Running errands around town almost always lands me in Target and honestly there is no telling who I am going to run into in there considering this small town.  The phrase “THANKS I ALWAYS DO!” really impacted my trip around that store today and I want to share a little bit about it.

My Aunt Kathleen lived about a mile from my family growing up.  She was always a loud and boisterous energy during any family gathering.  She used to invite my cousins and I for regular sleepovers and we always looked forward to that time at Aunt Kathleen’s house.  She was a riot!

So today when I was walking into Target I ran into Aunt Kathleen immediately right at the front door.  I have never seen her out and about in the community and she is only around town for half the year.Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Thanks I Always Do

She greeted me in her usual way that always makes me feel cared for and loved.  Of course she is not ever shy about sharing how she feels and a simple walking away from Aunt Kathy in the store today warranted “Love you sweetheart”.

You all know how Target shopping goes, well mostly turns into browsing, and Aunt Kathy’s path and mine crossed on a few occasions.  While I was within earshot of her, someone would say to her “Have a nice day!” and without one
second hesitation, she would reply “THANKS I ALWAYS DO!”  (I am using caps here because earshot of Aunt Kathy is quite a large radius, I am just saying’).

Then in another area of the store I hear “Have a good day!” and Aunt Kathy’s immediate “THANKS I ALWAYS DO!”.  And our timing for getting out of the store coincided and we ended up at the registers just a few feet apart from each other.  The cashier said “Thanks Ma’am, I hope you have a good day!”.  “THANKS I ALWAYS DO!”

It is quite obvious that this is Aunt Kathleen’s genuine energy for each day because there is absolutely no hesitation in that response.  It is immediate as it is obviously her tone she has taken over and over and over for years and years.  And now as I share this, I am hearing that this has truly been her mantra forever.

And in saying all of that, Aunt Kathy has been dealt some difficult cards in life.  In fact, about a year ago she arrived at a party and did not have this level of energy and we were all a bit concerned.

When I was getting in my car with my bag of my items I accumulated while browsing around the store (I am not sure how they do it but go in for one thing and walk out with 3 bags of stuff that you “may” need sometime soon), I realized the profound impact her energy had on that store today.  In addition to that, it effected the people in her path and, I’m even more amazed to know she wakes up and walks around with that tone on a regular basis.

Not everyday of our lives are going to be “good” days or Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Thanks I Always Do“nice” days however that is ultimately a choice we get to make.  I have some patients at my office, Cafe of LIFE Chiropractic, that have been coming for years and years.  I ask them “How is your day?”  Their answer “Not bad.”

Realizing this “Not bad” answer is very different that “Good.”  ,,,and very, very different than “Always good.”  Even when “bad” things are happening in life, we still wake up on the top side of the grass and that is a GOOD DAY all by itself!!!

Let’s consider what would happen if you expected to have a good day and chose to have a good day.  What kind of effect would that have on your family?  How would that rub off on the people around you?  Now what would happen if that was multiplied by even just five of the seven days this week and multiplied out over the next year?  And what if only one friend or family member caught on, liked the idea and started to expect good days too?  Multiply that by our community in this little town of Fenton, MI or out to our state, our country, or even out to the world.  Think of how many good days we could get out of that and think about the ripple effects out into all of life!  That is a big deal.

So the next time someone says “Have a nice day!” to you, maybe you will think back to that morning when you made the decision to have a good day before getting up and out of bed, and you can reply something like “THANKS I ALWAYS DO!”  Thank you Aunt Kathleen.





About 20 years ago, I was clued into this place called Antelope Canyon.  I am not sure where I heard about it but it has sat in the back of my mind for that long always thinking and knowing that I would visit someday.

I do not have a bucket list.  I do, however, have a LIVING FULLY list.  There are a few things on that and visiting Antelope Canyon has been one just waiting for the chance to make it happen

I am lucky enough to have quite a few phenomenal friends in my life, but 3 very special sisters.  I grew up with 3 brothers and begged my mom for a sister right from the start.  These 3 started as, what so many consider, “soul sisters”.  However a couple months ago, as we traveled to a conference together, we decided to drop the word “soul” and just be “sisters”.  Two of them are actual blood sisters, but two of us only had experiences growing up with boys and were ecstatic about the idea of having sisters.

We planned a sisters trip to Sedona, Arizona about a month ago.  As the weekend approached, one of my sisters likes to have a couple things planned out and so she threw out some ideas over text message…and one of them happened to be Antelope Canyon.

Of course I jumped at that chance and shouted “YES!!!  YES!!!  YES!!!” as loudly as I could…over text message…and the day trip was planned.

There really is plenty to see in and around Sedona, and traveling 3 hours by car one way was not really necessary, however it was so incredibly worth every minute in the car.  I don’t think I could use words to explain this, let’s talk with pictures for a bit…

The canyon hike was down into the earth around 30-100 feet.

Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - 20 Years

It is really just that beautiful!!!

Antelope Canyon 4 Antelope Canyon 5 Antelope Canyon 6 Antelope Canyon 7 Antelope Canyon 8


The pictures are amazing and truly don’t even come close to doing it justice.  They were taken with a simple iPhone camera, nothing fancy.  It is just that beautiful!  Of course it appears super peaceful as if nobody is around, however, there are hundreds and hundreds of people going through this canyon in a group hike format with about 20 people per group all day long…but the crowd hardly matters.

Please do yourself a favor and go check it out for yourself!!!  I’m serious!

20 years I have had this on my LIVING FULLY list…and I would go back in a second!!!



I pulled up to a pump the other day to put gas in my car and it was impossible not to notice the TV that was blaring the news station and telling me about all the stuff going on in the world.  It dawned on me that more and more gas pumps are coming equipped with TVs so that you don’t have to just “stand there”, you can catch up on the world events while pumping gas.

It really struck me on that particular morning.  Many of you know that I do not have TV at home.  I have a TV and I have capability to stream movies through Amazon Prime but that’s it.  It is only turned on about once every 2 months to watch a movie, if even that.  TV is just not something that I participate with at all.  Because of this, I am super sensitive to them when they are on.Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Pumping Gas

So as I am standing there getting the doom and gloom of the world right at the gas pump, I begin to think how did this all come about?  How did the demand for TV to be right at the gas pump happen?  Someone thought of that idea, invented a TV that could be installed at the gas pump, marketed to the gas stations and the gas stations bought into it.

I am not saying that is a bad thing, its truly BRILLIANT!!!

For some reason as humans, we cannot just stand there and pump gas and think?  That makes me nervous.  I have quite a few little ones in my life through my family and my practice, Cafe of LIFE Chiropractic, and I am noticing that it is harder and harder for them to be still and not stimulated by technology, TV or something of that nature.

I remember growing up with “I’m bored” coming from my mouth from time to time.  However “I’m bored” just was something to say when I didn’t feel like using my imagination and finding/creating something to do.

I am curious if kids are getting much of a chance to develop their imagination anymore.  Life is so filled with someone else’s creation, someone else’s imagination, projected on a screen and I am certain this is taking away from developing their own.  Imagination is like a muscle and needs to be worked.

We used to take family road trips out west, hours and hours and hours in the car with four kids.  We didn’t have movie players and gaming systems, we had the radio and our imagination and maybe some crayons and coloring books.  That was it.  Now it seems some people drive to the grocery store and need to have movies on in the car.  I am, by no means, saying this is wrong because there are many good reasons for this.  However, what if we just look out the windows, look around, maybe play “I spy” or something and start to engage the imaginative and observation parts of the mind…especially for the little ones but adults too!

Let’s take a moment and glance back through this past week.  I am curious to know if there has been any time set aside to be able to just think.  Taking some deliberate time to just think is a way we can asses our direction in life.  It is a way to reflect back and see what patterns are happening in life and, if expanded out over the next multiple years in life, where that may take us.

A few years back, when my grandmother was still alive, she would see her grandchildren on their phones constantly and directly ask “When do you kids take any time to just think?’

Many of the new patients coming into the office these days check the box “anxiety” as one of their symptoms.  I believe some of this is from the high speed pace of life and filling every single moment of each day with technology.  Though I do not have TV, I am equally as guilty as the rest with wanting to fill quiet spaces with technology.  I have set deliberate time aside to be “screen-free” and am changing my morning routine to delay my first screen interaction.

I am, in no way, saying anything is good or bad.  I am, in no way, nay-saying on kids and TV.  What I am asking is maybe we take a closer look at the AMOUNT of time spend in front of a screen.  And though it is difficult because the gas pump TVs are SO LOUD, maybe take those 3 minutes to pump your gas to think about your life, your family or your significant other.  If you are on a undesirable trajectory in life, I am not sure those 3 minutes pumping gas will give you enough insight to realize it, but awareness is the beginning of anything.

It amazed me how much I learned from pumping gas that day.  Just something to think about since we only get one chance!!!





I am absolutely humiliated!

A patient walked into the Cafe of LIFE last Wednesday afternoon and asked me where I was earlier that day and why I wasn’t here when my office hours said I would be here.

“What do you mean?  I am always here for our office hours  Wednesday morning is 7:30a-10a.”Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Humiliated - Dr. Erica Peabody

“That is not what your business card says.”

When we looked closer, our business cards have our office hours as “7:30am-1pm”.  For months.

Sometimes when reviewing a proof for those kinds of things, the brain will look at something, skim right over an error and make up something completely different.  That is exactly what happened.

So in essence it has looked like we just high-tail it out of here whenever we feel like it on Wednesday during that time slot.  And if you know me like most of you do by now, I would NEVER do that.

She continued, “Yeah I was talking to my mom and she said ‘well she must just come and go as she pleases.’ You really don’t seem like that kind of a person to me.”

Um…I am NOT that kind of a person and I am not that kind of professional!  I feel a lot of responsibility to all of you and there are a lot of people that rely on us.  I was born with punctuality and responsibility woven into my fabric, that is just how I am.

So needless to say we looked over all our thousands of card that I ordered just a couple months ago and realized they were all wrong.  In the meantime, every person that has come into this office, we always tell them, “Make sure to grab a card at the front desk, our hours are on the back.”

OH.  MY.  GOODNESS.  I am seriously humiliated.

Yes I am only human and there are humans involved in the making and printing process of these things and mistakes can happen.

And by now I am sure you can imagine just how very GRATEFUL I am to this lady who brought this mistake to my attention!!!

The last thing I want to do is look like a slacker, and especially when I am not.

To all of you out there reading this that we may have confused and misled, I apologize and am so humiliated.  Live and learn, right?  You can bet I will have many different sets of eyes on all future materials like that.



In order to have seen many of the pictures of our BVI sailing trip, you would have to have been a friend of mine on Facebook or have come into the Cafe of LIFE. There are quite a few asking about my trip so I wanted to put together a little BVI Sailing Picture Diary for you to take a glance at some of what we did with our 10 days on our sailboat Yacht Emily Morgan.Fenton Chiropractor - BVI Sailing Picture Diary - My Friends

These are my friends, some really good friends that I have traveled with often.  They all live in Denver and are all chiropractors…and have been trying to get me to move out west since I moved home 11 years ago.  I met all of them in 2001 within the first week of starting chiropractic college at Life University in Atlanta, GA.  I love each of them for what they add to my life, my being and the level of joy and laughter daily, even when we are not together.

Fenton Chiropractor - BVI Sailing Picture Diary - My Feet

These are my feet and this is the front of the boat.  The entire trip was absolutely beautiful, as you can tell, and this was such an awesome spot to take it all in.

Fenton Chiropractor - BVI Sailing Picture Diary - Christmas Morning

Christmas morning, we are in the midst of our white elephant gift exchange and I ended up with a selfie-stick which I was totally stoked about!!!  My friends, Marco and Scott, and to the right in the picture, is Bones, the owner of the ship, host extraordinaire, comedian, dance instructor, master sailor.  We got lucky to be on this boat with him and his wife!!

Fenton Chiropractor - BVI Sailing Picture Diary - First Selfie of Many

Later on that day using said “selfie-stick”…

Fenton Chiropractor - BVI Sailing Picture Diary - Selfie Stick

…and then I realized that I hardly needed any friends to take my pictures or be in my pictures because I now had a SELFIE STICK!!!! Fenton Chiropractor - BVI Sailing Picture Diary - Fab FourI am only kidding…that is not really true, we all need our friends.  Fenton Chiropractor - BVI Sailing Picture Diary

Then one day Bones took us knee-boarding on the back of the dinghy.  It has been since June 24, 1998 since I have been knee-boarding.  I remember the date so clearly because I ended up breaking my nose out on Lake Ponemah (a whole different blog post to share that story, maybe).  It was super fun to be knee-boarding and of course I can’t help but always try to see what’s still possible on that thing.  Here is me doing my best rendition of “Hey Mom!!!  Look at me!!!”  …only my Mom wasn’t anywhere around.  🙂

Fenton Chiropractor - BVI Sailing Picture Diary - Paddleboards

Emily Morgan hauls around these paddleboards we could take out anytime we wanted.  So much fun although I am not sure I used them all that much.  This trip became quite a sedentary trip actually.   Fenton Chiropractor - BVI Sailing Picture Diary - Rainbow

But while we were sitting around all day, we would see such BEAUTIFUL rainbows!!!  Spectacular rainbows and a few of them each day.  I know this picture may not even seem real but this was shot with just an iPhone camera, no zoom.  Crazy beautiful place!!!  Fenton Chiropractor - BVI Sailing Picture Diary - Sunset

And while I am at it, enjoy these two beautiful pictures!  Fenton Chiropractor - BVI Sailing Picture Diary - Sunset #2

Sundown time was some of the coolest lighting of the entire day.  I think coupled with the sway of sitting on the boat and about to eat some of the most delicious food, it became our most favorite part of each day.

Fenton Chiropractor - BVI Sailing Picture Diary

…it was time for another selfie…  🙂

Fenton Chiropractor - BVI Sailing Picture Diary

After the first few days of strictly being only on the boat, we began to crave being on land and would dinghy into shore and get grounded for a few minutes.  Sometimes we would find beautiful beaches to hang out on but mostly we just needed to not be moving, swaying and rocking for a few minutes.  Fenton Chiropractor - BVI Sailing Picture Diary - Helping with Sails

I LOVED learning about sail physics and helping with to put sails up and take them down.  The greatest part of our trip is our hosts could completely handle the boat themselves and so we could choose how much we wanted to participate in crewing the boat minute by minute.  I just loved the raising and lowering of the sails, literally the mechanism that was catching the wind and moving us around these islands…how freakin’ cool is that?!?!?!  I am still in awe of how it all works and am excited to find a sailing vessel of some sort this coming summer…maybe windsurfing.  Yeah, that sounds about right for me.

Fenton Chiropractor - BVI Sailing Picture Diary - Sleeping

This is a picture of my room.  These 2 bunk beds that were available to me and I ultimately found that the top one had the best air flow.  I do not sleep well when my body is moving (in the car, on a plane and apparently not on a boat either).  Aside from a sedentary 10 days, sleeping was the only other downfall of being on the sailboat for me.  I am particular about sleep and need certain pillows and support and position and basically the only way to sleep in this bed was to tie up a hammock up to the wall at the head and foot of the bed to keep from rolling out at night as the boat rocks in the waves.  This took a while to get used to and then once I was home, it took a while to get use to being in a bed that was not moving. It is interesting to watch the brain try to adapt to all of that!  Fenton Chiropractor - BVI Sailing Picture Diary - Sailing and Talking

This is how our days were spent…sitting, sailing and chatting.  This particular group of friends are what I consider “growth friends”.  We are always presenting ideas, talking things over, offering each other perspective and solving the problems of the world…well our own small worlds if you want to be particular.

Fenton Chiropractor - BVI Sailing Picture Diary - New Years Eve

Another incredible evening anchored in some beautiful place, rocking in the waves, chatting about the day and prepping to wind down for the night.  Fenton Chiropractor - BVI Sailing Picture Diary - New Years Even Foxy's

New Year’s Eve was spent on the island of Jost Van Dyke at a world famous bar called Foxy’s.  It is amazing that among the 3,000 people at this party that I can be dancing around the place and come across a sticker of one of the businesses, Unlimited Offroad, here in Fenton, MI.  It amazes me to be thousands of miles away and have evidence of Fenton’s greats right in front of me!!

Fenton Chiropractor - BVI Sailing Picture Diary - More Friends

These guys…the greatest!!!

Fenton Chiropractor - BVI Sailing Picture Diary - Bones and Anna

And these two, Bones and Anna and their beautiful boat Emily Morgan, exceptional is not even the word great enough for them.  24 hours per day for 10 solid days with 6 demanding goofballs in their home…I have no idea how they endure something like that.  This is the moment stepping off the boat and parting ways after our 10 days.  We were truly like a big happy family with them and we all miss them.  You can see in their smiles and in their energy fields, even after 10 FULL DAYS, they have the biggest servants hearts of any people I have seen in a while.  Our trip was as amazing as it was due mostly to them.  Look them up if ever you are looking to have an exceptional vacation!

So that concludes the BVI sailing picture diary.  If think I covered the trip thoroughly as I also strongly believe that pictures tell the best stories.  Until next time…I am still “Sailing the Scene, 2016!”



“Hey Doc!!!  What should I eat???”  I have gotten this question so many times over the past few weeks at the Cafe of LIFE that I wanted to answer it in a much bigger way and really put some information out there for you.Fenton Chiropractor - What Should I Eat - Sweet Potato

There are so many concepts of this food is good, and that food is bad, and that and that is bad, and this is good.  Where does one even start????????  And you might be thinking and asking that same question and maybe you have been asking these questions for a long time now.

Should I eat meat or be a vegetarian?
What about being a vegan?  What about red meat?  And eggs or just egg whites?
How about that gluten stuff?
What about corn?  And soy?  And sugar?  Should I have dairy?

I do not have all the answers.  I am not a nutritionist.  I do however have A LOT of years of trial and error of my own, worked with patients and have done a TON of research, seminars and have been learning and learning and learning as I go. Fenton Chiropractor - What Should I Eat - Cucumber
Here are a few tips on how to determine what to eat:

EAT FOODS WITH ONE INGREDIENT:  This is what my diet consists of and most of it is vegetables.  What do I mean when I say ONE ingredient?  Well when you look at a cucumber for instance, it is just a cucumber.  I doesn’t have any additives, it hasn’t been processed and is just the thing that grew from the ground.  Chicken and fish are just that, chicken and fish, just one simple ingredient, and baked or broiled, delicious.  Sweet potato is just one ingredient.  Lettuce, tomato, rice, oats, apple, orange…you get the picture.  Cracker, for instance, is usually some sort of flour mixed with something else and baked and they added salt and probably high fructose corn syrup and all other kinds of things.  So when you sit down at the table to eat your meal, how many Chiropractor Fenton - What Should I Eat - Broccoliingredients are in the stuff on your plate?  Eat more WHOLE FOODS, more items that are just the food itself, just ONE ingredient.

EAT LOTS OF PLANTS:  Each time we look down at our plate and are about to eat a meal, I suggest more than half of your plate should be plants or the product of plants and is considered a PLANT BASED DIET.  I am not recommending a vegan or vegetarian diet, although I do have my own good and bad experiences, that is completely up to you.   You can decide if meat is right for you and which meats you choose to eat.  When choosing meats, clean, organic, grass fed animals is what you want to choose.  How do they grow and what do they eat when given their natural environment. So many of the meats have been mass produced at overcrowded farms.  Not good.  And if you are eating the meats, skip the sauces and figure out some herbs that you can use for flavor.  When I say I recommend is a PLANT BASED DIET, that just means load your plate up with the vegetables and then a clean protein.  In other words, consume lots of live things that grew from the ground.Fenton Chiropractor - What Should We Eat - Brown Rice

PROTEIN, FAT and FIBER:  One of my mentors has done away with the idea of PROTEIN, FAT and CARBOHYDRATES and has replaced the last part of that with FIBER.  This goes back to getting our actual carbs from FIBER, mainly vegetables and some fruits.  When we have the word “carbohydrate” on the back of a package and we know we need a certain amount of carbohydrate per day, we will give ourselves an excuse to eat some food that is not beneficial to us. This doesn’t mean that we can get our carb allowance for the day from some sort of processed food and call it the same as eating a sweet potato, oats or brown rice, it doesn’t work like that.  Fiber keeps our digestive system clear and moving, keeps our blood sugar regulated and it should be the key ingredient when you go to choose your carbohydrates for the day.  Let’s think about replacing the word “carbohydrate” with “FIBER” and make our choices be a lot more vegetables and a whole lot healthier.What Should I Eat - Salmon

EAT HEALTHY FATS:  In this culture we have gotten to a point that we are primarily driven by sugars.  Our body is breaking down sugars as an energy source and we really need to revert back to breaking down fats.  If the body is constantly able to just use sugars and carbohydrates as energy source, we don’t get to the powerful energy source which is fat.  When the body switches back over and starts burning fats for energy, it will start to burn more body fat and melt that right off the body as well.  Fenton Chiropractor - What Should I Eat - Water
How do we go about switching our bodies from sugar burners over to fat burners?  Start adding super healthy fats into your diet when you need a little energy boost and at the same time
limit your sugar and carb intake. Some ideas for healthy fats are avocado, coconut and coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, whole eggs, fatty fish like salmon, fish oil or flax seed oil supplement or a little bit of dark chocolate.

DRINK MORE WATER:  Water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water.  Period.

In the end, our diet doesn’t need to be and probably should’t be exciting.  Food is for nourishment and what I have noticed over the years, for myself and my patients, is that the cleaner and simpler it is, the more nourishing it is and the better the body feels.

The question, “What should I eat?”, I hear it a lot.  There is no “one size fits all” recipe for life.  In sharing this, I hope the simplicity helps a bit and helps you realize that the choices we make today effect us right away…but the long term cumulative effects of good choices really adds to our overall quality of life now and especially down the road.  The name of this blog is “We Only Get One Chance” and we may as well treat our body in a way that our one time around is the healthiest it can possibly be.



Welcome to the future!!!

Do you remember 1985 when the movie “Back to the Future” came out?  I was quite young at that point however it was an age that I can remember life and some of the specifics.

The main thing I remember is thinking that the date they were heading to in their time machine seemed like it was so far away!!  “That is forever from now!” I thought.

I also remember being in first grade and our neighbors were in fifth grade and I thought that was so old and thinking the moment I graduated from Fenton High School that my life was over.Chiropractor Fenton Michigan Back to the Future

When we are young, it seems like those things are so far off, however here we are today!!!

When I think back to 1985, I was 8 years old and in third grade at State Road Elementary.  Life was simple back then and school came easy for me.  I remember some of the most stressful things happening on a daily basis would be deciding between pizza or a cheeseburger for lunch and that was it.  I remember wearing parachute pants (because I would only wear clothes my older brother wore first) and always being one of the only girls on the soccer field for recess every single day.

The span of life between then and today “the future” has been quite an adventure.  I obviously finished and graduated from Fenton High School, went on to Michigan State, transferred to Boise State University and finally graduated with my bachelors degree from University of Alaska in Anchorage.  I started my doctorate at Life University in Atalanta, GA and finished at Sherman College in Spartanburg, SC.

During that time, I married and divorced, I lived in many places all over the country, studied my little heart out and moved home to open my practice.  Since then I have started a business, traveled to many parts of the world, been on a mission trip, ran a marathon and many half-marathons, completed triathlons, been on numerous dates, bought a condo and then a home.   I became an aunt.  I have nieces and nephews I have watched grow and have helped them learn about their world, adjusted thousands and thousands of people, made money, lost money and made investments.  I have been diagnosed with a heart condition but otherwise have had good health.  I have added many friends and lost a few, added many family members and lost a few of those too.

A LOT has happened from that time to now!

Sometimes life can feel as if it is not moving and nothing is getting accomplished.  But if you really stop what you are doing right now and see if you can remember back to the time while watching that movie for a first time (I assume everyone has watched it, its such a classic), truly you have come so far and accomplished so much.  The good, the bad and the ugly, take a moment to have gratitude for all of it.  If it didn’t go the way you really wanted it to, then take another moment and figure out something you can you do from this point to make a change.  Instead of waiting to make a New Year’s Resolution, how about resolving to do something today that will change your trajectory in life?

There is no time like the present since today is “the future”.  Welcome to the future!




As I was on a 3 mile walk near my home this evening, I was thinking I don’t know if I ever remember a sweeter September in Michigan than what we are experiencing this year.  I love the fall and am totally in love with this sweet, sweet September.

Do you remember ever having more sunshine than what we have had lately?  I think it has rained maybe a few hours total for this entire month.Chiropractor Fenton Michigan September

The nights are cool now, the mornings are crisp and it is so refreshing.

But there is so much more to this sweet sweet September than just the weather and I do not know many people who actually enjoy talking about the weather.

September marks a time of year when things begin to “normalize”.  Most of that is our schedules with school starting and getting the family back to some sort of “normal” routine.  Serving this community in my office, Cafe of LIFE Chiropractic, on a weekly basis magnifies so much of the community energy.  August, and the preparation for school to start, brings a frenzied energy.  There is always such anticipation about the year ahead and what it will bring.  So many questions run around in everyone’s head and it shows up in their physiology…Who will be my teacher this year? Will I have the right clothes?  I wonder if my friends will be in my class?  I wonder if I will get “that” student the other teachers are warning everyone about?  I wonder how my sports team will do?  .…all of these unknowns and so much more adds into the already heightened energy of August.

In the past, September has hit like a ton of bricks and it has often taken a long time for people to settle into their routines.  But this sweet sweet September feels very different. It feels like we were all ready for that shift back to routine and school and work.  Of course our busy schedules have brought October on us so quickly it is difficult to believe that will be next week.

And when speaking about sweet sweet September, we cannot forget about college football of course!  College football games are usually attended wearing lots of layers and drinking warm drinks…but not in September and especially not this September.  Beautiful, sunshine filled Saturdays at the football stadiums with the smells of fall in the air, does it get any sweeter than that?!?!

So as I am walking this evening and admiring absolutely everything about this beautiful place I call home, I am thinking to myself “I don’t remember a sweeter September than this one, and I am sure grateful to be awake and alive today to experience it!”

I certainly hope you have been able to get out and play in the sunshine with your families.  Within just a few weeks, winter will be moving in and I am definitely not banking on seeing another sweet sweet September quite like this one.  We get to live this one time…put some of those “have to’s” aside for a few more days and get out there and make the most of it!!!




To me, living fully is the most important concept in running my daily life.

If I get an invite somewhere, I take it.

If I get an opportunity to do something, I say yes and make it happen.

If I have an idea, I try it on and see if I can make it work.

To live fully is to take every opportunity to say “yes” and explore life!

When we got orders to go to Anchorage, Alaska, the decision was literally made on a “why not?” philosophy.  Why would we go?  Why not!  I have to tell you it was one of the most incredible experiences that has shaped my entire life from that point forward.  Going back to revisit was amazing.

Humans get involved in analysis paralysis, stuck in our thoughts and in our heads.  We think too much and it stunts our movement forward.  I want to challenge you when the next opportunity presents itself, see if you can answer it with a “YES!” instead of thinking too much (of course as long as it is safe and reasonable).  Take the opportunities that help us live fully.  We only get once chance to live this life.  Let me know how it goes!



A return trip to Alaska has been on my list for a few years now.  As many of you know, I lived in Anchorage, Alaska for 3.5 years.  Though I am a Michigan State University fan through and through and began my undergraduate degree at MSU, my true Alma Mater is University of Alaska Anchorage.Chiropractor Fenton Michigan Denali 2

I moved to Anchorage in 1998.  I left to pursue my doctorate degree in 2001 and this was my first chance to get back there to explore that beautiful state.

When I look back to 14-17 years ago, I hardly recognize who I was at that point in my life.  So much has changed in my entire being, that truly feels like a completely different lifetime.

Stepping off the plane and driving from the airport to our hotel was surreal.  All the little neurons that hold memories of that place started to fire in my mind.  I could remember some streets, but not all of them.  I could remember the layout of the city, but still needed a map.  It was such a familiar place yet so far away and removed that it had a really cool and new feeling to me.

Our first stop was University of Alaska campus.  When I lived there, I wore very different clothing.  All of my logo wear from UAA was oversized hoodie sweatshirts and I needed to update some of those pieces.  Being back on Chiropractor Fenton Michigan Denali 1campus was surreal.  I completed 3.5 years on that campus but it was so foreign to me.  Did I even go here???  3.5 years of my life is a long time, long enough to have traveled that campus by foot to and from class over and over and over again, it seems like I should remember something.  It was like being in the twilight zone and being in a place I had never been before.

I decided to purchase an alumni license plate cover so that I can see it on a daily basis as a reminder of that era of my life.Chiropractor Fenton Michigan Denali 3

Completing that visit to campus, we heading out towards the mountains.  Our destination was Denali National Park.  The drive was incredible; the mountains, the water, the scenery, the music in the car, the conversation, the memories, the company, all of it.  It was so great to be back.

The days are long in Alaska this time of year.  In fact, the days never end once you get far enough north.  The sun sets but it never gets dark and I am not sure it actually sets as much as it tucks behind the mountains for a few hours.

The next day we took a 12 hour bus ride into Denali National Park.  If you ever go there, you can only drive your car 15 miles in.  Anything beyond that, you have to get on a shuttle bus.  When you go, get on one of those buses because there is so much more to see out there beyond 15 miles, that is just the tip of the iceberg.

The day finished with a hike to our campsite.  I think the hike was a little over a mile, or 2 miles or more miles if you take the wrong path.  Yup, absolutely found that out through experience.

I am renewed and refreshed in the mountains.  I am renewed and refreshed with lots of hugs.  I got a lot of both of those things by the second day of vacation.

My return to Alaska was such a tremendous experience.  The lessons are trickling through my days as this week has gone by.  Pictures do not do the place justice…but I tried.  Stay tuned, I have a lot more to share.