all know better than that!  What I would like to suggest is taking a moment in the morning and asking yourself “Am I ready?”.  Take a moment to notice what pace you are approaching your starting position.  Are you flat and moping into your starting position or are you jogging right up to that place?  If you can see that mope I have talked about above, make a shift, pick up your pace, lift up your chest.  No matter if the last play worked for you or against you, be ready.  Readiness wins games and I am thoroughly convinced it plays a HUGE role in the game of life as well.





The month of November is such a great time to bring our focus back to gratitude.
We have a gratitude project happening at Cafe of LIFE Chiropractic this month. There is a gratitude station set up in the reception area and every time you come in, we are asking you take a moment and think of something you are grateful for. It could be something really big or super small. It could be something from today, or something from years ago. Absolutely anything you are grateful for, write it down on a leaf and we have a “gratitude tree” painted on our big windows that you can tape it to.
The only other thing we ask is that you take an extra moment, maybe 5 or 10 seconds to consider what it is that you are grateful for.

It is one of our favorite activities of the year, literally planting seeds of gratitude in our reception area that grow and flourish.  I have to say, honestly, day after day after day of that really builds some incredible energy.  With the Thanksgiving holiday right around the corner, what perfect timing!!!
We have had some teachers come in and borrow that idea to take it back to their classroom. I actually got the idea from a friend of mine who did it on their window at home and allowed the entire family to participate.
What are you grateful for?
One Monday, one women said “I have so much to be grateful for, how can I pick just one?”
Take a moment every single day for gratitude. Truly we are blessed beyond what words could express if we really take a good look.
While we are on this topic, I would like to express my gratitude to you for being in my life. If you are part of my practice, part of my family, part my circle of friends, a colleague, someone who is following this blog or a perfect stranger that has stumbled upon this post by chance, Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! When I count my blessings, you are one of them and I want to take a moment to express my gratitude.


It’s the simple things…It has been an absolutely beautiful day! I got to wake up in the beautiful state of Vermont this morning. I had the most delicious breakfast that the sweetest man made for me. We packed up the car and drove 40 minutes up to the beautiful little town of Stowe, Vermont. There is a beautiful chiropractic practice filled with people here that he has to tend to…I continue on up to the mountain, gear up and am out on the slopes by 8:30.

There isn’t a whole lot of natural snow but Stowe Mountain Resort does an amazing job with their man-made snow…and it allows me a chance to strap on my snowboard!!! It is obvious they take a lot of pride in their mountain and the snow conditions they prepare for us to ride on. There are just a couple lifts open and maybe 4-6 runs with snow enough to get on them. The morning is brisk but the sun in shining and the view from the top is absolutely breathtaking. It is in these moments that I am surrounded by so much beauty that I have an overwhelming feeling of being so grateful for my life!

I cruise for a while, getting the most out of each run. I wish I could explain the feeling on a snowboard, for those of you who have never been. It is a controlled slipping and sliding. There is some of it that you can take charge of, however so much is about finding the best line down the run and committing. It isn’t an adrenaline thing for me…for some, I am sure it is. For me, it is about being so present to the conditions, so conscious of the next move that there isn’t time to think about one other thing. It is meditative, freeing and makes me feel so ALIVE!!!
I meet up with a couple new friends and do a few runs with them to finish the morning.

It is lunchtime and in just a short 15 minute drive is that sweetest man that made me breakfast this morning…he will be needing to find lunch as well, so I join him.  In this small town of Stowe, there is some really incredible hippie restaurants that are simple and easy.  It is quite a common thing to find good quality, healthy food in this area.  I LOVE THAT!!!  We have great conversation and a huge laugh about a “mullet email” and then he has to head back to serve his people for the afternoon.

I find my way up to a spa.  I need to use their facilities in order to clean up and get ready for the rest of the day. It was going to be a $50 entry fee into the spa however they allowed me to use their shower and lounge area for $20.  What a treat!  I flew late last night after a long, good day of work, got up early this morning, snowboarded hard for a few hours and by this point I am beat and just need some quiet time.  It was the most beautiful place and such an awesome way to spend the afternoon.  They didn’t skip a beat when it comes to details around that place and I appreciated every bit of it.

My next move was to head back to town and do a little bit of shopping and here I sit in a quaint coffee shop, able to have an extra moment to blog.  So far this has been the perfect day!

I am writing out all these details so that you can experience the simplicity of what made my day so wonderful.  It truly is the simple things that make this life worth living.  It is a smiling face, a breakfast made with love, kisses, hugs, a car ride through the mountains, time on the slopes, beautiful scenery, great food, big laughs, a warm shower in a beautiful place, a quaint little coffee shop, and time to share it all.  Life is beautiful, however things are so much sweeter when shared.


I attended a football game at Michigan State University this past Saturday “GO SPARTANS!!!”. I love going to the campus, I love being in the stadium and I just love everything about a day of college football. It was the most beautiful day for a football game and we sat in some really great seats…well, great seats to watch the game, not so great seats for one particular fan, or “anti-fan”, that sat behind us. The entire game, this anti-fan shouted out the meanest thinChiropractor Fenton Michigan - Dr Erica Peabody -The Anti-fangs. He was a MSU fan and I am pretty sure one that has been attending games for years and years. He was loud, angry, negative and down-right mean. They would do something great and he would be sarcastic with his support. They would do something bad and he would shout something like “WELL WE HAVE GROWN TO EXPECT THAT FROM YOU GUYS!!!” They would start moving the ball down the field and he would act shocked, they would have a turnover and he would go back to his “of-course-that-just-happened” attitude. It was unbelievable that someone would pay money to come to a college football game and knock their team so much…to top it off, he was not quiet about it. His wife was with him and a younger woman sat on his other side…both of them were ultra-quiet…and it went on the entire game.

There are two things I learned from that…1. I am really glad I do not have anyone in my life that is that negative and 2. if you are a fan, BE A FAN!!! There is a saying “You get more bees with honey than vinegar”. If you are looking for positive results, it is important to have a positive attitude. Now some would ask, how much effect could one guy in the stands have on a team that is down on the field? and, does it really matter if one guy is being negative in a crowd of positivity? Have you ever heard the saying “One bad apple spoils a bushel”? I was not letting him effect me on a conscious level, but who knows what he was doing on a subconscious level to my energy, much less everyone else around him. More than anything, if a guy is that pissed off and negative at a wonderful college sporting event, I can only imagine what he is like in a stressful situation. If someone like that is the patriarch of a family, I would wager his negativity infiltrates his family members…and I know for a fact that it is effecting his health.

It isn’t always easy to keep a positive attitude, especially when life seems to be throwing you lemons…but what about that saying “When life throws you lemons, make lemonade”. By writing about this, I am by no means complaining about him. I am hoping to increase the awareness around attitude. When someone asks “How are you?” let’s run through 2 possible answers. “Not bad.” is one possible answer…but “Not bad.” leans towards negative energy. What if when asked how you are, you answer “I am good.” or “I am really great!”. Even just saying those two answers, as compared to the first, really changes the energy of how you are feeling…and in essence changes the energy in and around your body.

How are you spending your life? Where are you focusing your energy? What small changes can you make to shift your perspective in a more positive direction? Let’s start today…we only get one chance to make this the best life possible!