There is a little man.

He was born after 3 long days of labor.  I saw them a lot during mom’s pregnancy.  It ended up that my office seemed like the ideal place to be when labor was taking days and he was stuck in the birth canal.  I labored with this beautiful mother for about 30 minutes and adjusted her spine between contractions.

She is a beautiful mother, an Earth mommy.  She has done her research and chooses natural parenting ideas to rear her children…on all levels of life.  Her children are lucky they have such an advocate for a mother.Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - A Little Man

I love her.  I love the entire family.  She came to me years ago when her other chiropractor scolded her for breastfeeding her child in his office while she waited for her turn to get adjusted.  She called me on her way home from that appointment at his office.  I am glad I answered that day because OF COURSE!!! you may sit and breastfeed in my office.  We have a comfortable environment that I hope all feel welcome to sit and nourish their babies.  If anyone in this building has an issue with it, that’s alright by me this is my place.

Her little man was born just over a month ago.  He is precious and little.  I mean really little.  In fact, he is so little he was not gaining proper weight.  He had gained about 2 ounces over the first few weeks of life when she brought him in to the Cafe of LIFE to see me.

I wish parents wouldn’t wait so long but he is here now and I am grateful for that.

This little man is so little that his pediatrician has become very concerned, rightfully so.  Aside from that, this little mans’s grandmother, would call his mom in tears regularly for him and his situation.

His first visit with me, his discomfort was absolutely palpable and I could feel his pain.  As a chiropractor, when little ones are struggling so much, they look deep into my eyes and do not break eye contact and their little beings beg and plead for some sort of help…and they innately know that I have some tools.

This is the first time one of the little ones made me actually cry during their visit.  Usually it is after they have left the building or when I am wrapping up my day with thoughts of them.

I tried to keep my tears hidden as he stared me down, and I think I did.  When mom reads this, it will hopefully be news to her.  I was also concerned, really concerned.

In the back of my mind, I could tell he was not a “failure to thrive” baby, I could tell he was capable.  As a chiropractor, putting my hands on him I could instantly feel the stress and tension through his entire nerve system, his entire body.

It is quite possible that during his 3 day birthing process, his spine got compromised.  And not to the point of permanent damage, but enough to be cutting off his normal flow of information to parts of his body and leading to dis-ease (literally lack of ease) making it nearly impossible for him to relax into what he is trying to do, which is eat, sleep, digest and grow.

One adjustment and though he left the Cafe of LIFE screaming his head off, I knew and absolutely trusted that things were set in motion.  I wish I could do one adjustment for the infants and they would calm down and be fine forevermore, that is not the case.

Two days later, another check of his spine and nerve system.  And another adjustment.  Still screaming.

Another three days later, another check of his spine and nerve system.  Another adjustment and the beginnings of some real change.  The little man slept all the way through the adjustment.  So peaceful which means his body can sloChiropractor Fenton Michigan - A Little Manw down and rest and digest like he is supposed to. Only problem is that at this point the pediatrician is going to admit him to the hospital unless he gains weight by four days from yesterday. Mom is freaked out because they will put him on formula, which all I will say is please do your research.

She decided instead of waiting for four more days, she would stop by the pediatrician’s office after leaving my office and put him up on the scale just so she knows what she is dealing with.

This is the text message from her (yes some of my patients text message me) that afternoon…

This little man will not be so little any longer.  He will grow and grow and develop and make his way in life.  He will do this with a little bit more ease because his spine and nerve system have settled down towards normal and he can relax and learn to live in this crazy world.

It is such a beautiful thing.

Every single one of my patients leave a lasting impression on me.  Every single one of them (you) take a little piece of my heart with them (you).  On a side note, when the heart is broken, it grows back bigger.  I am certain I have dealt with the level and extent of heartache in my life so that my heart is extra big to be able to handle the masses.

The adults take a little piece of my heart, but the kids they just run away with it…but also fill it back up big time.

A simple story like this, the simple chiropractic adjustments I have done on this little man, this is what keeps my own gas tank full.

It is an honor to be his family’s chiropractor.  It is an honor to do this work.  I am grateful beyond words and moved to tears on a regular basis by being able to help out so many but especially a little man like that.





We all need to crawl first!
I get messages from my patients at Cafe of LIFE Chiropractic all the time. Lots of wonderful messages about healing and growth and clearing their lives and feeling better.
I saw a 9 month old girl yesterday and mom reported that she has been starting to stand up to furniture but hasn’t crawled yet. Some parents would be so ecstatic that they were standing but without crawling, its presents a Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Crawl Firstchallenge. There are reasons why babies go from crawling to walking, it is a primitive developmental stage (the cross crawl movement is vital to so many other movements as well as neurological development) that leads to the next thing and to the next thing. Its stages, and normal development happens through those stages. When a child appears to be skipping a stage, it is concerning to me as a chiropractor.
So I checked her spine and nerve system and got her adjusted. I have been adjusting this little one since birth however more sporadic than anything and they had a busy summer and hadn’t made it in in the past 2 months.
This is mom’s text message to me this morning (yes some patients text me directly) “Just wanted to let you know that “L” is crawling around everywhere today!! …and getting on her brother’s nerves!!! Glad I finally brought her in, she obviously needed it.”
I did not push a “start crawling” button on little L, there is no such thing. I simply asked some questions, adjusted her spine as I normally I would for any child, and her body righted itself, got the nerves connected correctly and started crawling…apparently REALLY CRAWLING!!! For a child to go from stationary to crawling after her adjustment is an incredible shift in life. She is now ready to progress and will probably take off on foot very quickly.
This is not the first time I have seen this happen…many reports over the years but just finally had a moment to sit down and write this out for you.
Some people have a perception of chiropractic care is a “cure” for pain.  Was that 9 month old in my office for pain? Not even close. Using chiropractic for pain only is like using your iPhone to text message only. It is SOOOOOOOO MUCH MORE THAN THAT!!!  It is about life and living and how the body is working and healing and growing and developing and handling the days.
It is about LIFE!!!
I am honored to be little L’s chiropractor. I wouldn’t have my life be any other way.


I had an incredible weekend!  It was just about as much fun as one could possibly pack into the minutes of one single weekend and a good portion of it I spent at the Barefoot and Free Yoga Festival.

Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Barefoot and Free Yoga
Pack up yoga mat and hike to the “unknown”

We live, work and play among some real superheros and it is hard to know who those superheros are until something like this weekend is pulled together through the vision of one woman.  Of course, there will always be so many people behind the scenes that do not get enough recognition, however, it takes one person to have the vision to start with…and that person is the one who ultimately takes the initial step forward.

Proud Lake Recreation Area is a super amazing place just south of Milford, Michigan.  I had never been there before and although I had signed up for the yoga festival just because of the idea of it…quite frankly I had no idea what I was getting into.

I pulled in, parked my car and took a walk to the festival site.  It was an absolutely ideal location allowing for yoga classes to be held in a few different areas on the grounds.  There were vendors, big tents that would hold yoga classes, a bunkhouse for those that wanted to stay, areas for tents, food vendors and so much amazing positive energy, it could not have been in a more perfect place!

Us yoga peeps, even though we are supposed to be super flexible (not only in class but in life in general), sometimes get stuck with wanting to only take our “favorite” instructor(s) and become actually quite rigid with our regular yoga routine.  For me, my time is precious and I am always wanting to maximize my time spent in any yoga class and so I have my favorites and stick with them.

The great thing about the festival setting is that there are options and you are exposed to some other really

Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Barefoot and Free Yoga
The reflection is the view while laying on my yoga mat

exceptional instructors…and because this festival was so close to home, those instructors are easily accessible to me, well if you consider “easy” to be within about 45 minutes.

When I am at my usual yoga class(es) during the week, I am usually running in there last minute and heading out immediately following closing postures.  Life is busy, busy, busy!  The flow of this festival and the timing of classes

gave us some real time to spend with these like-minded people.  There were a few people I see regularly at class but I actually had some time to ask them about themselves and their lives outside of the studio.  We shared time, space, laughter and snacks together.  We had time for conversation between sweating our behinds off.  We had a few moments to jump in the river together.  I have stronger, tighter connections because of the weekend.

And then I should mention what it means to the body and mind to do that much yoga in a condensed timeframe.  I took six, 75 minute vinyasa classes in 90-100 degree temperatures.  I took an inversion workshop, a slow burn class and attended a lecture.  This all happened in a matter of 48 hours starting at 7pm on Friday and finishing Sunday at the same time.   That much yoga for me would usually be over a 2 week period and so putting myself into that many different postures, that much intensity, that much breath work, that much laughing and that much dancing, shifts a person at their core.  Barefoot and Free has such

Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Barefoot and Free Yoga
Grateful for the fresh water of the Huron River

divine timing as I am in one of the most stressful weeks of my life in a long time.  In the midst of playing a mean hand of “52 Pick-Up” with my life, I find peace.  Peace is my center and I am craving more time on my mat like I have never felt before, such a strong draw for that level of intense movement and shifting.

I have shared about my experience over the past day and so many have asked “How do I get involved?”  “How did you find out about that?” and “When is the next one?”  I can say this for certain, DO NOT MISS next year!  It is a simple 30 minutes from my home and if you are around the southeast Michigan area, probably within an hour from yours too…very central location to many.

I seriously had no idea what I was getting into.  This is yet another time that I simply said YES and made it happen.  Leading into the weekend I was asked, “Are you meeting a bunch of friends there at the festival?  Do you know many people going?”  No I did not know many people going, but I knew by the time I left, with the nature of yoga and the woods and the connection with Mother Earth, I would have new friends by Sunday.  Plus I am not sure I love anything more than being BAREFOOT AND FREE!!!!!


Thank you to that teeny tiny superhero, Beth James, for creating a place for all of us to play…and be barefoot…and FREE!!!




So this is what I see…

Many people left the state for spring break.  Many people went down south to the sun, sand and beaches and had a blast.  All the stresses of ordinary life fall away while out of their normal environment.

I have seen many of these people back in my office, Cafe of LIFE Chiropractic, this week.  They say things like: “My low back pain was fine while I was gone but just a couple days before returning home, it started to flare up again.”  “I did a 28 hour drive to Florida and back and I was fine, but now that I am back that sciatic pain is back.”  “We had a great time, we were swimming and walking on the beach and my shoulder really relaxed.  Now that I am home and running around all over for normal life, that shoulder is driving me crazy.”Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - This is what I see - life

One of the reasons we LOVE vacation is because we get a break from the grind of the day to day, we get to let go and maybe smile a little bit more, connect with the people that are important and fill our days with conversation and laughter.  We become light and live that light and actually enjoy the lightness of being.

I want to know who made the rule that regular life cannot be like that.  I have a bone to pick with whomever said we cannot enjoy the lightness of our being while running kids around, taking care of our homes, going to work and whomever is spreading the idea that we shouldn’t smile through the good, bad and the ugly during the mundane-ness of life?

We can…and we should.

If life becomes that enjoyable while we are away from it all, maybe we could be doing a little better job at enjoying it while we are in the thick of it.

I have used this phrase quite a bit over the past week or so…”Life just really isn’t that serious.”

I really mean it when I say that but I don’t mean that it is all rainbows and butterflies either.  It just means that your rate of making it through your days so far is 100% and, until you are at the end, I bet that rate stays right up there at 100%;)  If you ask me, we are all doing a heck of a good job and that is pretty freaking amazing!!

So let’s think about it.  We get up in the morning and of course that part is really important.  But what happens if you burn breakfast, run out of eggs and spill your bowl of fruit right down the front of your favorite white shirt as soon as you leave the house.  I bet you will find something else for breakfast and make a joke of your outfit to those who ask and go on with your day.  I bet you will gracefully figure out all parts of your day and in the end make it out with flying colors!

There can be trauma and drama along the way and I am in no way trying to minimize that, some really bad stuff happens to good people.  However when we take a look at the bigger picture, most of it isn’t that big of a deal and isn’t worth much additional energy.  Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - This is what I see - love life

And during the days that we do not get to spend on the sandy beaches in the sunshine, what about creating that feeling of being on sandy beaches and out in the sunshine?  I do not mean by creating a literal beach in your life, I mean by finding things to regularly do that bring you to the feelings you feel when you are there, things that make you feel more connected to nature and the Universe, things that connect you more to your community and activities and people that bring you joy.

What about finding more laughter, even if it means taking on a joke-telling hobby?  What if you woke up tomorrow and you set an intention of finding out what everyone’s favorite joke is?  What if you started just telling the joke “why did the chicken cross the road?”  Making other people laugh, will make you laugh.  That is just one idea of how to lighten the day.  One lighter day leads to 2 lighter days which leads to weeks and months and years of a lighter life.

When life is light, the contrast of vacation will not be quite as much and the settling in of daily life will take on an easier and more graceful feeling.  A lighter life leads to a healthier mind, less stress, more joy and in the long run, greater health!!!

As a chiropractor, I see all kinds of ailments, aches and pains and usually they are stemmed from something happening somewhere along the lines in life; physical stresses, mental/emotional stresses and chemical stresses.  When we realize that the low back tension, the sciatic pain and the shoulder pain and stiffness are, not always but largely, exacerbated from the heaviness of our thoughts and  stress and the anticipation of our normal life, we can really start to let some of the stuff go.  Monday will be Monday. Tuesday will be Tuesday.  Wednesday will be Wednesday…and so on.  They have no real meaning until we place a meaning on them.  If we wish them all away in hopes the weekend will get here sooner or vacation will get her sooner, or summer break will get here sooner…WE ARE MISSING OUT ON LIFE!!!

Let’s lighten the days.  It starts in our minds and in our hearts.  Let go of the pattern of dreading the mundane, that has become a bad habit.  Let go and laugh more with your children, cut some slack to the car that just cut you off in traffic and be grateful for every single sunrise and every single sunset you get to experience.

Life is really not all that serious…this is what I see.



I am absolutely humiliated!

A patient walked into the Cafe of LIFE last Wednesday afternoon and asked me where I was earlier that day and why I wasn’t here when my office hours said I would be here.

“What do you mean?  I am always here for our office hours  Wednesday morning is 7:30a-10a.”Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Humiliated - Dr. Erica Peabody

“That is not what your business card says.”

When we looked closer, our business cards have our office hours as “7:30am-1pm”.  For months.

Sometimes when reviewing a proof for those kinds of things, the brain will look at something, skim right over an error and make up something completely different.  That is exactly what happened.

So in essence it has looked like we just high-tail it out of here whenever we feel like it on Wednesday during that time slot.  And if you know me like most of you do by now, I would NEVER do that.

She continued, “Yeah I was talking to my mom and she said ‘well she must just come and go as she pleases.’ You really don’t seem like that kind of a person to me.”

Um…I am NOT that kind of a person and I am not that kind of professional!  I feel a lot of responsibility to all of you and there are a lot of people that rely on us.  I was born with punctuality and responsibility woven into my fabric, that is just how I am.

So needless to say we looked over all our thousands of card that I ordered just a couple months ago and realized they were all wrong.  In the meantime, every person that has come into this office, we always tell them, “Make sure to grab a card at the front desk, our hours are on the back.”

OH.  MY.  GOODNESS.  I am seriously humiliated.

Yes I am only human and there are humans involved in the making and printing process of these things and mistakes can happen.

And by now I am sure you can imagine just how very GRATEFUL I am to this lady who brought this mistake to my attention!!!

The last thing I want to do is look like a slacker, and especially when I am not.

To all of you out there reading this that we may have confused and misled, I apologize and am so humiliated.  Live and learn, right?  You can bet I will have many different sets of eyes on all future materials like that.



Daily, for over 10 years, I have been helping people to increase their health and internal resilience through my job as a Doctor of Chiropractic.  Aside from keeping the nerve system free of interference, the chiropractic adjustment, there are NATURAL LAWS OF THE BODY that need to be followed in order to be healthy and remain that way…and nobody is exempt.  It doesn’t matter how old or young you are, in order to be  healthy, you have to do the following:


MOVE WELL.Chiropractor Fenton Michigan Eat Well



Some of you are doing an exceptional job at committing to health and I don’t want to make a blanket statement but I do want to review what is necessary.

Let’s start with the first…EAT WELL.  The body heals by replacing cells.  The body and all the cells in it are replaced on a regular basis.  The body grows new cells by the building blocks you ingest.  Ingest a bunch of junk and you will have weak structure and usually a lot of inflammation.  Ingest good healthy food and you will have strong building blocks to construct your cells. AND DRINK YOUR WATER!!!  Every single day, yes ALL OF THE DAYS, EVERY SINGLE LAST ONE, you need to DRINK WATER.  It doesn’t matter how old or young you are, in order to be healthy you have to EAT WELL AND DRINK WATER and nobody is exempt.

Second thing you need to do daily…MOVE WELL.  The body is built to move.  Every joint in the body is nourished through movement.  If we were supposed to be sedentary we would not have nearly as many joints in our bodies.  Circulation increases when you move your body and with that oxygen increases as well.  Circulation is how nutrients and oxygen are transported though the body and delivered to all organs, tissues, muscles and glands.  Muscles also need to be moved and stretched every single day.  It doesn’t matter how old or young you are, in order to be healthy you have to MOVE WELL EVERY SINGLE DAY and nobody is exempt.

Our quality of life is determined largely by our attitude towards it.  Wake up with a smile or wake up with a frown, it is going to set the tone for your entire day.  The days add up to weeks, weeks add up to months and then years and life goes by rather quickly.  Life is only a fraction of what happens to us, and mostly our reaction to it.  Be grateful.  Even when things don’t seem to be going your way, be grateful for something.  Take some time to express gratitude silently to yourself and maybe even out loud to those around you.  It doesn’t matter how old our young you are, in order to be healthy you have to THINK GOOD THOUGHTS IN YOUR LIFE and nobody is exempt.Chiropractor Fenton Michigan Smiling Flower

Have you ever really taken time to think about sleep?  At night, we literally leave this conscious state and step off to some place while our physical body rests.  Sometimes this is to dreamland and sometimes it is quiet and
uneventful.  Either way, we sleep.  Our body shuts down and goes into restoration mode.  It is a time for rebuilding, regrouping, integrating and healing and our bodies require it.  Every.  Single.  Day.  It doesn’t matter how old our young you are, in order to be healthy you have to REST WELL, take some down time and rest and nobody is exempt.

Patients come to the Cafe of LIFE Chiropractic Center every week for over 10 years and I help them through the chiropractic adjustment.  The greatest thing about chiropractic care is that the adjustment helps keep the body connected to it’s power source, the brain and nerve system, and allows it to do everything it is supposed to do, better and more efficiently. I also do my best to help my patients understand the NATURAL LAWS OF THE BODY.  I ask things like “How much sleep have you had lately?” and “How much exercise have you gotten today?  This week?” and “How much water have you drank today?  This week?” and “What are you doing to handle stress in your life?”

Some reply a resounding “YES!  LOTS!!” and I realize that so many are committed to their own health.  However, some reply with answers that DO NOT follow the NATURAL LAWS OF THE BODY as described above.  These are not laws I just made up…this is really serious business and involves your body and your life.


There are no shortcuts.

There is no easy way.

There is no magic pill.

I talk about water on most of your visits because the importance of being properly hydrated is underestimated.  But now you have to go out there into your life and DRINK YOUR WATER!!!  You have to, that is all there is to it.

I love you and this is why I am expressing to you the fact that it doesn’t matter how old or young you are, in order to be healthy you have to FOLLOW THE NATURAL LAWS OF THE BODY and NOBODY IS EXEMPT!!!!  Got it?  Now get out there and get to work!!!  🙂




It starts with Halloween and ends with New Years Day….SUGAR, SUGAR EVERYWHERE!!!  Notably this is also considered “COLD AND FLU SEASON”.  Guess what?  Sugar is a major factor in decreased immune system function and when that happens, the “invaders” (viruses and bacteria) have a chance to take over.

Let’s learn some physiology…Chiropractor Fenton Michigan Sugar
White blood cells are a HUGE PART of your functional immune system.  They travel through the body and convene around areas of “invaders” and do some clean-up work.  White blood cells need Vitamin C in order to activate and do their job of phagocytosis (in essence “eating up”) of the viruses and bacteria.  Sugar and Vitamin C have a very similar structure and compete for the same activation/binding site on the white blood cells.  If sugar is around, Vitamin C doesn’t get to do its normal work and your immune system becomes compromised.  When you decide to eat sugar, you can think of your immune system becoming a slug and slowing down to a crawl…every year…around this same time and going all the way through the New Year.

Certain minerals are required in order to process the sugar you eat.  Because refined sugar doesn’t contain those minerals, chronic ingestion of sugar can lead to depleted levels of essential minerals in the body which creates further problems and compromises health.

Great question!!!  Let’s take this little bit of awareness in to this holiday season and see how making a few better choices in what you put on your plate and in your mouth can have a drastic effect on your energy levels and immune system function.

WAYS TO BOOST YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM: Chiropractor Fenton Michigan Adjustment

  • Drink lots of water
  • Eat your vegetables
  • Get plenty of rest
  • Exercise/move your body daily
  • Take your vitamins
  • Steer clear of sugar
  • Steer clear of alcohol
  • Keep up with your regular chiropractic care
  • Get outside for some fresh air
  • Laugh often and take some time to play
  • Keep a positive mental attitude

The nerve system and immune system are interconnected (some will say they are the same – neuroimmuno system).  When the nerve system is compromised, so is the immune system.  REGULAR CHIROPRACTIC CARE will help maximize your potential for health by keeping your nerve system clear and your immune system strong.  Swing in to the Café of LIFE Chiropractic Center!  We would love to help you and your family have a wonderful, HEALTHFUL holiday season!!!



I have to update you on this incredible story.

Do you remember my beautiful cousin, Danielle (My First Best Friend) and her husband Scott?  Well it has been over a year and I have to share this beautiful clip with you.

Videos tell the best stories.

She is so inspiring.

He is so inspiring.

They love they share is so inspiring.


I hope you found a little smile, a little bit of joy and maybe some hope for your day, your family and your life.

What an incredible story!






As many of you know, I grew up with 3 brothers. Can you guess how many days were 3 against 1? All of them and what I would have given to have a sister.
This past holiday season, I spent 11 days with really close friends in the sunshine on the beach. We have traveled quite a bit together over the years. None of us have any kids, so life is simple right now, and while it is, we will travel.
We have had many different accommodations through the years, however, this is the first year we have had a rental house that we all stayed under one roof. At the last minute, a girlfriend of ours joined us.Chiropractor Fenton Michigan Sister The original plan was I would have my own bedroom but now that she was coming, we would be sharing.
Vacation is meant for relaxation and recharging and I have to admit, the idea of sharing a room wasn’t ideal. I have a sleeping issue and unless I have just the right bed, and just the right pillows, and just the right temperature, and just the right amount of noise, I have a challenge getting to sleep. So adding another person for 10 nights seemed overwhelming and not relaxing.
This girlfriend of mine, Allie, I have known for almost 15 years. We have been friends since the moment I met her and have navigated many of life’s ups and downs together. We truly go WAY back!!
The first night, I slept like a baby. It was almost as if I had a guardian angel with me. Truly that is what my sweet friend Allie has become. She is an amazing chiropractor and a powerful woman, however she is so much more than that. She is a healer, an intuitive and she lives to serve and nurture others. We had 6 chiropractors under one roof and she was the one most of us wanted to be adjusted by. We shared in the adjusting duties but she was busy all week checking and adjusting all of us.
As a group of 6, we would spend our days running and playing and dancing and singing and surfing and eating and making movies and clowning around. We would talk about deep topics and superficial topics, topics that effect our day to day as well as those that effect our entire lives.
Then we would all finish our days and head to our respective resting places. Allie and I would shut the door to the outside world and usually pull out our phones. We would chat for a bit and fill in some blanks and share funny things that came through email or Facebook. Then we would turn out the lights and sometimes those conversations would continue.
Remember those sleep-overs as kids when the conversation would head into the after-dark times? That is exactly what it was and we would stay up late.
It was like sharing a room with sister that I never had and I cherish that time with her.Chiropractor Fenton Michigan Sister 2
In my normal day to day, I spend a lot of time in solitude. I have a busy chiropractic office, Cafe of LIFE Chiropractic, and I see a lot of people on a daily basis. I also spend a lot of time out and about amongst people. When I come home, it is just me. I like it that way. I like that when I leave my house in the morning, I know it will be in the same condition when I return in the evening because I am the only one creating the space.
But there are times when it is truly lonely and the responsibility of creating energy that is happening in my house my solo responsibility as I am the only one creating the space.
I realized when I returned home a couple days ago that I miss her tremendously. I miss all my friends, my tribe, but I miss my sister. Sometimes it takes the contrast in life to realize what one truly values. The contrast of the cold helps to appreciate the hot; the contrast of dark helps to appreciate the light, and the contrast of alone-ness helps to appreciate good company.
I know she, and so many other friends, are just a phone call, email or text message away. I have some good friends that are just a short car ride from my home. I love the life and space that I create on my own, and at the same time, I have shifted a little bit and am looking forward to spending more regular time in good company.  I realize the juice of life can be squeezed out of the days as a solo mission, but is so much sweeter when shared.

“If you want to go fast, go alone.  If you want to go far, go together.”

Thank you for all your time and energy this past week my sweet sister Allie. Much, much, much love!!


The month of November is such a great time to bring our focus back to gratitude.
We have a gratitude project happening at Cafe of LIFE Chiropractic this month. There is a gratitude station set up in the reception area and every time you come in, we are asking you take a moment and think of something you are grateful for. It could be something really big or super small. It could be something from today, or something from years ago. Absolutely anything you are grateful for, write it down on a leaf and we have a “gratitude tree” painted on our big windows that you can tape it to.
The only other thing we ask is that you take an extra moment, maybe 5 or 10 seconds to consider what it is that you are grateful for.

It is one of our favorite activities of the year, literally planting seeds of gratitude in our reception area that grow and flourish.  I have to say, honestly, day after day after day of that really builds some incredible energy.  With the Thanksgiving holiday right around the corner, what perfect timing!!!
We have had some teachers come in and borrow that idea to take it back to their classroom. I actually got the idea from a friend of mine who did it on their window at home and allowed the entire family to participate.
What are you grateful for?
One Monday, one women said “I have so much to be grateful for, how can I pick just one?”
Take a moment every single day for gratitude. Truly we are blessed beyond what words could express if we really take a good look.
While we are on this topic, I would like to express my gratitude to you for being in my life. If you are part of my practice, part of my family, part my circle of friends, a colleague, someone who is following this blog or a perfect stranger that has stumbled upon this post by chance, Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! When I count my blessings, you are one of them and I want to take a moment to express my gratitude.