I have been home for a couple weeks now and am settled in from my chiropractic service trip to Peru. I have done my best to explain the experience in words as people have asked, however I think pictures tell the best stories. I have put together a slideshow with a little bit from each day of the trip. Just wanted to be able to share in this format so far.
I have spent the past few weeks digesting the trip and some of the life lessons that are involved in serving others in this capacity. I will be sharing more and more as the weeks go on.
The entire trip was filled with beautiful moments, scenery and connections…for now, please enjoy these pictures.
Published by
Dr. Erica Peabody
Fenton, MI is a great place to be from and to move back to. Serving this community the "Exceptional Chiropractic Experience" at Cafe of LIFE Chiropractic is my favorite way to spend my days. Cafe of LIFE (www.cafeoflifefenton.com) is a Family Wellness Chiropractic Center located in the heart of this great little town. When I am not at my chiropractic practice, you will find me at the yoga studio, the gym, in my running shoes, with my family, on my snowboard, on my mountain bike, surfing, on the lake or some local restaurant or hiking trail. My ultimate goal and life purpose is to make a small difference in this crazy world...and have some fun while I am doing it.
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