I recently finished a light-hearted book by Tina Fey called “Bossypants”.  She is hilarious and her book was a nice break from the “heavy” reading I usually do.  Tina really struck me with her section on “The Rules of Improvisation” and as I was reading one evening in the sauna, I thought how applicable these rules are to living an extraordinary life.  I wanted to share.

RULE #1:  AGREE.  SAY “YES!”  In improv, when someone starts off on a topic, the next person has to start by agreeing with them.  If they say their fingers are a gun, the next person has to agree otherwise the scene is dead in the water.  How often do you find yourself saying “no”, whether it be to an invitation, an idea or just finding yourself disagreeing with a concept and shutting everything down?Fenton Chiropractor Improvisation

Just recently, I had an invite to situation that was completely unknown.  If I would have tapped into my logical mind, I could have come up with loads of reasons why I shouldn’t go.  A friend once said, “I am willing to try just about anything as long as it doesn’t end me in jail, I don’t end up with a permanent scar and it doesn’t hurt my credit score.”  I have adopted this within reason and choose to say ‘YES” whenever I can and often find myself experiencing some really incredible things.

RULE #2:  Say “YES and…” meaning agree and say “YES” first, but then offer something as a contribution.  An example in improv that she uses is, “Man, it is hot in here!!!”  “Well what did you expect it would be like inside a dog’s mouth?!?!” and then scene continues.

Get involved in making the plans in life.  Get involved in the conversations you are having on a daily basis.  What you have to contribute is worthwhile.  Sometimes even if you disagree with what is presented, using the word “and” is a great transition to something that may open up the doors for all parties involved.  “Yes, and….” feels very different and more inviting than “Yes, but…”

RULE #3:  MAKE STATEMENTS.  Questions are good in certain scenarios, however when you make bold, confident statements in life, things start shifting.  “Whatever the problem, be part of the solution.  Don’t just sit around raising questions and pointing out obstacles.”

“Everything in life is figureoutable” -Marie Forleo

Start offering options and ideas instead of allowing someone else to always lead the pack towards a solution.  I absolutely love hanging out with some of my good friends and having brainstorming sessions.  I have my fair share of challenges that come up in everyday life.  I will present it to a couple friends and then the conversation is sparked allowing for all kinds of different solutions to surface and life takes a step forward.

RULE #4:  THERE ARE NO MISTAKES – ONLY OPPORTUNITIES.  In improv, if a scene starts one way but is interpreted another, it is an opportunity to go in a different direction and everyone involved needs to pick up the ball and start running.

Life is the same way.  We can plan, forecast and predict what will happen in life, however we have all been thrown a curveball as soon as we think we have something figured out.  For me, I do not know one thing that could describe life better than finding myself in “beautiful happy accidents” that have led me down some really great paths in directions I couldn’t have even fathomed.  Along the course of my life, I have learned that I better quit pushing and I better start surrendering to the path I am on and letting go of where I think I should be.  When I do more of that, life is easier.

The rules of improvisation are 4 very simple rules that, when put together, can lead to a seriously fun life!  I want to challenge you to start every morning with a “Yes, and” attitude, contribute to what is happening around you, be part of the solution and trust that there really are no mistakes.  Those “beautiful happy accidents” that Tina talks about are where the juice of life is!!   Make the best of it…we only get one chance.




It was right around this time in 1996, while attending Michigan State University, that I woke up at 2AM and decided I was going to be a chiropractor and went right back to sleep.   I never turned back and now we will celebrate because of that.

Fast forward through 6 years of undergraduate school and I finally enter Life University College of Chiropractic. Four intense years later I graduate with my doctorate and find my way back to Fenton.

My original plan was to open my office in Ann Arbor which changed when I realized how difficult parking is in the downtown area.  My second plan was to open the Café of LIFE in Birmingham, where my family is originally from and still stands Peabody’s Restaurant.


I was living in Fenton with my mom and step-dad so I was driving around this area a lot.  I always had my eyes open and one day a really cute little place came up for sale that got me thinking of potentially opening my doors here instead.

I brought the idea to my mom and she said “If the names French Laundry and Fenton Hotel can make it as restaurants, a Café of LIFE can make it as a chiropractic office.”

I wasn’t set on Fenton as being my landing place and so my HIGHEST priority when searching for office space was a 1 year lease (most commercial spaces require at least 3 years).

I settled on a space on Trealout Dr.  and opened my doors 9 years ago on March 12th…and the rest truly is history.

I had no idea when I moved home that I would still be here 9 years later.  I had no idea how much fun I was going to have being a chiropractor.  I had no idea how many families I would become part of.  I had no idea I would get to serve so many babies and chldren.  I had no idea I would enjoy giving back to the community I grew up in so much.  I had no idea I would find such amazing support here in this small town.  I had no idea I loved Fenton so much.

But I do, and so here I am.

If you are reading this blog post, I am very grateful that our paths have crossed.  I am so grateful you have allowed me to be part of your family, your life and your healthcare team.  Thank you for spreading the word about chiropractic and about the Café of LIFE.  I get choked up when I have a moment to think about how blessed I am to be part of your life.  It is my pleasure to be your chiropractor.

I also have to say thank you to my amazing staff.  We have seen some faces come and go, and even when they go, they don’t go far.  A HUGE THANK YOU to the beautiful Alyssa that is currently manning this ship and keeping us all in line.  Also THANK YOU to Teri who is our little engine that just keeps giving and loving and serving after all these years.  THANK YOU to Rachael and Kel Leigh as they round out my incredible team.  We wouldn’t be the Café of LIFE you all know today without these amazing ladies.

One last THANK YOU to all of you for sending your friends and loved ones our way!  We are looking forward to serving all of you for many years to come!

Truly, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU for allowing me to serve you.

NOW LET’S EAT CAKE!!!  Join us for your adjustments and stay and celebrate with a piece of cake 7:30a-10a & 3p-6p on Wednesday, March 12th!!!




I am calling my newest snowboard trick “double back-flip to face plant”.  Sounds a little like something that Shaun White would do in the Olympic Men’s Half-Pipe competition, however probably without the “face plant” part of it.  Actually it is not a trick at all…and don’t worry, all along I planned on healing.

It was the second run of the day at Georgian Peaks, a private ski club in Northern Ontario.  I drove over and met a friend there and we hit the slopes for the weekend.  It has been a while since I have actually snowboarded with skiers, I usually snowboard with other snowboarders, and we definitely attack the slopes a little differently.

I have said over the years that snowboarding is meditative for me, and is one of the reasons I love it so much.  You have to be 100% present-time consciousness otherwise you will find yourself in trouble in a hurry.  This time maybe, just maybe I was a little bit distracted.  Maybe.

Fenton Chiropractor Georgian Peaks

I was cruising along to keep up with the two-planker, and I caught my back edge on some ice.  I am not exactly sure what happened from there.  I know I hit my head twice (thank goodness for helmets, do yourself a favor and do not go out there without one) so I am convinced I flipped twice.  I also know how I landed, so the face plant definitely happened.  No one was there to witness it but I am positive 5’10” red jacket and loud plaid pants flipping down the hill was quite a show.

When I gathered my thoughts and got back up on my feet, I became acutely aware that I had jarred my right ankle and knee.  I am not sure what movie this line comes from, but my mind went right to “That’s gonna leave a mark.”

When injuries occur, I go into a mode that I like to call “let me just pretend that didn’t happen”.  “Where thoughts go, energy flows and manifests in physical form.”  Over the years it has served me to distract my mind from what just happened, and it usually leads to quick healing.

I snowboarded the rest of the day and met up with some of my friend’s friends at the lodge afterwards.

I noticed that my ankle was a little bit uncomfortable when we were sitting and chatting with friends.  After a half hour went by, it became impossible to ignore.  Another half hour and the pain is nearing a 7 out of 10.  By the end of 2 hours of chit chat, I was in so much pain, I was nauseous.  Even through all that, in my mind I was still planning on healing.  

Our original plans to head out for dinner and drinks changed in a hurry as my body required that I succumb to RICE mode: Rest, Ice, Elevation, Compression.  The friend I was traveling with is a Naturopathic Doctor and we were able to add some homeopathic remedies and do some manipulation of the ankle joint to add to the RICE efforts.

After a few hours, it became apparent that I was probably not going to be able to walk the next day, much less spend any time on my snowboard.  As the evening progressed, it was increasingly difficult to ignore what was happening with my body, however I still planned on healing and the RICE efforts continued well into the night.

The real test came the following morning, when I took my first step on to the floor from the bed.

I have to admit, I was groggy, needed to use the restroom and my mind wasn’t focused on our evening spent in RICE mode when I took my first steps.

Half way to the restroom, it dawned on me that I was not only able to walk normally on that foot, it also felt 90% better.  Good thing I planned on healing all along.

The next question was “do I dare snowboard today or just spend my time resting?”

If you know me at all, you know the answer to that one is always, “Let me just give it a try and see what happens.”  And so I did.  But remember, my mindset was always that I planned on healing.

Turns out I was able to comfortably ride harder that day than I did the day before.  It felt good to be out there in my happy place strapped to my board.  I also know when one experiences joy and happiness, healing energy is turned up a notch as well.

I was happy.  I planned on healing all along and my body did exactly that.

We were both astonished at the fact that I felt as good as I did the very next day.  We both witness incredible healing on a regular basis in our different professions, however we were still amazed by how quickly this process happened for me.

When situations like this come up in my life, it just leads to the building of a stronger and stronger faith in the body’s innate recuperative powers and it’s incredible ability to heal.  We, as a society, have not given it enough credit for what it can do.

It is important to listen to the body’s warning signals and stop when it says stop.  We also need to be living a healthy lifestyle so the body has the building blocks it needs to heal, grow and repair.  But one of the most important factors is plan on healing.

In retrospect, I know that my mindset of “I planned on healing” took my healing energy up a level.  I am not at all recommending that you test the limits of your body, but when you do happen to get injured…do yourself a favor and plan on healing.  I guarantee you will be astonished at how quickly your body follows those orders.



Just when life seems like it is heading in one direction, something happens and we are off on a detour.

I absolutely love to travel…love, love, love to see new places.  I love having a change of scenery and switching things up on a regular basis.  I love taking the detour…that is as long as I have time for said detour.

I was sitting on a bench in a parking lot with some friends last weekend while we waited for our planes to pull up on the other side of a chain link fence…and as I describe this, I pulled a picture off the internet below so that you can get the visual.Detour Fenton Chiropractor

The scene…two 20 foot long park benches back to back underneath a rickety metal awning, a small white portable podium with “Sansa” and “Nature Air” written on the front, a chain link fence with a ragged gate that wouldn’t hold up against any kind of force, a small refrigerator with a padlock on it labeled “Snack Bar” and on the other side of the fence are a couple 12 seater planes.

When we pull into the parking lot, it resembles more of a bus station than an airport.  The funniest thing is when you walk up to the small white podium, they ask you which airline you are flying with and then depending on which, one of 2 men step up to the podium to assist.

The luggage is tagged and the kind man hands me a laminated “Sansa” brochure that he calls my “boarding pass” and I am prepared to get on the plane.

As I am waiting, I realize that my luggage is still sitting off to the side of the runway and doesn’t appear to be heading with the rest of the group to the luggage compartment in the belly of the plane.  The kind man then mentions to me that “Your bag no fit on plane due to balance.  I send to your home.”

Ideally it is not good to ever travel separate from my luggage, but if you are telling me you are going to have it delivered directly to my doorstep, then it will be alright to let my ocean-scented, sand-filled bag of beach clothes show up to my home instead of being checked onto my plane.

So I jump on my plane and am off while my luggage is taking a detour.

In San Jose I reconnect with my friends for dinner and a little more time together as my flight will be departing at 2am.DSC03499

A few hours later, I arrive to the airport only to I discover said flight is now delayed to 3am.  The woman at the Spirit Airlines desk checks me through to Detroit and hands me 2 boarding passes, one for now and one for my connecting flight in Fort Lauderdale.

I arrive in Lauderdale realizing I have limited time to get though customs and make my connection.  At this particular moment I am grateful to be traveling separate from my large suitcase which I would have to wait for and recheck after customs…this expedites my transition onto America soil and I have potential to make up some time.

I sprint through the airport and make it to my gate with a few minutes to spare.  I walk up to the Spirit Airlines counter and the woman takes one look at my boarding pass, tells me I do not have a seat on that flight…AND THEN proceeds to board 4 “stand-by” passengers onto the flight while I am standing right there.

You know the level of disappointment when you order the most delicious food at a restaurant that you have been craving since the last time you were there 3 months ago…and when you get right down to the last bite, your best friend reaches their fork over and takes that last morsel of goodness?  That is what it felt like in that moment, MULTIPLIED BY 1,000!!!!

“Ma’am we have you booked on tomorrow’s flight out”.

“Are you going to compensate me for hotel stay for the night?”

“Well no.”

Hearing this news after being up for 28 straight hours, did not go over well.  Having her board 4 “stand-by” passengers while I stood right in front of her also didn’t go over well…MULTIPLIED BY 1,000!!!

This time, not so gracefully, I detour…

I find a cab and take a ride up to Lauderdale by the Sea and check-in to a hotel.  Serious false advertising and I make quick of a lesson that I should check a room out before

So I detour…

I find a nice Sheraton about 20 minutes away that has rooms available and get checked-in.  As I am heading up to my room, I spot a cool little bar inside the hotel that has windows into water tanks of some sort.  It is eye-catching and then I read “Mermaid Show 6:30 Friday and Saturday Evenings”.  Today is Saturday, WHAT LUCK!!!  My original plan to nap for the next 6 hour will have a small detour in the middle to the Mermaid show.

I arrive early and pull up a seat next to an incredible couple that had just gotten off one of the cruise ships.  We talk about our vacations and then we detour into some really amazing conversation about life and living, things you usually discuss with long time friends.  Because my luggage was on a detour, my plan was to wear the clothes I had on my back until I got home…whenever that may be.  By the end of a 4 hour conversation with this couple, they pay for my meal and she offers me clean clothes.

As I lay down in my bed to sleep fast, I travel through my memory of the events of that day.  Every possible thing that could go wrong with travel, did.  It was truly challenging.  In the end, I was so grateful for the opportunity to see my very first Mermaid Show and spend time with these magnificent people.

My flight in the morning turns out to be simple.  It is an entire day later however I buckle into my seat, we take off on time, we land on time and off I go…easy since I don’t have to stop and collect my luggage (which finally showed up to a local airport a week later…enough material for its own blog post).

On my drive home from the airport, I take a detour to Whole Foods…because I am hungry and I need food in my house when I get home.  In retrospect, I am grateful I made that stop as the streets filled with close to 2 feet of snow over the next 24 hours.

This trip seems to go on and on and on and there is one final detour…my best friend of almost 20 years opened her dream yoga studio, Bent Yoga, in Brighton on that very day.  It required that I truck through all the snow to give her a congratulatory hug, but it was all absolutely perfect timing.

Sometimes we are presented with a huge bright orange sign in front of our face that says “DETOUR” but often the sign is a faint whisper, a small calling in our heart.  If we can have a little bit of trust in the fact that there is a much larger plan, we can listen to those signs and settle in gracefully.

I am grateful for that trip, I am grateful for that time and I am grateful for the people that I met along the way.  I am one that seeks out adventure and enjoys taking the long way home.  Though that was a little too much detouring for my likings, I am grateful to have had that experience if for no other reason than it seems there isn’t a possible way for a day of travel to get more complicated than that.

In the midst of it all, the moments of sweetness serve as a reminder to do my best to be a little more accepting of life when it takes its next detour.



I wrapped up 2013 on vacation with great friends in Costa Rica.  As some of you know, Costa Rica has become a popular surfing destination and there are opportunities for riding waves all over.

If you have followed me at all, you also know that I am an avid snowboarder and one of my happiest places is strapped to my snowboard in Colorado.

While in Costa Rica, my Colorado friends and I took quite a few opportunities to surf.  The ocean is really warm in that area so it is simple to throw a rash guard on, grab a board and paddle out.

I have done quite a bit of surfing over the years in Costa Rica, Ecuador, Belize, California and New Jersey.  One of my greatest challenges of surfing is getting the board and myself safely out past the break.  It is a game of finesse, timing and strength.  When one is a little on the tall and lanky side and riding a 9 foot board, it can be quite challenging as sets roll in.  photo-11

The particular beach that we surf at in this spot in Costa Rica, the water is soft, the waves are gentle and there is a beautiful rhythm to the ebb and flow.  It also makes getting out past the break just a little bit easier.

While I am out waiting for the next wave, I am thinking about all the snow that is piling up at home.  Though I am grateful beyond what words can describe to be sitting on that board in that moment, I also have a moment I am considering how much I am excited about getting on my snowboard when I get home.

The two sports are similar in some ways.  They way you stand on the board is the same, though snowboarding you are strapped in.  There is a meditative sense to both sports…in other words, you need to be present and in the moment or you can quickly find yourself in trouble.  There is a sense of working with nature, snowboarding-snow conditions, surfing-the powerful ocean.

My dearest love for snowboarding stems from many reasons that I will not go into due to the length of the list.  One of the key reasons I love it is because I get a chance to explore a mountain.   There is a chance to check out this run over here, that run over there, this restaurant for breakfast, that one for lunch, this group of Aspen trees, that group of pine trees, this trail, that chairlift.  You get the idea.

Surfing is different.  It is paddle out, catch a wave, come back to where you started, paddle out, catch a wave, end up back where you started, paddle out, catch a wave…and it goes on.  There isn’t necessarily an area of water you are covering and not one area of that water is ever the same.

…but for me I realize how much it is about internal exploration.  It looks a little like this…This water is so beautiful.  The view from my board is amazing.  Its really awesome I have some good friends joining me.  I see a set in the distance.  I wonder if I am in the right spot. I can see that wave building.  Is it going to be big enough to ride?  Will it break right or left?  it it going to be too big for me?  Oh $#1t, here it comes!  I am in the right spot? I need to turn around and paddle. Where is all that anxiety coming from?  Will I catch this one?  Will I get rocked by it?…and honestly, none of this internal dialogue and analysis is helpful.

The only thing that is helpful is learning which wave to catch and then letting go. photo-12

When mental resistance and fear come up and the mind shifts to and through all of that diologue, it is very difficult to go with the flow of the wave.  If you have the skill set, then paddle when you know you should paddle, pop-up when you know you are on it and then simple ENJOY THE RIDE!!!

It is such a beautiful dance with such a powerful force.  There is not one thing you can do to change the wave you are on.  The only thing in that moment is to turn the mind off, get to that feeling place, relax, let go and trust.  It is more of an internal exploration experience with a sense of adventure, thrill and flow.

Usually surf sessions last an hour to a few hours.  This gives time to rest and regroup inside and find more and more peace, grace and flow.

When you snowboard, you have a little bit of say in what the snow is going to do underneath your board.  When surfing, you have absolutely no say in what the ocean is going to do.

Surfing is about life and life is about riding the waves.  We have a choice what wave choose to get on, we do not have a choice about where that wave is going.  We have the ability to turn or get off that wave…but if we learn to trust ourselves, we transition into the flow of the powerful Universe gracefully.

(The following link is not my video but it is taken at the surf spot we spent most of our time so you can get a feel of the waves)

I am grateful for my life and the opportunities to explore and go on many adventures.  After this past visit to Costa Rica, the ebb and flow of life is forefront in my consciousness.  There is an ebb and flow to the days, the nights, work, family, friends, driving, eating…absolutely all of it.  The troughs make the peaks sweeter.  The peaks make traveling back down to the troughs exhilarating.  The most important part of all is finding internal peace so that wether at the top or the bottom while riding your waves, you remain graceful.

Peace to you as you start 2014.




For the past 6 months of so, I have found myself awake and staring at the ceiling (when I should be sleeping) a little more than usual.  There doesn’t seem to be anything too different happening in my life that is creating a little more sleeplessness however I get to that time of the night and I just do not seem tired.  Of course, life still goes on and regardless of how little sleep I have gotten, I have to get up and start my day.  So I have turned to helping others…

Helping others?  What is she talking about now?

I am going to take you all the way back to elementary school and this idea of “You get what you give”, isn’t there a song called that?  If you are playing nice and you decide to share something with a classmate, that classmate will think of you next time they have something to share.  When you give out a good or bad attitude, you usually attract the same in return.Fenton Chiropractor Sleep

So what on Earth does any of what happened back in elementary school have to do with sleepless nights?

Some time ago, during one of the Cafe of LIFE Book Club meetings, we were reading a book about creating happiness and how if you are searching for happiness, reach out and help another person be happy and the Universe will step up and help you in return.  Likewise, if you are looking for a relationship, reach out and help someone else find a relationship and the Universe will step in and help you.

So due to my recent challenge to find zzzzzzzz’s when I need them, I decided to help other people fall asleep…and I don’t mean with chiropractic care, however sleep improves tremendously under chiropractic care.

Let me side track for a moment.  Have you heard of the concept of visualization when you are trying to manifest something in your life?  Do you ever take a moment to visualize an event or situation you are involved in before you get there?  …and then you realize that it turns out in real life exactly how you planned?  The brain will fire the same neuron connections and pathways wether the situation is actually happening in real life or if it is just a figment of the imagination.

So getting back to my sleep challenge…I lay in my bed, and instead of staring at the ceiling, I imagine myself getting a small hand lantern and walking down the road to each of my neighbors homes and visualize myself helping them fall asleep.  There is nothing that I actually do (I wouldn’t have the slightest idea how to put someone to sleep), I am just there setting an intention for them to fall deeply and peacefully asleep and having a very restful night.

Funny thing is I have yet to make it past the 2nd house and I am out like a light.  Also my final thoughts before that rest were helping others and that has to be a good thing.  I can tell you one thing, it has changed the evenings for me and I have been doing this for a solid 3 weeks now with ridiculous levels of success.

This past weekend I was in New York City at a Hay House conference called “I Can Do It”.  I was with a couple girlfriends and we shared a room.  If you know me, you know I have anxiety about sleeping in the same room as other people (hmmmm…may be a good hint why I am still single, just sayin’) but that is the set up and it saves us loads of money to share a room together.

This time I had strategy and I spent the first 2.5 minutes or so mentally walking the halls and standing outside other people’s doors and helping them to fall deeply and peacefully asleep and having a very restful night.  I say 2.5 minutes because honestly, it is such a short time of helping others and I am out.

This may seem like a really small thing to you, like it is no big deal.

This is a REALLY BIG DEAL to this gal.

I keep checking in with myself the following morning to see if I remember my last thought from the night before…and it is always helping others fall deeply and peacefully asleep and having a very restful night.  It is a really peaceful way to end my days.

If there is something out there that you want more of in your life, spend some of your time and energy helping others to have that and the Universe will help you.  I am living by a whole new motto  “Forget counting sheep, help others fall asleep!”  …I am going to go and do that now.


I cried when I read this.  This spoke to me in a huge way and is a small lesson to help teach you to listen to your inner voice:

Hi Erica,     I’m going to call and make an appointment for both an adjustment and massage.  I could wait and tell you all this when I see you but sometimes it seems easier to put my thoughts in writing rather than to just tell it, plus you are a busy person and I don’t want to take a lot of your time.  (Although I’ve been known to write books instead of messages, which could take a lot of time anyway.  LOL!)   

      I keep trying to think of how I got so far off track!  It’s just these little slips that happen without thinking it will be permanent – like family coming and just not taking time to take care of self.  It’s preparing food that they like (and I like) even though it is not at all healthy.  Pretty soon, a slip becomes a slide, doesn’t it?  So that’s part of what happened last summer.Fenton Chiropractor Begin Again

      But then, I decided that the yoga schedule was too hard for me to work out so I joined a local gym, not intending to never go back to yoga.  However, I got convinced that working with a trainer would be a helpful thing so I paid huge bucks for that for several months, which meant I couldn’t afford to go to yoga, to the chiropractor, to a massage therapist, etc., etc.  The trainer also believes in eating vegan, but is strict on high protein and low, low carbs, which I tried hard to do but couldn’t stick to it.  So I started doing high protein/low carbs eating meat, cheese, eggs, etc.  

     Then, the knee that you had been adjusting got worse and worse and I went to a surgeon who said I had a torn meniscus and he did surgery.  He also said I have a significant amount of arthritis in my knee and probably in the other one.  That was back in September and I’m still in pain, still stiff and am now doing physical therapy trying to get some strength and flexibility back. 
     I eventually could not afford the trainer anymore and began so slide off the diet and because my knee hurt so much I also quit going to the gym for the most part.  Then I started eating whatever I wanted and gained some of the weight I had lost back. 
     So, there I was, sitting in my recliner, hurting all over, swollen up in my joints, feeling tight in my muscles, feeling dead in my stomach and OLD, OLD, OLD!!!!   And I started praying about it and asking God to help me.  And I began remembering how I felt when I fed my body the healthy foods – fruits, veggies, whole grains, nuts – all the things that are good (I was basically off fruits and whole grains on the low carb diet).  And I remembered how limber I was, doing yoga, and chiropractic, and how great it was to have you support and encourage the yoga and the healthy diet and how easy and wonderful it was to get massages. 
     I think in the midst of all the voices that have swayed me one way and then another, I finally heard God’s voice – and my voice – saying “you know what is best for you!  you remember what works, what is gentle, what is peaceful, what is healthy.  
     Sunday night I could hardly walk, hardly climb the stairs, barely even turn over in bed, I hurt so bad.  Monday morning wasn’t much better and that is when I decided to make a change NOW!  The yoga schedule will be the priority and my work schedule will be worked around it. 
     I will be going to PT for a while, but I want to come back to Cafe of Life and get back on the journey to health and wholeness.  I have to stop allowing myself to get pulled off the journey and to stay focused!
    I will be calling this afternoon and trying to get in next week.  But I just wanted to tell you where I am in all this.  I never intended on stopping my treatment there.  It just little by little, day by day, time went by and pretty soon, I almost forgot. 
     As the yoga instructor says  “BEGIN AGAIN.”  I went back, by the way, on Monday evening.  There was so much I could not do with my stiff knee but I did a lot and I felt more limber and not as tight and did not have as much pain Tuesday morning.  The yoga instructor reminded me “Be gentle with yourself, but be persistent.”  Good advise for someone who gives up rather easily, isn’t it? 
     I miss you and your gentle smile.  I will be glad to see you and hope you haven’t given up entirely on me!  I’m hoping to get this right this time.
Have a blessed Easter.  I will see you next week, I hope.


Thank you so much for that email.  I really appreciate you giving me all the details in your update because all of that stuff is important for me to know.

 Life is a game of slipping and checking and BEGINNING AGAIN is always an option. 

 I never give up on anyone.  Instead, I hold a space for healing for people whether you are at the Café of LIFE or on a journey that takes you from here.  Either way, you will always be welcome here no matter how long it has been since your last visit.  I realize that life takes twists and turns as mine does exactly the same.  Healing comes from within and it is best to find something on the inside to anchor to so you can stay consistent, which sounds like you may have found that.  Being gentle and persistent is how we progress, but take bite size pieces so you keep yourself having small successes that lead to bigger ones and then celebrate those.  

There is a lot of “should’s” that can fall on us during a day and make us feel like we are failing in one area or another.  Just do your best every single day and know that is all anyone can ever ask. 

And give yourself a break, drink your water, find time to stroll and enjoy your days, make good food and exercise choices and believe in your body’s ability to heal.  Your thoughts are powerful so make sure to use them in your favor. 

Looking forward to seeing you…


Health & Happiness,

Dr. Erica Peabody

Every time I re-read this, the tears well up because I know there are so many people that have slipped and are struggling.  Bless this particular person who shared her words so eloquently and is allowing me to tell her story.

Do you have a little voice in your head that guides you when you are lost?  Does it talk to you in a positive way or negative way?  Do you listen to your inner voice?  It may be the most powerful guidance system you have for your life.  There is so much technology, so many opinions, so many things trying to influence and steer you in this direction or that direction.  Take some time to be quiet and listen to that inner voice…it is always right.  Once you start to listen, and if you find yourself way off course…just BEGIN AGAIN.


Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Dr Erica Peabody - Earth Day Cleanup
This is a quick link to a short write-up about our 3RD ANNUAL EARTH DAY CLEANUP. Come join us on Saturday April 21st 9a-noon. We will provide bags and gloves and a take home gift for all those who volunteer some of their time to our CLEANUP efforts.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Cafe of LIFE by phone at (810)629-6023 or email We hope to see you on APRIL 21st for our EARTH DAY CLEANUP!!!


There is a song that runs through my mind lately, mostly because I have heard it so much on my Rusted Root Pandora Station (a highly recommended station, by the way), but also because after I hear it, my mind ponders the message for quite some time. It goes something like this…

“You can’t always get what you want.
You can’t always get what you want.
You can’t always get what you want.
But if you try sometime…you just might find…

I have had some very interesting life lessons over the past years, as I am sure we all have. I have a strong conviction that although we are presented with most things tChiropractor Fenton Michigan - Dr Erica Peabody - You get what you need hat are WAY outside our control, by the use of gratitude and a strong focus on what we want, we are powerful creators of our lives and experiences. I also realize that sometimes the things that we think we want in our lives or experiences that we want to have happen, are very limiting in the grand scheme of things. There is a much bigger picture to this life than what we can actually see and grasp with our thoughts.

Have you ever sat down and wrote out goals? made a “to do” list? Have you ever thought about what you would like to have happen in 5 years? 10 years? Have you ever quieted down your life enough and heard things come from inside that sounded like “I want a new job.” “I want to make more money.” “I want to be in a relationship.” “I want to be in a different relationship.” “I want a new house.” “I want a new car.” “I want to win the Mega-Millions.” Does any of that sound familiar?

What LIFE has taught me is that what we call our “wants” are very limiting. If ALL and ONLY our wants came to fruition, we would live a small life. Now, when I say small, I don’t mean that in a negative way, more the idea that it would be limiting, like looking over a lake and seeing that as the only possibility of a large body of water without having any concept of the ocean.

Having a direction and steering life with GRATITUDE can open up limitless possibilities. Our “wants” are one thing…but what happens if you don’t get what you “want”? I have a strong faith in the concept that LIFE sends the perfect people, things and experiences to us in the perfect timing in order for us to maximize our potential for learning, growth and evolution. In the moment, it may be very difficult to see the perfection…but most of you have probably experienced that in retrospect it was exactly what you needed. So in other words it is true that…”YOU CAN”T ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU…but you just might find YOU GET WHAT YOU NEED!” Be open to the amazing twists and turns of LIFE, take some risks and get outside of your box of “wants”…we only get one chance.


Happy New Year!!! It has been pretty busy and hectic start to the year…all good things. Over the past couple years, I have spent a little time brainstorming with a few friends about a “theme” for the year. For example “Life is Zen in 2010” or “There Will be 7 in 2011” or “Life is Heaven in 2011”. So we were talking about 2012 and honestly, besides the word “delve”, not much rhymes with 2012. I was working it out and trying to figure out a cool catch phrase for 2012 and…it is just not happening.

Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Dr Erica Peabody - Best Year Yet
So I look back at the past and I ask myself “Was life really ZEN in 2010?” NO WAY!!! What about 2011…”were there 7 in 2011?” Yes there were 7 this and 7 that, but nothing that was significant that pertained to that number. “Was life HEAVEN in 2011?” NOT EVEN CLOSE!!! I was seeing a pattern and I began to think that though it is super cute and catchy to make something that rhymes, maybe the rhyming part was the problem…limiting.
This past Saturday, I spent the entire day at a Women’s Retreat over in Oxford. It was a day for women, all things women, and lots of local practitioners with interesting topics about things that pertain to women and issues surrounding women’s lives. It was a day to escape normal life, hide out in this great little place tucked back in the woods and get reconnected…and I enjoyed every moment of it! It was such great timing with the beginning of the year and such an awesome time to set an intention for the months to follow. So I began to think about this “phrase of the year” thing again. I was eating lunch and writing a short little note to a real special person and it hit me…THIS IS GOING TO BE THE BEST YEAR OF MY LIFE!! It just struck me, just like that and I thought “HOW PERFECT!!!”. Since Saturday, that idea has been stuck in my head and resonating in my being. I had to tweak it a little bit to “2012, THIS IS THE BEST YEAR YET!!!” that way I am open to even better years in the future. Actually I think every year is better and better and I think it is a great time to sit for a moment and be grateful for that fact. Each year reveals to me a little more about me, and the more I know about me, the better.
How about you? Have you set any intentions for the year? What kind of a feeling does 2012 give you? Any plans, moves, changes? Is life how you want it to be or is there something or some role you need to step into? Let’s get going…we only get one chance…lets make it THE BEST YEAR YET!!!