Many people are asking about my house.

Back in the beginning this year I wrote a blog called “I’m Not Crazy” about how, in spite of all kinds of different ideas and opinions everyone has about moving from a lake home, I had plans to sell my house.

I think it is so interesting how life works sometimes.

Very shortly following that final decision to sell, I met a really interesting man.  Most of you know that I have been single and dating for years, sometimes what seems like years and years.  This guy came into my life and just a couple weeks later I got a great offer on my home.  He and I were playing with the idea of keeping the house in case we Chiropractor Fenton Michigan My Housewent the distance together.  It was so early in our relationship that we really didn’t know much about our future.  It got down to the wire of having to counter the offer or take the house off the market.  As the minutes ticked by, I was in sheer panic trying to figure out if I should really sell and move on or keep it and stay put.

As the final minute to counter that offer approaches, I pulled the house off the market.  It was a heart-centered decision about my life I was ultimately really happy with my choice.  The couple that had made the offer came up with another offer meeting me half way from their original offer and the asking price.  My response remained “it is not on the market anymore.”  Then they came within $3,000 of full asking price…but I remained happy with my choice.

That particular gentleman and I didn’t end up going the distance.  However, months later, I am still so grateful for him being in my life at that moment when that decision needed to be made.

Today I sit and write to you while overlooking the lake.  It is fall and it is time to get the boats out of the water, roll up the docks, and batten down the hatches to take on Old Man Winter.  I face west and that unencumbered west winter wind is absolutely brutal from here most of the time.  I have a few new windows ordered to replace some old cabin windows, some insulation and other fall chores to be done and a new incredibly sweet handyman in my life ready and willing to help me tackle it all.  For all of that and so much more, I am grateful.

Life takes twists and turns and I have chosen that, instead of trying to force decisions, I can get quiet, look around, listen to my inner voice, check in with my heart and make that next step.

From what I mentioned above, I am sure your mind goes to the question of “Is that ‘incredibly sweet handyman’ going to be it for me?”  I can say one thing for sure…for right now, I am so very grateful for his presence in my life.  That is all I know.

Seems as soon as I try to make some sort of plan for my future; home, relationship or otherwise, I get blind-sided and spun around in a completely different direction.  For now, what I am certain about is that I am staying in my house.

When you look back on your life, can you see key moments and people or experiences that significantly changed the course of the path your life was moving on?  Boy, I do.  It is sometimes so hard to see through all the energy of the moment, however in retrospect it seems 20/20.  For now I will sit back in my house, breathe, have gratitude and trust the next move will be obvious when it needs to happen.




I have to update you on this incredible story.

Do you remember my beautiful cousin, Danielle (My First Best Friend) and her husband Scott?  Well it has been over a year and I have to share this beautiful clip with you.

Videos tell the best stories.

She is so inspiring.

He is so inspiring.

They love they share is so inspiring.


I hope you found a little smile, a little bit of joy and maybe some hope for your day, your family and your life.

What an incredible story!






The most incredible thing is happening today and I am positive by the end of this post, you will be saying “THAT’S INCREDIBLE!” too!

Many of you remember the post I made about My First Best Friend back in April.  My cousin, Danielle, who also happens to be my very first best friend in my life, her husband had a sudden brain bleed.  At the moment it happened, it was beyond belief, “things like that don’t happen to people I know” was my initial thought.

But it really did happen and it has changed the course of their lives forever.

You may have remembered a couple months after that initial post, I wanted to give you an update of their status, and posted A Smile.

Today, this morning, 6 months and 2 weeks to the day…Scott is coming home.  THAT’S INCREDIBLE!!!!Fenton Chiropractor Incredible

They have transferred to many different places and for the past few months have been over in Grand Rapids, a little too far for me to travel regularly to visit with them.  I have done what I could to let her know I am here with her every step of the way, and mostly through text message.  Although text seems impersonal at times, I know their days are filled with therapies and when she was not there with him, she was driving back home to Durand daily to take care of her home and her boys.

Here is a little snippet of the past 6 months between her and I.


Me:  “Sending you love.  How are you guys doing?”
Danielle:  “I am hanging in there.  It has been tough but I know he is going to come through this.”

Danielle:  “He started moving his hands and playing with my wedding ring today!”
Me:  “Awesome!  THAT’S INCREDIBLE!!”

Danielle:  “He is blinking his eyes and seems to be able to focus on things.”
Me:  “Good.  I am so relieved.  THAT’S TRULY INCREDIBLE!”

Danielle:  “I finally got him to smile.  It was the most wonderful thing I have ever seen…”
Me:  “Wow!  That is totally awesome!!”

Danielle:  “He mouthed ‘I love you’ to me when I left today.”
Me:  “Oh my goodness!  THAT’S INCREDIBLE!”

Danielle:  “He was able to speak some words out loud today.”

Danielle:  “His memory is good and improving every day.”
Me:  “That guy is amazing!  THAT’S SO INCREDIBLE!!”

Danielle:  “He held an instrument and started to play some chords today.”

Danielle:  “He was able to eat solid foods today.”

Danielle:  “We got to go on a drive today.”
Me:  “I bet that was amazing.  So INCREDIBLE!”

Danielle:  “He is being accepted to a program that only takes success cases.  They expect complete recovery.”

Danielle:  “He stood up today.  I almost forgot how tall he is.”

Danielle:  “He is walking with a walker today.”

Danielle:  “He is walking on his own with minor assistance.”

Danielle:  “We got a release date for him to finally come home!!!”
Me:  “Holy cow!!!  That guy is AMAZING!!!  THAT”S INCREDIBLE!!!!”


When I would respond to all of these things that he was able to gain back after losing everything, my usual response truly was, “THAT’S INCREDIBLE!” because it was and is.  She would always reply back to me with “Yes, he is truly remarkable.”  or “Yes, he is just incredible.”

Every bit of the recovery he has made has been incredible.  When doctors change their tone from “he is not going to make it” one day, to “Wow!  We didn’t expect that to happen!” and “He is not doing what we normally expect in this situation.” the very next day…it was incredible.

It is not over, their journey is still going to be long and winding and there is a lot of work to do.  He has come so far but please keep praying and sending healing thoughts towards them.  She is an angel and deserves a lot of credit.  I have never seen anyone love so much, push so hard, encourage so much, learn so much, fight for someone, support so gracefully, get so involved and be so strong.  She has a gift.  She is a gift.  He is a gift.  And the love that exists between those two is a gift to this world.  It truly is incredible!



I have been home for a couple weeks now and am settled in from my chiropractic service trip to Peru.  I have done my best to explain the experience in words as people have asked, however I think pictures tell the best stories.  I have put together a slideshow with a little bit from each day of the trip.  Just wanted to be able to share in this format so far.

I have spent the past few weeks digesting the trip and some of the life lessons that are involved in serving others in this capacity.  I will be sharing more and more as the weeks go on.

The entire trip was filled with beautiful moments, scenery and connections…for now, please enjoy these pictures.



As I laid “boca abajo” or face down on the table to get my own spine checked this afternoon, my heart, which had swelled to triple its normal size today, burst wide open. My teammate noticed my tears and asked “are you alright?” The best I could describe to him was “I am just raw”.

I am not sure which was more significant to me today:
1) Being invited to set up an “office” on someone’s lawn and share space with their chickens.Chiropractor Fenton Michigan 1

2) The little boy who was being dragged by the arm to get adjusted, who refused but hung out for 3 hours and watched, and then finally got on the table completely open and ready to have his spine checked.
3) The Quechua village women who all got adjusted and then sat as the rest of the village showed up and helped them understand how to go about the process of getting their spines checked.Chiropractor Fenton Michigan 2
4) Checking and adjusting an infant dressed in layers of beautiful wool as he breastfed in his mother’s lap.
Chiropractor Fenton Michigan 35) Serving side by side with one of the most incredible women I know.
Chiropractor Fenton Michigan 46) Being stopped on the road and invited right into someone’s dirt floor home to set up our tables and serve their community because they caught wind that there were chiropractors in our car as we drove by.  Chiropractor Fenton Michigan 5
7) The intense dirt road drive up this mountain along side 500 foot drop offs and not guard rails.
8) The beautiful travel nurse that understands chiropractic care and educates these communities when we show up.  A special shout out to our driver that chose to carry our tables for us, take pictures and help the people understand what we were doing and how to participate.Chiropractor Fenton Michigan 8

9) The huge language barrier we were dealing with as neither of us speak Quechuan, but realizing a smile and laughter is a universal language.Chiropractor Fenton Michigan 6

10) The roaring laughter as these communities were lit up and a chance to be a small part of their lives.
We have documented our day well and without these pictures, you would never truly be able to grasp the extent of it all. Truly a blessing.
When serving like this, all the “stuff” is stripped away. The documentation, monetary exchange, health insurance coverage, the bills to run an office, the layers and layers of things that are required to run a successful office in the country where we live. And then when you no longer have language to communicate…it becomes raw. It is a  deep look into beautiful stranger”s eyes, a soul to soul connection, a smile and the purest intention to give, love and serve from a deep, abundant well inside of me. It is the most beautiful thing I know of in this entire world.Chiropractor Fenton Michigan 7


I am not sure I have been more excited about a trip in years and years.  You all know me, I travel a lot, so that is a pretty bold statement.  Yes, I have been to some really incredible places in my life, some of those very recently, but when I tap into this place inside I have for this trip coming up, it bubbles over.  I cannot wait to get to Peru.

Fenton Chiropractor Peru Sacred Valley
The Sacred Valley

A friend of mine called a few months back.  She has been to Peru for the past few years and goes back every year to deliver chiropractic care, love and serve the people in the Sacred Valley.  She says, “You know, you should come with my team this year.”  I am beyond honored to even get an invite.

If you have followed this blog or know me at all, you know my core is absolutely driven by the desire to have “rich, rewarding experiences” in my lifetime.  My answer was “Yes!”…and I began to work on making that happen.

Thursday this week marks the beginning of what I anticipate being an adventure of a lifetime!

I fly Detroit to Atlanta to Lima to Cuzco in a 19 hour travel day.  I am chalking that up as part of the actual adventure, and truthfully that is probably the only way to get through it.

Fenton Chiropractor Peru
My Friend Adjusting a Child in a Past Year

We will be staying at high altitudes and serving at even higher, so the first few days will be time to acclimate and get situated as a team.  We will be serving Monday-Friday next week.  I will take a couple extra days to see Machu Picchu since it is quite close to there and then head back with another 20+ hour travel adventure to return to my home on the 12th.

As I stated before, I have done a tremendous amount of traveling, however, going some place to just be a tourist and visitor is completely different than integrating yourself into service mode in a community.  Don’t get me wrong, on every trip I have been on since getting my license almost 10 years ago, I have done some adjusting.  I even got paid in habanero hot sauce while helping some in Belize!!!

But this is different, very different.  My friend refers to this trip as “dropping love bombs”  (  I so look forward to being part of that.

I couldn’t do this without all the great people back here taking care of my practice and my home and making sure the gears keep turning while I am away.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.

I am grateful for my life.  I am grateful for the opportunities that come my way and I am grateful for the support that gives me the confidence to seize such opportunities.

Stay tuned for posts from Peru!


I had no idea when I was born, that my first best friend was already here waiting for me.

My cousin, Danielle, is 6 weeks older than i am and we pretty much grew up attached at the hip any chance we got.  Neither of us had sisters so we became that to each other.

My house was right next door to my grandparent’s home and so every time she visited them, which was quite often, I got to see her.  We did everything together, from barbies to cabbage patch kids, from building sand castles to playing in tree forts, from blazing trails through the woods and carving trees to making

Fenton Chiropractor Best Friendup stories as we spent hours out playing in the apple orchard.

We talked about our hopes and dreams and made plans for our lives.  I was always so jealous she got to go to Girl Scout Camp every summer…but she made up for it by teaching me all the songs she learned when she returned.  In fact, that radio in my head that plays music non-stop sometimes gets locked on that channel and as a 30-something…those songs stuck on repeat are more annoying than cool.

To this day, we make time for each other.  She is one of my biggest cheerleaders, and although she doesn’t allow many to cheer for her, I am one of hers.  There seems to be a length of time, that if we go past too many days without having time to sit down and catch up with each other, we both go a little crazy and make time in our schedules right away.

I sent her a text message on Friday morning about how excited I was about going to the Water Hill Music Festival in Ann Arbor next weekend, and although I knew it was still another week away, I was stoked to have some time to hang out.  I had just seen her 5 days prior as her and her husband, Scott, along with a group of my nearest and dearest, spent the evening celebrating my birthday at my home.

On Friday, she didn’t respond back to that text message right away and after a few minutes she called.  She doesn’t ever call, we don’t need to talk on the phone, we already know what each other is usually thinking so text and email are our norm.

Her voice was cracking.  She was seriously shakin’ up.  Then she proceeded to tell me that Scott, her husband, had a brain hemorrhage and is in the hospital and asked if I could come up.  I had a couple obligations that day and headed up as soon as i could.

I have spent the past 2 days with my heart breaking right along side her, and I feel like these days are just the beginning of a long road.  She is one of the strongest and bravest that i know.  She has had her share, plus some, of adversity and challenge in her life.  She keeps her head up through all of it.  She plugs away and she always comes out on top.  She is one incredible woman and I know those who really know her feel lucky.

Her and her husband have the most beautiful love story, reconnecting after so many years and blending their family, his 2 kids and her 2 kids.  They have a really sweet love that is palpable when you are around them.  They perfectly compliment each other.

Right now she spends her moments sitting at his bedside, and only leaves to close her eyes and sleep on an uncomfortable pull-out/fold down chair thing a couple rooms away.  She talks to him, dodges all the tubes and medical apparatus to kiss him, loves on him, plays music for him (he is a music man) and holds his hand for hours on end.

He has shown signs of improving.  Will he come out of the state he is in?  We don’t know.  Will he return to the Scott we are used to?  We don’t know that either.  How long will it take?  We all wish we knew that answer but we don’t know anything at this point.

What I do know, what I am sure of is that she will be ok.  There are going to be moment to moment, hour to hour, and day to day ups and downs.  She is the strongest and bravest that I know of.  I will not be able to stand with her all the time during this process as I have obligations in my life I need to tend to, but I leave my heart with her when I am not there.

I am writing this blog from the rawest place in my being.  My heart has been ripped out of my chest these past 2 days and i want to share this story because my family needs all the praying, meditating, affirmation-saying people we can get.  I am sending out a request to all the troops to please help lift up my first best friend and her husband.  They could really use your help right now.  Peace.






I am calling my newest snowboard trick “double back-flip to face plant”.  Sounds a little like something that Shaun White would do in the Olympic Men’s Half-Pipe competition, however probably without the “face plant” part of it.  Actually it is not a trick at all…and don’t worry, all along I planned on healing.

It was the second run of the day at Georgian Peaks, a private ski club in Northern Ontario.  I drove over and met a friend there and we hit the slopes for the weekend.  It has been a while since I have actually snowboarded with skiers, I usually snowboard with other snowboarders, and we definitely attack the slopes a little differently.

I have said over the years that snowboarding is meditative for me, and is one of the reasons I love it so much.  You have to be 100% present-time consciousness otherwise you will find yourself in trouble in a hurry.  This time maybe, just maybe I was a little bit distracted.  Maybe.

Fenton Chiropractor Georgian Peaks

I was cruising along to keep up with the two-planker, and I caught my back edge on some ice.  I am not exactly sure what happened from there.  I know I hit my head twice (thank goodness for helmets, do yourself a favor and do not go out there without one) so I am convinced I flipped twice.  I also know how I landed, so the face plant definitely happened.  No one was there to witness it but I am positive 5’10” red jacket and loud plaid pants flipping down the hill was quite a show.

When I gathered my thoughts and got back up on my feet, I became acutely aware that I had jarred my right ankle and knee.  I am not sure what movie this line comes from, but my mind went right to “That’s gonna leave a mark.”

When injuries occur, I go into a mode that I like to call “let me just pretend that didn’t happen”.  “Where thoughts go, energy flows and manifests in physical form.”  Over the years it has served me to distract my mind from what just happened, and it usually leads to quick healing.

I snowboarded the rest of the day and met up with some of my friend’s friends at the lodge afterwards.

I noticed that my ankle was a little bit uncomfortable when we were sitting and chatting with friends.  After a half hour went by, it became impossible to ignore.  Another half hour and the pain is nearing a 7 out of 10.  By the end of 2 hours of chit chat, I was in so much pain, I was nauseous.  Even through all that, in my mind I was still planning on healing.  

Our original plans to head out for dinner and drinks changed in a hurry as my body required that I succumb to RICE mode: Rest, Ice, Elevation, Compression.  The friend I was traveling with is a Naturopathic Doctor and we were able to add some homeopathic remedies and do some manipulation of the ankle joint to add to the RICE efforts.

After a few hours, it became apparent that I was probably not going to be able to walk the next day, much less spend any time on my snowboard.  As the evening progressed, it was increasingly difficult to ignore what was happening with my body, however I still planned on healing and the RICE efforts continued well into the night.

The real test came the following morning, when I took my first step on to the floor from the bed.

I have to admit, I was groggy, needed to use the restroom and my mind wasn’t focused on our evening spent in RICE mode when I took my first steps.

Half way to the restroom, it dawned on me that I was not only able to walk normally on that foot, it also felt 90% better.  Good thing I planned on healing all along.

The next question was “do I dare snowboard today or just spend my time resting?”

If you know me at all, you know the answer to that one is always, “Let me just give it a try and see what happens.”  And so I did.  But remember, my mindset was always that I planned on healing.

Turns out I was able to comfortably ride harder that day than I did the day before.  It felt good to be out there in my happy place strapped to my board.  I also know when one experiences joy and happiness, healing energy is turned up a notch as well.

I was happy.  I planned on healing all along and my body did exactly that.

We were both astonished at the fact that I felt as good as I did the very next day.  We both witness incredible healing on a regular basis in our different professions, however we were still amazed by how quickly this process happened for me.

When situations like this come up in my life, it just leads to the building of a stronger and stronger faith in the body’s innate recuperative powers and it’s incredible ability to heal.  We, as a society, have not given it enough credit for what it can do.

It is important to listen to the body’s warning signals and stop when it says stop.  We also need to be living a healthy lifestyle so the body has the building blocks it needs to heal, grow and repair.  But one of the most important factors is plan on healing.

In retrospect, I know that my mindset of “I planned on healing” took my healing energy up a level.  I am not at all recommending that you test the limits of your body, but when you do happen to get injured…do yourself a favor and plan on healing.  I guarantee you will be astonished at how quickly your body follows those orders.



People often ask me about my chiropractic office the Cafe of LIFE.  For years, I have tried to really explain what it is like in here…but honestly, it is more about a feeling.

Its a feeling that you can maybe understand if you had pictures and words and could see the inside of the office and hear a story.

That is exactly what we have done in creating the clip below.  I have had great feedback so far and just wanted to share with you a little about what I mean when I say “Its a feeling…”.

Please feel free to share with your friends and family or connect with us on Facebook.  It truly is a feeling.  See you soon!!


For the past 6 months of so, I have found myself awake and staring at the ceiling (when I should be sleeping) a little more than usual.  There doesn’t seem to be anything too different happening in my life that is creating a little more sleeplessness however I get to that time of the night and I just do not seem tired.  Of course, life still goes on and regardless of how little sleep I have gotten, I have to get up and start my day.  So I have turned to helping others…

Helping others?  What is she talking about now?

I am going to take you all the way back to elementary school and this idea of “You get what you give”, isn’t there a song called that?  If you are playing nice and you decide to share something with a classmate, that classmate will think of you next time they have something to share.  When you give out a good or bad attitude, you usually attract the same in return.Fenton Chiropractor Sleep

So what on Earth does any of what happened back in elementary school have to do with sleepless nights?

Some time ago, during one of the Cafe of LIFE Book Club meetings, we were reading a book about creating happiness and how if you are searching for happiness, reach out and help another person be happy and the Universe will step up and help you in return.  Likewise, if you are looking for a relationship, reach out and help someone else find a relationship and the Universe will step in and help you.

So due to my recent challenge to find zzzzzzzz’s when I need them, I decided to help other people fall asleep…and I don’t mean with chiropractic care, however sleep improves tremendously under chiropractic care.

Let me side track for a moment.  Have you heard of the concept of visualization when you are trying to manifest something in your life?  Do you ever take a moment to visualize an event or situation you are involved in before you get there?  …and then you realize that it turns out in real life exactly how you planned?  The brain will fire the same neuron connections and pathways wether the situation is actually happening in real life or if it is just a figment of the imagination.

So getting back to my sleep challenge…I lay in my bed, and instead of staring at the ceiling, I imagine myself getting a small hand lantern and walking down the road to each of my neighbors homes and visualize myself helping them fall asleep.  There is nothing that I actually do (I wouldn’t have the slightest idea how to put someone to sleep), I am just there setting an intention for them to fall deeply and peacefully asleep and having a very restful night.

Funny thing is I have yet to make it past the 2nd house and I am out like a light.  Also my final thoughts before that rest were helping others and that has to be a good thing.  I can tell you one thing, it has changed the evenings for me and I have been doing this for a solid 3 weeks now with ridiculous levels of success.

This past weekend I was in New York City at a Hay House conference called “I Can Do It”.  I was with a couple girlfriends and we shared a room.  If you know me, you know I have anxiety about sleeping in the same room as other people (hmmmm…may be a good hint why I am still single, just sayin’) but that is the set up and it saves us loads of money to share a room together.

This time I had strategy and I spent the first 2.5 minutes or so mentally walking the halls and standing outside other people’s doors and helping them to fall deeply and peacefully asleep and having a very restful night.  I say 2.5 minutes because honestly, it is such a short time of helping others and I am out.

This may seem like a really small thing to you, like it is no big deal.

This is a REALLY BIG DEAL to this gal.

I keep checking in with myself the following morning to see if I remember my last thought from the night before…and it is always helping others fall deeply and peacefully asleep and having a very restful night.  It is a really peaceful way to end my days.

If there is something out there that you want more of in your life, spend some of your time and energy helping others to have that and the Universe will help you.  I am living by a whole new motto  “Forget counting sheep, help others fall asleep!”  …I am going to go and do that now.