I am fully convinced endurance is the key to success.

I have run marathons, half-marathons and climbed to the rooftop of Africa.  I have done triathlons, 60-90 minute Dr Erica Peabody - Don't Die With Your Daypack - Chiropractor Fenton Michiganextreme hot yoga classes and 50 mile bike rides and ran a thriving family chiropractic office for 14 years.  I endured 10 years of school beyond high school and driven 3,000 miles from Anchorage, Alaska to Atlanta, Georgia.  I have spent countless hours studying, during school and since by doctorate degree and taken many long plane rides, longest being 26 hour plane ride from Detroit to Kilimanjaro.

I never realized just how much endurance has played into my equation for success until a few months ago.

I was sitting down for lunch with one of my mentors in Florida and he says “I am really proud of you.”  He then continues, “Anyone can work hard enough and earn the degree but not many can really do what it takes to run the business the way you have and succeeded in practice and kept that kind of energy doing it all by yourself.”

Here is a clue to my internal workings, I just expect that of myself and I do not give myself an “out” to not do what needs to be done when it needs to be done.  …and that goes for every area of my life.

I was shocked when he said that mostly for the simple fact of the expectations I set on myself but when I really do look back and see how far I have come I have done this all on my own.  Granted I do have an INCREDIBLE support network in my life for sure that pick me up, dust me off and give me a kick in the rear to get going again.  I have to take a

Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Endurance - Dr Erica Peabody

moment to thank my amazing team Nikki, Teri, Stephanie and Laura – you ladies make this entire dream worth living and working so hard for!!!!  THANK YOU!!!  THANK YOU!!!  THANK YOU!!!!

One week prior to that trip to Florida, I was presented with an incredible business opportunity.  The evening before this particular lunch with my mentor, Mike and I were out to dinner and I got wind that the opportunity was actually a reality if I wanted it for the taking.

So I jumped.

I had no idea that the words that my mentor said at that time about my endurance for what I am doing would ring truer and louder than ever before in my life.  I had no idea how much that trek up Mt. Kilimanjaro would help me the past 3 months.  I had no idea that Chicago Marathon in 2005 and all the half marathons and all those miles training out on the trails to prep for those grueling 26.2 and 13.1 miles would help me through this time in my life since March.

As I endured 6 months in that walking boot last year and 3-4 trips to the gym still training, some would chime in and ask “what are you training for now?”

“I am training for LIFE!”  was always my answer.

Yes I have had road races and triathlons and trek and swims and hikes that I have trained for in the past, I have

Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - The Second Strap - Dr Erica Peabody

always had something in front of me that would inspire me daily to keep going…but I had no idea it was all for these past 3 months.  The meetings, emails, lists, meetings, emails and more lists, along with straight up execution on all of these things day in and day out aside from my newly engaged life and busy practice…this is what I have been training for.  If I am totally honest, I have developed slight PTSD opening my email these days in fear of one more list, one more thing, one more meeting that will need to be tended to.

And I still have yet to birth my own children and raise my own family…I hear that takes some serious endurance and I am certain that this time in my life is just mere preparation for those next steps too.

Patients ask me all the time, “What is your next big adventure?”  “What is the next mountain you are going to climb?”  Little did you know I have been climbing one of the biggest mountains in my life and you are all right along side me.

All of this “talking in code” and not being able to disclose this information has been a multiplying factor for the endurance of this climb.  I love being able to bounce ideas off of my people, my board of directors especially, and share.  I feel like when I share I am able to download and reprocess things inside of my mind and being and create some form of order.  I have been unable to do that due to the nature of this incredible plan. Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Endurance - Dr Erica Peabody

HOLY COW DOC!?!?!?!??!!!!!!  Are you leaving us?????  Nope I am here and setting even deeper roots into the Fenton community than ever before.  I am more here than I have ever been before.  I am more excited than I have ever been before.  I am more charged up about life and living and serving than ever before.  We are taking things up to a whole new level and are going to be able to be a beacon of light, a true heartbeat of health and wellness inside of our community and although I need another week or so to really share the plans, trust me it is really, really good and worth all the endurance.Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Endurance - Dr Erica Peabody

Now if you possibly think I could tackle something like this on my own…well thank you and yes I probably could, however I wouldn’t want to without the greatest partner in life walking shoulder to shoulder right at my side.  He props me up, he settles me down, he charges me up and knocks me on my behind when I need it.  He has been a solid driving force since our day one together however even more so now that this kind of rubber is meeting the road and this kind of traction is needed.  There were a few moments during this process that I had to consider if I would do something like this on my own…the answer us YES I would and could and will if necessary.  But in saying all that, I am so so grateful, ever so grateful to you my Love.  Thanks for everything Babe.  Good thing he is a three-time Ironman, I knew endurance was part of the fabric he was cut from since the start.

Stay tuned!!!  It is just getting good.

10 000 FEET

“We have now reached an altitude of 10,000 feet and it is safe to use approved portable electronic devices.”

Hmmmm….10,000 feet.  WAIT!!!!  10,000 feet!!!!  That is how high the plane was I jumped just a few weeks ago!!!  HOLY CATS!!!

I am in a window seat and I take a glance out of the plane and the feeling comes rushing back to me since my very last plane ride was on was the one I jumped out of.  I have a slightly, what some would call “photographic memory” and the image I just experienced when looking out of this window was like my brain went to rewind mode and took me right back to that moment i jumped.

WOW!  WOW!  WOW! and WOAH!!!!!

I am absolutely floored and filled with adrenaline again.  I can contain it because it is not appropriate to interrupt my neighbors as one is reading her book and the other is browsing through SkyMall magazine.

I am in absolute awe of flight every single time I get on a plane.  I fly a lot and some would think that maybe I would become desensitized to how amazing it is…but I never do.Fenton Chiropractor Sedona Arizona 10,000 feet

As we were sitting in line a few minutes ago, waiting for our time to take-off, I could see the plane that was taking off just ahead of us.  There is a HUMUNGOUS metal tube, on a few itty-bitty wheels, with 2 wings, filled with people and luggage, and at a certain speed, it gets just the right amount of lift and takes off INTO THE AIR!!!  Are you kidding me!?!?!!!!

I was a science major and physics was a big part of my curriculum so I understand conceptually how it all works, but I am still amazed.  Those Wright Brothers were geniuses!!  Not to mention the logistics that go into making air travel possible for the average Joe.

And do not even get me started with helicopters…

Since I was a little girl, I have always wanted to fly a helicopter.  I remember one day when I was around 8 years old, I watched a helicopter land about 150 yards from where I was.  I thought it was the coolest thing ever at the time.  I don’t know if my desire to fly a helicopter came from that moment or some other time but I remember that clearly.

So about 6 weeks ago, I was on another amazing adventure that took me to Sedona, AZ.  I didn’t have any place to stay and no plans so I stopped into a tourist center to get some information.  As the kind woman was setting me up with a room for the night, I thumbed through “Red Rock Helicopter Tours” brochure.  Wait…they only want that much for me to get on a HELICOPTER???  That’s it???  Those machines are so complex, I never thought it would be a reasonable price to get on one…and in Sedona, nonetheless.

When I arrived at the airport the next morning, the helicopter landed shortly thereafter and they proceeded to TAKE THE DOORS OFF!!!  So now let me get this straight…I get to be in the front seat of that helicopter, with the doors off and FLY OVER SEDONA?!?!?!  Seriously, this is an absolute dream come true!!

They get me situated in the seat and give me a headset.  I think the company was smart for putting me in a headset because I had to consciously push a button in order to speak to anyone.   I don’t even remember taking off because all that is going through my head was “THIS IS SO FREAKIN’ COOL!!  THIS IS SO FREAKIN’ COOL!!  THIS IS SO FREAKIN’ COOL!!”…and that would have been what would have been coming out my mouth too if people could hear me and we didn’t have to have a headset on.  Fenton Chiropractor Sedona Helicopter

In the 45 minute flight, I did press the button a couple times just to let the pilot know that I thought the experience was “SO FREAKIN’ COOL”.  I think I cried during most of that flight,  had tears of excitement and gratitude just simply because I was in that helicopter…it was that freakin’ cool to me.

It truly was.  Even to this day, when I think about that flight, that experience, I well-up with tears.

I do not know exactly where my love and fascination for flight came from or where it will take me.  I don’t know if I will pursue flying helicopters or not.  I have thought about getting my sky-diving certification and purchasing gear.  Though now I have done it and realize it is quite safe, I don’t think spending my weekends skydiving is exactly appropriate as a chiropractor, business owner, daughter, aunt, cousin (I am pretty sure one of my cousins will intercept my car on the drive there), and friend.

I do know one thing though, I will keep flying around, traveling and having some awesome experiences, and sharing them with you.

I think it is pretty freakin’ cool that just a few minutes ago, when the flight attendant said “10,000 feet”, it was like I was brand new in this life again.  Though I am not new, I have a renewed excitement today that only something like getting way outside my comfort zone and skydiving can create.  I know I will hear it often and it is really freakin’ cool that the phrase “10,000 feet” has such a profound new meaning to me and is an anchor I will use to life live even more fully.



Every single time I am on a plane, I am amazed, thrilled and in awe of flight and flying.  I have been on small Cessna planes in the past so going up in one was not a big deal for me this past Sunday…well until we left the ground and I knew I wasn’t going to be doing a usual “wheels down” kind of landing once I took off from the runway…and that is when the nerves kicked in.

I do not have a “bucket list” so to speak, however the concept of having a “bucket list” is so main-stream that as soon as I started telling people that I had signed up to jump out of a plane, that was the next phrase from their mouths, so I have just gone with it.  I am fascinated by flight, flying and in this case, more like dropping.Fenton Chiropractor skydiving

The flight has been planned for over a month and as the time was drawing near, I could feel the intensity of my nerves increasing.  I believe in LIVING this life FULLY and, as I have stated many times before, am always in the pursuit of RICH, REWARDING EXPERIENCES…that is how I ended up on that plane with a guy and a parachute strapped to my back.

There were a few other people getting ready to do their first jumps while I was there.  I heard the woman working the desk tell one of the other nervous first-time jumpers “Those guys are skydiving (meaning the instructors), you are just going with them.”  Very interesting perspective.

The instructors were amazing, especially the one I was jumping with.  There was ample, clear instructions blended with just the right amount of comforting/encouragement/kick-you-in-the-pants dialogue going on.

When I am overwhelmed, my body goes into tears or hysterical laughter…on the plane ride up, I couldn’t hide my tears, he knew it and responded “You are going to make me feel bad if you are crying when I push you out of this plane.”Fenton Chiropractor Free Fall

The plane slows down, the door pops open and I slide to the edge.  We are facing the rear of the plane and the instructor puts his left leg out and foot on a step.  Then it is my turn.  I have to take both of my legs and swing them out and let them dangle while he finishes getting us ready.  The plane is going 80mph at this point so the wind is enough to knock you right off (and if you watch the video link below, you can see me mouth expletives at that point).

He signals and I lean back into him, he wraps me up and out we go.  It is nothing less than sheer terror sitting with my legs dangling outside the plane.  The terror is because I have a decision to make, jump or don’t jump.  Once the decision is made and we are out of the plane, it is easy.  There is no turning back at that point.  The only option is to let go, seriously, you can do nothing else.

As we are plummeting toward the Earth going 120mph, there are a few thoughts going through my head, however nothing is registering because ultimately nothing really matters at that moment.  It is a moment that I have completely given up and given over trust to my instructor.  Total trust…total faith…and mind you, he is a complete stranger to me.  I think of all the reasons to be fearful of skydiving, becoming completely vulnerable to a stranger, and putting your life in their hands, is the scariest part.  Somehow, he was able to take an incredible video, 400+ pictures and keep us safe all at the same time.  That is some serious talent!!!

I am so glad I purchased the video and picture package: grateful for the video for very obvious reasons as seen below, but grateful for the pictures due to how much raw emotion is shown in my face…and then add in a 120mph wind and the face does some pretty funny things.

Since the jump, so many people have asked me if I will do it again.  There are quite a few people in my life that will be less than thrilled if I do go, but if the time is right and the opportunity presents itself, I am all for it.

Getting outside our comfort zone is really where all the magic happens in life.  Getting WAY OUTSIDE that comfort zone allows some true shifts to occur that will forever change us as individuals.  I was terrified in that moment of sitting on the edge and dangling my feet.  Because I made the next move, assisted by Josh, I am changed forever…in a good way.

The experience was such an amazing life lesson of trust, faith, vulnerability and letting go.

The question has come up a lot of “Did your stomach drop when you were in free fall?”  It is so interesting because the plane is already going 80mph when I am hanging out of it.  Then we drop at a speed of 120mph and there isn’t much of an actual feeling in the stomach…it truly felt like I was flying.  I was heading downwards, but I could only really tell that due to me seeing the ground getting closer, there wasn’t a dropping sensation at all.  And of course, once the parachute is out, it is just peaceful soaring the rest of the way to the ground.

My challenge for you…before the end of the year, check something off that bucket list of yours or at least set some plans in place to accomplish something in it next year.  At the very least, step outside your comfort zone somewhere in your life.  It is hard to predict what will happen, however dropping into it and letting go may very well turn into flying.





I have done my fair share of traveling in my life and have spent a lot of time on planes since I moved home in 2004. I always try to get a window seat because I love seeing what there is to see while we sit and wait for the plane to take off. I am also the one with my nose glued to the glass during portions of the flight and of course the landing. More often than not, prior to take-off I find myself in a daze watching as these huge planes arChiropractor Fenton Michigan - Dr Erica Peabody - I am amazed everytimee filled with people and luggage. I am amazed the logistical phenomenon that is our airline systems…I mean really, how on Earth do they get all those bags to the right spots?!?! I marvel in the simple fact that something that big could fly through the air and carry people comfortably from one location to some place completely different. I know our civilization has been flying for years and years, and I myself have taken numerous flights…but I am so fascinated by the concept of flight. Loading up in Detroit in the middle of winter and arriving in Costa Rica, in a totally different country, climate and culture…that is totally awesome!

With how intense (in a good way) my life is at home, coupled with my ability to completely relax on vacation, flying somewhere sometimes feels like getting on a time machine. The last 2 weeks of March was a very intensely stressful time for me. In the middle of the 2 weeks, it just so happened that I had a trip to Colorado planned. I got to a boiling point and since my trip to Colorado was mostly for fun, I almost backed out of going. After asking a bunch of questions and weighing a few things, I decided to go…and what perfect timing! I left the crazy chaos going on here and as soon as I sat down on the plane, it all melted away. In a short 2.5 hour plane ride, I was half way across the country, with great friends, beautiful sunshine and peace of mind to enjoy the weekend. It truly is amazing to “sit in a chair in the air” and end up thousands of miles away. The following link is one of my favorites…half way through is when he starts his discussion about flight and he hits the nail on the head…I laugh so hard every time I watch this.

His whole concept of “Everything is Amazing and Nobody is Happy” is so right on. Take a look around and find a little something to be amazed by and grateful for. So many of the thigns around you are absolutely amazing…even the simple fact that I can write this blog sitting at my desk and my Grandmother can read it from her home in Florida…and you can read it from wherever you are!! This LIFE truly is AMAZING!!! …and we only get one chance.