So this is what I see…

Many people left the state for spring break.  Many people went down south to the sun, sand and beaches and had a blast.  All the stresses of ordinary life fall away while out of their normal environment.

I have seen many of these people back in my office, Cafe of LIFE Chiropractic, this week.  They say things like: “My low back pain was fine while I was gone but just a couple days before returning home, it started to flare up again.”  “I did a 28 hour drive to Florida and back and I was fine, but now that I am back that sciatic pain is back.”  “We had a great time, we were swimming and walking on the beach and my shoulder really relaxed.  Now that I am home and running around all over for normal life, that shoulder is driving me crazy.”Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - This is what I see - life

One of the reasons we LOVE vacation is because we get a break from the grind of the day to day, we get to let go and maybe smile a little bit more, connect with the people that are important and fill our days with conversation and laughter.  We become light and live that light and actually enjoy the lightness of being.

I want to know who made the rule that regular life cannot be like that.  I have a bone to pick with whomever said we cannot enjoy the lightness of our being while running kids around, taking care of our homes, going to work and whomever is spreading the idea that we shouldn’t smile through the good, bad and the ugly during the mundane-ness of life?

We can…and we should.

If life becomes that enjoyable while we are away from it all, maybe we could be doing a little better job at enjoying it while we are in the thick of it.

I have used this phrase quite a bit over the past week or so…”Life just really isn’t that serious.”

I really mean it when I say that but I don’t mean that it is all rainbows and butterflies either.  It just means that your rate of making it through your days so far is 100% and, until you are at the end, I bet that rate stays right up there at 100%;)  If you ask me, we are all doing a heck of a good job and that is pretty freaking amazing!!

So let’s think about it.  We get up in the morning and of course that part is really important.  But what happens if you burn breakfast, run out of eggs and spill your bowl of fruit right down the front of your favorite white shirt as soon as you leave the house.  I bet you will find something else for breakfast and make a joke of your outfit to those who ask and go on with your day.  I bet you will gracefully figure out all parts of your day and in the end make it out with flying colors!

There can be trauma and drama along the way and I am in no way trying to minimize that, some really bad stuff happens to good people.  However when we take a look at the bigger picture, most of it isn’t that big of a deal and isn’t worth much additional energy.  Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - This is what I see - love life

And during the days that we do not get to spend on the sandy beaches in the sunshine, what about creating that feeling of being on sandy beaches and out in the sunshine?  I do not mean by creating a literal beach in your life, I mean by finding things to regularly do that bring you to the feelings you feel when you are there, things that make you feel more connected to nature and the Universe, things that connect you more to your community and activities and people that bring you joy.

What about finding more laughter, even if it means taking on a joke-telling hobby?  What if you woke up tomorrow and you set an intention of finding out what everyone’s favorite joke is?  What if you started just telling the joke “why did the chicken cross the road?”  Making other people laugh, will make you laugh.  That is just one idea of how to lighten the day.  One lighter day leads to 2 lighter days which leads to weeks and months and years of a lighter life.

When life is light, the contrast of vacation will not be quite as much and the settling in of daily life will take on an easier and more graceful feeling.  A lighter life leads to a healthier mind, less stress, more joy and in the long run, greater health!!!

As a chiropractor, I see all kinds of ailments, aches and pains and usually they are stemmed from something happening somewhere along the lines in life; physical stresses, mental/emotional stresses and chemical stresses.  When we realize that the low back tension, the sciatic pain and the shoulder pain and stiffness are, not always but largely, exacerbated from the heaviness of our thoughts and  stress and the anticipation of our normal life, we can really start to let some of the stuff go.  Monday will be Monday. Tuesday will be Tuesday.  Wednesday will be Wednesday…and so on.  They have no real meaning until we place a meaning on them.  If we wish them all away in hopes the weekend will get here sooner or vacation will get her sooner, or summer break will get here sooner…WE ARE MISSING OUT ON LIFE!!!

Let’s lighten the days.  It starts in our minds and in our hearts.  Let go of the pattern of dreading the mundane, that has become a bad habit.  Let go and laugh more with your children, cut some slack to the car that just cut you off in traffic and be grateful for every single sunrise and every single sunset you get to experience.

Life is really not all that serious…this is what I see.



I am absolutely humiliated!

A patient walked into the Cafe of LIFE last Wednesday afternoon and asked me where I was earlier that day and why I wasn’t here when my office hours said I would be here.

“What do you mean?  I am always here for our office hours  Wednesday morning is 7:30a-10a.”Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Humiliated - Dr. Erica Peabody

“That is not what your business card says.”

When we looked closer, our business cards have our office hours as “7:30am-1pm”.  For months.

Sometimes when reviewing a proof for those kinds of things, the brain will look at something, skim right over an error and make up something completely different.  That is exactly what happened.

So in essence it has looked like we just high-tail it out of here whenever we feel like it on Wednesday during that time slot.  And if you know me like most of you do by now, I would NEVER do that.

She continued, “Yeah I was talking to my mom and she said ‘well she must just come and go as she pleases.’ You really don’t seem like that kind of a person to me.”

Um…I am NOT that kind of a person and I am not that kind of professional!  I feel a lot of responsibility to all of you and there are a lot of people that rely on us.  I was born with punctuality and responsibility woven into my fabric, that is just how I am.

So needless to say we looked over all our thousands of card that I ordered just a couple months ago and realized they were all wrong.  In the meantime, every person that has come into this office, we always tell them, “Make sure to grab a card at the front desk, our hours are on the back.”

OH.  MY.  GOODNESS.  I am seriously humiliated.

Yes I am only human and there are humans involved in the making and printing process of these things and mistakes can happen.

And by now I am sure you can imagine just how very GRATEFUL I am to this lady who brought this mistake to my attention!!!

The last thing I want to do is look like a slacker, and especially when I am not.

To all of you out there reading this that we may have confused and misled, I apologize and am so humiliated.  Live and learn, right?  You can bet I will have many different sets of eyes on all future materials like that.



“Hey Doc!!!  What should I eat???”  I have gotten this question so many times over the past few weeks at the Cafe of LIFE that I wanted to answer it in a much bigger way and really put some information out there for you.Fenton Chiropractor - What Should I Eat - Sweet Potato

There are so many concepts of this food is good, and that food is bad, and that and that is bad, and this is good.  Where does one even start????????  And you might be thinking and asking that same question and maybe you have been asking these questions for a long time now.

Should I eat meat or be a vegetarian?
What about being a vegan?  What about red meat?  And eggs or just egg whites?
How about that gluten stuff?
What about corn?  And soy?  And sugar?  Should I have dairy?

I do not have all the answers.  I am not a nutritionist.  I do however have A LOT of years of trial and error of my own, worked with patients and have done a TON of research, seminars and have been learning and learning and learning as I go. Fenton Chiropractor - What Should I Eat - Cucumber
Here are a few tips on how to determine what to eat:

EAT FOODS WITH ONE INGREDIENT:  This is what my diet consists of and most of it is vegetables.  What do I mean when I say ONE ingredient?  Well when you look at a cucumber for instance, it is just a cucumber.  I doesn’t have any additives, it hasn’t been processed and is just the thing that grew from the ground.  Chicken and fish are just that, chicken and fish, just one simple ingredient, and baked or broiled, delicious.  Sweet potato is just one ingredient.  Lettuce, tomato, rice, oats, apple, orange…you get the picture.  Cracker, for instance, is usually some sort of flour mixed with something else and baked and they added salt and probably high fructose corn syrup and all other kinds of things.  So when you sit down at the table to eat your meal, how many Chiropractor Fenton - What Should I Eat - Broccoliingredients are in the stuff on your plate?  Eat more WHOLE FOODS, more items that are just the food itself, just ONE ingredient.

EAT LOTS OF PLANTS:  Each time we look down at our plate and are about to eat a meal, I suggest more than half of your plate should be plants or the product of plants and is considered a PLANT BASED DIET.  I am not recommending a vegan or vegetarian diet, although I do have my own good and bad experiences, that is completely up to you.   You can decide if meat is right for you and which meats you choose to eat.  When choosing meats, clean, organic, grass fed animals is what you want to choose.  How do they grow and what do they eat when given their natural environment. So many of the meats have been mass produced at overcrowded farms.  Not good.  And if you are eating the meats, skip the sauces and figure out some herbs that you can use for flavor.  When I say I recommend is a PLANT BASED DIET, that just means load your plate up with the vegetables and then a clean protein.  In other words, consume lots of live things that grew from the ground.Fenton Chiropractor - What Should We Eat - Brown Rice

PROTEIN, FAT and FIBER:  One of my mentors has done away with the idea of PROTEIN, FAT and CARBOHYDRATES and has replaced the last part of that with FIBER.  This goes back to getting our actual carbs from FIBER, mainly vegetables and some fruits.  When we have the word “carbohydrate” on the back of a package and we know we need a certain amount of carbohydrate per day, we will give ourselves an excuse to eat some food that is not beneficial to us. This doesn’t mean that we can get our carb allowance for the day from some sort of processed food and call it the same as eating a sweet potato, oats or brown rice, it doesn’t work like that.  Fiber keeps our digestive system clear and moving, keeps our blood sugar regulated and it should be the key ingredient when you go to choose your carbohydrates for the day.  Let’s think about replacing the word “carbohydrate” with “FIBER” and make our choices be a lot more vegetables and a whole lot healthier.What Should I Eat - Salmon

EAT HEALTHY FATS:  In this culture we have gotten to a point that we are primarily driven by sugars.  Our body is breaking down sugars as an energy source and we really need to revert back to breaking down fats.  If the body is constantly able to just use sugars and carbohydrates as energy source, we don’t get to the powerful energy source which is fat.  When the body switches back over and starts burning fats for energy, it will start to burn more body fat and melt that right off the body as well.  Fenton Chiropractor - What Should I Eat - Water
How do we go about switching our bodies from sugar burners over to fat burners?  Start adding super healthy fats into your diet when you need a little energy boost and at the same time
limit your sugar and carb intake. Some ideas for healthy fats are avocado, coconut and coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, whole eggs, fatty fish like salmon, fish oil or flax seed oil supplement or a little bit of dark chocolate.

DRINK MORE WATER:  Water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water, water.  Period.

In the end, our diet doesn’t need to be and probably should’t be exciting.  Food is for nourishment and what I have noticed over the years, for myself and my patients, is that the cleaner and simpler it is, the more nourishing it is and the better the body feels.

The question, “What should I eat?”, I hear it a lot.  There is no “one size fits all” recipe for life.  In sharing this, I hope the simplicity helps a bit and helps you realize that the choices we make today effect us right away…but the long term cumulative effects of good choices really adds to our overall quality of life now and especially down the road.  The name of this blog is “We Only Get One Chance” and we may as well treat our body in a way that our one time around is the healthiest it can possibly be.



Daily, for over 10 years, I have been helping people to increase their health and internal resilience through my job as a Doctor of Chiropractic.  Aside from keeping the nerve system free of interference, the chiropractic adjustment, there are NATURAL LAWS OF THE BODY that need to be followed in order to be healthy and remain that way…and nobody is exempt.  It doesn’t matter how old or young you are, in order to be  healthy, you have to do the following:


MOVE WELL.Chiropractor Fenton Michigan Eat Well



Some of you are doing an exceptional job at committing to health and I don’t want to make a blanket statement but I do want to review what is necessary.

Let’s start with the first…EAT WELL.  The body heals by replacing cells.  The body and all the cells in it are replaced on a regular basis.  The body grows new cells by the building blocks you ingest.  Ingest a bunch of junk and you will have weak structure and usually a lot of inflammation.  Ingest good healthy food and you will have strong building blocks to construct your cells. AND DRINK YOUR WATER!!!  Every single day, yes ALL OF THE DAYS, EVERY SINGLE LAST ONE, you need to DRINK WATER.  It doesn’t matter how old or young you are, in order to be healthy you have to EAT WELL AND DRINK WATER and nobody is exempt.

Second thing you need to do daily…MOVE WELL.  The body is built to move.  Every joint in the body is nourished through movement.  If we were supposed to be sedentary we would not have nearly as many joints in our bodies.  Circulation increases when you move your body and with that oxygen increases as well.  Circulation is how nutrients and oxygen are transported though the body and delivered to all organs, tissues, muscles and glands.  Muscles also need to be moved and stretched every single day.  It doesn’t matter how old or young you are, in order to be healthy you have to MOVE WELL EVERY SINGLE DAY and nobody is exempt.

Our quality of life is determined largely by our attitude towards it.  Wake up with a smile or wake up with a frown, it is going to set the tone for your entire day.  The days add up to weeks, weeks add up to months and then years and life goes by rather quickly.  Life is only a fraction of what happens to us, and mostly our reaction to it.  Be grateful.  Even when things don’t seem to be going your way, be grateful for something.  Take some time to express gratitude silently to yourself and maybe even out loud to those around you.  It doesn’t matter how old our young you are, in order to be healthy you have to THINK GOOD THOUGHTS IN YOUR LIFE and nobody is exempt.Chiropractor Fenton Michigan Smiling Flower

Have you ever really taken time to think about sleep?  At night, we literally leave this conscious state and step off to some place while our physical body rests.  Sometimes this is to dreamland and sometimes it is quiet and
uneventful.  Either way, we sleep.  Our body shuts down and goes into restoration mode.  It is a time for rebuilding, regrouping, integrating and healing and our bodies require it.  Every.  Single.  Day.  It doesn’t matter how old our young you are, in order to be healthy you have to REST WELL, take some down time and rest and nobody is exempt.

Patients come to the Cafe of LIFE Chiropractic Center every week for over 10 years and I help them through the chiropractic adjustment.  The greatest thing about chiropractic care is that the adjustment helps keep the body connected to it’s power source, the brain and nerve system, and allows it to do everything it is supposed to do, better and more efficiently. I also do my best to help my patients understand the NATURAL LAWS OF THE BODY.  I ask things like “How much sleep have you had lately?” and “How much exercise have you gotten today?  This week?” and “How much water have you drank today?  This week?” and “What are you doing to handle stress in your life?”

Some reply a resounding “YES!  LOTS!!” and I realize that so many are committed to their own health.  However, some reply with answers that DO NOT follow the NATURAL LAWS OF THE BODY as described above.  These are not laws I just made up…this is really serious business and involves your body and your life.


There are no shortcuts.

There is no easy way.

There is no magic pill.

I talk about water on most of your visits because the importance of being properly hydrated is underestimated.  But now you have to go out there into your life and DRINK YOUR WATER!!!  You have to, that is all there is to it.

I love you and this is why I am expressing to you the fact that it doesn’t matter how old or young you are, in order to be healthy you have to FOLLOW THE NATURAL LAWS OF THE BODY and NOBODY IS EXEMPT!!!!  Got it?  Now get out there and get to work!!!  🙂




It starts with Halloween and ends with New Years Day….SUGAR, SUGAR EVERYWHERE!!!  Notably this is also considered “COLD AND FLU SEASON”.  Guess what?  Sugar is a major factor in decreased immune system function and when that happens, the “invaders” (viruses and bacteria) have a chance to take over.

Let’s learn some physiology…Chiropractor Fenton Michigan Sugar
White blood cells are a HUGE PART of your functional immune system.  They travel through the body and convene around areas of “invaders” and do some clean-up work.  White blood cells need Vitamin C in order to activate and do their job of phagocytosis (in essence “eating up”) of the viruses and bacteria.  Sugar and Vitamin C have a very similar structure and compete for the same activation/binding site on the white blood cells.  If sugar is around, Vitamin C doesn’t get to do its normal work and your immune system becomes compromised.  When you decide to eat sugar, you can think of your immune system becoming a slug and slowing down to a crawl…every year…around this same time and going all the way through the New Year.

Certain minerals are required in order to process the sugar you eat.  Because refined sugar doesn’t contain those minerals, chronic ingestion of sugar can lead to depleted levels of essential minerals in the body which creates further problems and compromises health.

Great question!!!  Let’s take this little bit of awareness in to this holiday season and see how making a few better choices in what you put on your plate and in your mouth can have a drastic effect on your energy levels and immune system function.

WAYS TO BOOST YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM: Chiropractor Fenton Michigan Adjustment

  • Drink lots of water
  • Eat your vegetables
  • Get plenty of rest
  • Exercise/move your body daily
  • Take your vitamins
  • Steer clear of sugar
  • Steer clear of alcohol
  • Keep up with your regular chiropractic care
  • Get outside for some fresh air
  • Laugh often and take some time to play
  • Keep a positive mental attitude

The nerve system and immune system are interconnected (some will say they are the same – neuroimmuno system).  When the nerve system is compromised, so is the immune system.  REGULAR CHIROPRACTIC CARE will help maximize your potential for health by keeping your nerve system clear and your immune system strong.  Swing in to the Café of LIFE Chiropractic Center!  We would love to help you and your family have a wonderful, HEALTHFUL holiday season!!!



As many of you know, I grew up with 3 brothers. Can you guess how many days were 3 against 1? All of them and what I would have given to have a sister.
This past holiday season, I spent 11 days with really close friends in the sunshine on the beach. We have traveled quite a bit together over the years. None of us have any kids, so life is simple right now, and while it is, we will travel.
We have had many different accommodations through the years, however, this is the first year we have had a rental house that we all stayed under one roof. At the last minute, a girlfriend of ours joined us.Chiropractor Fenton Michigan Sister The original plan was I would have my own bedroom but now that she was coming, we would be sharing.
Vacation is meant for relaxation and recharging and I have to admit, the idea of sharing a room wasn’t ideal. I have a sleeping issue and unless I have just the right bed, and just the right pillows, and just the right temperature, and just the right amount of noise, I have a challenge getting to sleep. So adding another person for 10 nights seemed overwhelming and not relaxing.
This girlfriend of mine, Allie, I have known for almost 15 years. We have been friends since the moment I met her and have navigated many of life’s ups and downs together. We truly go WAY back!!
The first night, I slept like a baby. It was almost as if I had a guardian angel with me. Truly that is what my sweet friend Allie has become. She is an amazing chiropractor and a powerful woman, however she is so much more than that. She is a healer, an intuitive and she lives to serve and nurture others. We had 6 chiropractors under one roof and she was the one most of us wanted to be adjusted by. We shared in the adjusting duties but she was busy all week checking and adjusting all of us.
As a group of 6, we would spend our days running and playing and dancing and singing and surfing and eating and making movies and clowning around. We would talk about deep topics and superficial topics, topics that effect our day to day as well as those that effect our entire lives.
Then we would all finish our days and head to our respective resting places. Allie and I would shut the door to the outside world and usually pull out our phones. We would chat for a bit and fill in some blanks and share funny things that came through email or Facebook. Then we would turn out the lights and sometimes those conversations would continue.
Remember those sleep-overs as kids when the conversation would head into the after-dark times? That is exactly what it was and we would stay up late.
It was like sharing a room with sister that I never had and I cherish that time with her.Chiropractor Fenton Michigan Sister 2
In my normal day to day, I spend a lot of time in solitude. I have a busy chiropractic office, Cafe of LIFE Chiropractic, and I see a lot of people on a daily basis. I also spend a lot of time out and about amongst people. When I come home, it is just me. I like it that way. I like that when I leave my house in the morning, I know it will be in the same condition when I return in the evening because I am the only one creating the space.
But there are times when it is truly lonely and the responsibility of creating energy that is happening in my house my solo responsibility as I am the only one creating the space.
I realized when I returned home a couple days ago that I miss her tremendously. I miss all my friends, my tribe, but I miss my sister. Sometimes it takes the contrast in life to realize what one truly values. The contrast of the cold helps to appreciate the hot; the contrast of dark helps to appreciate the light, and the contrast of alone-ness helps to appreciate good company.
I know she, and so many other friends, are just a phone call, email or text message away. I have some good friends that are just a short car ride from my home. I love the life and space that I create on my own, and at the same time, I have shifted a little bit and am looking forward to spending more regular time in good company.  I realize the juice of life can be squeezed out of the days as a solo mission, but is so much sweeter when shared.

“If you want to go fast, go alone.  If you want to go far, go together.”

Thank you for all your time and energy this past week my sweet sister Allie. Much, much, much love!!


The month of November is such a great time to bring our focus back to gratitude.
We have a gratitude project happening at Cafe of LIFE Chiropractic this month. There is a gratitude station set up in the reception area and every time you come in, we are asking you take a moment and think of something you are grateful for. It could be something really big or super small. It could be something from today, or something from years ago. Absolutely anything you are grateful for, write it down on a leaf and we have a “gratitude tree” painted on our big windows that you can tape it to.
The only other thing we ask is that you take an extra moment, maybe 5 or 10 seconds to consider what it is that you are grateful for.

It is one of our favorite activities of the year, literally planting seeds of gratitude in our reception area that grow and flourish.  I have to say, honestly, day after day after day of that really builds some incredible energy.  With the Thanksgiving holiday right around the corner, what perfect timing!!!
We have had some teachers come in and borrow that idea to take it back to their classroom. I actually got the idea from a friend of mine who did it on their window at home and allowed the entire family to participate.
What are you grateful for?
One Monday, one women said “I have so much to be grateful for, how can I pick just one?”
Take a moment every single day for gratitude. Truly we are blessed beyond what words could express if we really take a good look.
While we are on this topic, I would like to express my gratitude to you for being in my life. If you are part of my practice, part of my family, part my circle of friends, a colleague, someone who is following this blog or a perfect stranger that has stumbled upon this post by chance, Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! When I count my blessings, you are one of them and I want to take a moment to express my gratitude.


The most incredible thing is happening today and I am positive by the end of this post, you will be saying “THAT’S INCREDIBLE!” too!

Many of you remember the post I made about My First Best Friend back in April.  My cousin, Danielle, who also happens to be my very first best friend in my life, her husband had a sudden brain bleed.  At the moment it happened, it was beyond belief, “things like that don’t happen to people I know” was my initial thought.

But it really did happen and it has changed the course of their lives forever.

You may have remembered a couple months after that initial post, I wanted to give you an update of their status, and posted A Smile.

Today, this morning, 6 months and 2 weeks to the day…Scott is coming home.  THAT’S INCREDIBLE!!!!Fenton Chiropractor Incredible

They have transferred to many different places and for the past few months have been over in Grand Rapids, a little too far for me to travel regularly to visit with them.  I have done what I could to let her know I am here with her every step of the way, and mostly through text message.  Although text seems impersonal at times, I know their days are filled with therapies and when she was not there with him, she was driving back home to Durand daily to take care of her home and her boys.

Here is a little snippet of the past 6 months between her and I.


Me:  “Sending you love.  How are you guys doing?”
Danielle:  “I am hanging in there.  It has been tough but I know he is going to come through this.”

Danielle:  “He started moving his hands and playing with my wedding ring today!”
Me:  “Awesome!  THAT’S INCREDIBLE!!”

Danielle:  “He is blinking his eyes and seems to be able to focus on things.”
Me:  “Good.  I am so relieved.  THAT’S TRULY INCREDIBLE!”

Danielle:  “I finally got him to smile.  It was the most wonderful thing I have ever seen…”
Me:  “Wow!  That is totally awesome!!”

Danielle:  “He mouthed ‘I love you’ to me when I left today.”
Me:  “Oh my goodness!  THAT’S INCREDIBLE!”

Danielle:  “He was able to speak some words out loud today.”

Danielle:  “His memory is good and improving every day.”
Me:  “That guy is amazing!  THAT’S SO INCREDIBLE!!”

Danielle:  “He held an instrument and started to play some chords today.”

Danielle:  “He was able to eat solid foods today.”

Danielle:  “We got to go on a drive today.”
Me:  “I bet that was amazing.  So INCREDIBLE!”

Danielle:  “He is being accepted to a program that only takes success cases.  They expect complete recovery.”

Danielle:  “He stood up today.  I almost forgot how tall he is.”

Danielle:  “He is walking with a walker today.”

Danielle:  “He is walking on his own with minor assistance.”

Danielle:  “We got a release date for him to finally come home!!!”
Me:  “Holy cow!!!  That guy is AMAZING!!!  THAT”S INCREDIBLE!!!!”


When I would respond to all of these things that he was able to gain back after losing everything, my usual response truly was, “THAT’S INCREDIBLE!” because it was and is.  She would always reply back to me with “Yes, he is truly remarkable.”  or “Yes, he is just incredible.”

Every bit of the recovery he has made has been incredible.  When doctors change their tone from “he is not going to make it” one day, to “Wow!  We didn’t expect that to happen!” and “He is not doing what we normally expect in this situation.” the very next day…it was incredible.

It is not over, their journey is still going to be long and winding and there is a lot of work to do.  He has come so far but please keep praying and sending healing thoughts towards them.  She is an angel and deserves a lot of credit.  I have never seen anyone love so much, push so hard, encourage so much, learn so much, fight for someone, support so gracefully, get so involved and be so strong.  She has a gift.  She is a gift.  He is a gift.  And the love that exists between those two is a gift to this world.  It truly is incredible!



I had no idea when I was born, that my first best friend was already here waiting for me.

My cousin, Danielle, is 6 weeks older than i am and we pretty much grew up attached at the hip any chance we got.  Neither of us had sisters so we became that to each other.

My house was right next door to my grandparent’s home and so every time she visited them, which was quite often, I got to see her.  We did everything together, from barbies to cabbage patch kids, from building sand castles to playing in tree forts, from blazing trails through the woods and carving trees to making

Fenton Chiropractor Best Friendup stories as we spent hours out playing in the apple orchard.

We talked about our hopes and dreams and made plans for our lives.  I was always so jealous she got to go to Girl Scout Camp every summer…but she made up for it by teaching me all the songs she learned when she returned.  In fact, that radio in my head that plays music non-stop sometimes gets locked on that channel and as a 30-something…those songs stuck on repeat are more annoying than cool.

To this day, we make time for each other.  She is one of my biggest cheerleaders, and although she doesn’t allow many to cheer for her, I am one of hers.  There seems to be a length of time, that if we go past too many days without having time to sit down and catch up with each other, we both go a little crazy and make time in our schedules right away.

I sent her a text message on Friday morning about how excited I was about going to the Water Hill Music Festival in Ann Arbor next weekend, and although I knew it was still another week away, I was stoked to have some time to hang out.  I had just seen her 5 days prior as her and her husband, Scott, along with a group of my nearest and dearest, spent the evening celebrating my birthday at my home.

On Friday, she didn’t respond back to that text message right away and after a few minutes she called.  She doesn’t ever call, we don’t need to talk on the phone, we already know what each other is usually thinking so text and email are our norm.

Her voice was cracking.  She was seriously shakin’ up.  Then she proceeded to tell me that Scott, her husband, had a brain hemorrhage and is in the hospital and asked if I could come up.  I had a couple obligations that day and headed up as soon as i could.

I have spent the past 2 days with my heart breaking right along side her, and I feel like these days are just the beginning of a long road.  She is one of the strongest and bravest that i know.  She has had her share, plus some, of adversity and challenge in her life.  She keeps her head up through all of it.  She plugs away and she always comes out on top.  She is one incredible woman and I know those who really know her feel lucky.

Her and her husband have the most beautiful love story, reconnecting after so many years and blending their family, his 2 kids and her 2 kids.  They have a really sweet love that is palpable when you are around them.  They perfectly compliment each other.

Right now she spends her moments sitting at his bedside, and only leaves to close her eyes and sleep on an uncomfortable pull-out/fold down chair thing a couple rooms away.  She talks to him, dodges all the tubes and medical apparatus to kiss him, loves on him, plays music for him (he is a music man) and holds his hand for hours on end.

He has shown signs of improving.  Will he come out of the state he is in?  We don’t know.  Will he return to the Scott we are used to?  We don’t know that either.  How long will it take?  We all wish we knew that answer but we don’t know anything at this point.

What I do know, what I am sure of is that she will be ok.  There are going to be moment to moment, hour to hour, and day to day ups and downs.  She is the strongest and bravest that I know of.  I will not be able to stand with her all the time during this process as I have obligations in my life I need to tend to, but I leave my heart with her when I am not there.

I am writing this blog from the rawest place in my being.  My heart has been ripped out of my chest these past 2 days and i want to share this story because my family needs all the praying, meditating, affirmation-saying people we can get.  I am sending out a request to all the troops to please help lift up my first best friend and her husband.  They could really use your help right now.  Peace.






I have uncovered an intense addiction I had no idea about.

Ten months ago, I began a new and different journey with my health.  Many of the “healthy” things I was doing, especially where my diet was concerned, weren’t the most complete choices I could be making.  Unbeknownst to me, I was chronically depleting my body of a few key nutrients that eventually led to disfunction of certain organ systems.  Good news, it was all fixable and 70% of that has been taken care of by diet change and a tailored plan of supplementation.

There still remains a few nagging small concerns and 2 of them fall on the “autoimmune” spectrum.Fenton Chiropractor Gluten Free

I have been working closely with a nutritionist on this path and have come to the conclusion that going “gluten-free” was a necessity and so 10 weeks ago, I began my gluten-free journey.

I knew it was going to be a little challenging, however I have succeeded in completing harder tasks in my life, or at least that is what I thought when I got started.

Living in a small town is a challenge in and of itself due to the simple fact that there aren’t many resources.  Fortunately for Fenton, there are 2 really great health food stores right in town and one of them tailors their entire store to the gluten-free popluation.

Day 1 of my new life was simple.  I was highly aware of the shift I was making and so there was a lot on my mind, lets just say I was obsessing about food.

Day 2 started and ended pretty easily and the change appeared to be progressing smoothly.

Day 3…not so much.  It turns out that I fall into a category of people that are “addicted” to gluten.  When I sat back and watched what was coming up for me as well as discussions with my nutritionist, I became keenly aware that about every 3 days, I need a “gluten fix”.  I needed something to spike my sugars and give me that endorphin kick.

So I pressed on and for the next 4-5 days, it was an hour by hour choice to not eat anything containing gluten.  Of course, because I was so focused on getting over the hump with this process, all I could think about was eating gluten.  As the days ticked by, I watched as my body’s cravings decreased little by little.

Three weeks into this process, a mourning phase set in.  I remember driving home from the gym and passing by Uncle Ray’s Dairyland and becoming overwhelmingly sad because I was never going to be able to eat cookie dough ice cream ever again in my life.  Do you know how much cookie dough ice cream I have eaten in the past decade?  Maybe one serving.  It is not something that I have on a regular basis, however in that moment, that was really sad to me.

Over the next couple weeks I came to terms with WHAT I EAT and WHAT I DO NO’T EAT and it is as simple as that.  I stay strict and do not allow for little slip-ups. With gluten, and especially when dealing with gluten addiction, it is not something you can have “here and there” or “once in a while”.  For me, I have to remain clean and clear of it altogether.

Today it has officially been 10 full weeks.  When I first started, I thought it would be a bit challenging.  In retrospect, I have to say it has been one of the hardest things I have done, but now that I am here on the other side, I am happy, healthier and will keep my life free and clear of gluten.

I have never dealt with an addiction before in my life and though this is to a mildly noxious substance, I have a bit more compassion to those who deal with addiction of any sort on a daily basis.  It seems as I go through life, I am presented with lessons that do exactly that, build more compassion.  I also believe that being compassionate is one of the keys to living a happy, healthy and well-rounded life…or at least I hope so.  Thank you for this lesson, Universe!!