I have uncovered an intense addiction I had no idea about.

Ten months ago, I began a new and different journey with my health.  Many of the “healthy” things I was doing, especially where my diet was concerned, weren’t the most complete choices I could be making.  Unbeknownst to me, I was chronically depleting my body of a few key nutrients that eventually led to disfunction of certain organ systems.  Good news, it was all fixable and 70% of that has been taken care of by diet change and a tailored plan of supplementation.

There still remains a few nagging small concerns and 2 of them fall on the “autoimmune” spectrum.Fenton Chiropractor Gluten Free

I have been working closely with a nutritionist on this path and have come to the conclusion that going “gluten-free” was a necessity and so 10 weeks ago, I began my gluten-free journey.

I knew it was going to be a little challenging, however I have succeeded in completing harder tasks in my life, or at least that is what I thought when I got started.

Living in a small town is a challenge in and of itself due to the simple fact that there aren’t many resources.  Fortunately for Fenton, there are 2 really great health food stores right in town and one of them tailors their entire store to the gluten-free popluation.

Day 1 of my new life was simple.  I was highly aware of the shift I was making and so there was a lot on my mind, lets just say I was obsessing about food.

Day 2 started and ended pretty easily and the change appeared to be progressing smoothly.

Day 3…not so much.  It turns out that I fall into a category of people that are “addicted” to gluten.  When I sat back and watched what was coming up for me as well as discussions with my nutritionist, I became keenly aware that about every 3 days, I need a “gluten fix”.  I needed something to spike my sugars and give me that endorphin kick.

So I pressed on and for the next 4-5 days, it was an hour by hour choice to not eat anything containing gluten.  Of course, because I was so focused on getting over the hump with this process, all I could think about was eating gluten.  As the days ticked by, I watched as my body’s cravings decreased little by little.

Three weeks into this process, a mourning phase set in.  I remember driving home from the gym and passing by Uncle Ray’s Dairyland and becoming overwhelmingly sad because I was never going to be able to eat cookie dough ice cream ever again in my life.  Do you know how much cookie dough ice cream I have eaten in the past decade?  Maybe one serving.  It is not something that I have on a regular basis, however in that moment, that was really sad to me.

Over the next couple weeks I came to terms with WHAT I EAT and WHAT I DO NO’T EAT and it is as simple as that.  I stay strict and do not allow for little slip-ups. With gluten, and especially when dealing with gluten addiction, it is not something you can have “here and there” or “once in a while”.  For me, I have to remain clean and clear of it altogether.

Today it has officially been 10 full weeks.  When I first started, I thought it would be a bit challenging.  In retrospect, I have to say it has been one of the hardest things I have done, but now that I am here on the other side, I am happy, healthier and will keep my life free and clear of gluten.

I have never dealt with an addiction before in my life and though this is to a mildly noxious substance, I have a bit more compassion to those who deal with addiction of any sort on a daily basis.  It seems as I go through life, I am presented with lessons that do exactly that, build more compassion.  I also believe that being compassionate is one of the keys to living a happy, healthy and well-rounded life…or at least I hope so.  Thank you for this lesson, Universe!!





I recently finished a light-hearted book by Tina Fey called “Bossypants”.  She is hilarious and her book was a nice break from the “heavy” reading I usually do.  Tina really struck me with her section on “The Rules of Improvisation” and as I was reading one evening in the sauna, I thought how applicable these rules are to living an extraordinary life.  I wanted to share.

RULE #1:  AGREE.  SAY “YES!”  In improv, when someone starts off on a topic, the next person has to start by agreeing with them.  If they say their fingers are a gun, the next person has to agree otherwise the scene is dead in the water.  How often do you find yourself saying “no”, whether it be to an invitation, an idea or just finding yourself disagreeing with a concept and shutting everything down?Fenton Chiropractor Improvisation

Just recently, I had an invite to situation that was completely unknown.  If I would have tapped into my logical mind, I could have come up with loads of reasons why I shouldn’t go.  A friend once said, “I am willing to try just about anything as long as it doesn’t end me in jail, I don’t end up with a permanent scar and it doesn’t hurt my credit score.”  I have adopted this within reason and choose to say ‘YES” whenever I can and often find myself experiencing some really incredible things.

RULE #2:  Say “YES and…” meaning agree and say “YES” first, but then offer something as a contribution.  An example in improv that she uses is, “Man, it is hot in here!!!”  “Well what did you expect it would be like inside a dog’s mouth?!?!” and then scene continues.

Get involved in making the plans in life.  Get involved in the conversations you are having on a daily basis.  What you have to contribute is worthwhile.  Sometimes even if you disagree with what is presented, using the word “and” is a great transition to something that may open up the doors for all parties involved.  “Yes, and….” feels very different and more inviting than “Yes, but…”

RULE #3:  MAKE STATEMENTS.  Questions are good in certain scenarios, however when you make bold, confident statements in life, things start shifting.  “Whatever the problem, be part of the solution.  Don’t just sit around raising questions and pointing out obstacles.”

“Everything in life is figureoutable” -Marie Forleo

Start offering options and ideas instead of allowing someone else to always lead the pack towards a solution.  I absolutely love hanging out with some of my good friends and having brainstorming sessions.  I have my fair share of challenges that come up in everyday life.  I will present it to a couple friends and then the conversation is sparked allowing for all kinds of different solutions to surface and life takes a step forward.

RULE #4:  THERE ARE NO MISTAKES – ONLY OPPORTUNITIES.  In improv, if a scene starts one way but is interpreted another, it is an opportunity to go in a different direction and everyone involved needs to pick up the ball and start running.

Life is the same way.  We can plan, forecast and predict what will happen in life, however we have all been thrown a curveball as soon as we think we have something figured out.  For me, I do not know one thing that could describe life better than finding myself in “beautiful happy accidents” that have led me down some really great paths in directions I couldn’t have even fathomed.  Along the course of my life, I have learned that I better quit pushing and I better start surrendering to the path I am on and letting go of where I think I should be.  When I do more of that, life is easier.

The rules of improvisation are 4 very simple rules that, when put together, can lead to a seriously fun life!  I want to challenge you to start every morning with a “Yes, and” attitude, contribute to what is happening around you, be part of the solution and trust that there really are no mistakes.  Those “beautiful happy accidents” that Tina talks about are where the juice of life is!!   Make the best of it…we only get one chance.




It was right around this time in 1996, while attending Michigan State University, that I woke up at 2AM and decided I was going to be a chiropractor and went right back to sleep.   I never turned back and now we will celebrate because of that.

Fast forward through 6 years of undergraduate school and I finally enter Life University College of Chiropractic. Four intense years later I graduate with my doctorate and find my way back to Fenton.

My original plan was to open my office in Ann Arbor which changed when I realized how difficult parking is in the downtown area.  My second plan was to open the Café of LIFE in Birmingham, where my family is originally from and still stands Peabody’s Restaurant.


I was living in Fenton with my mom and step-dad so I was driving around this area a lot.  I always had my eyes open and one day a really cute little place came up for sale that got me thinking of potentially opening my doors here instead.

I brought the idea to my mom and she said “If the names French Laundry and Fenton Hotel can make it as restaurants, a Café of LIFE can make it as a chiropractic office.”

I wasn’t set on Fenton as being my landing place and so my HIGHEST priority when searching for office space was a 1 year lease (most commercial spaces require at least 3 years).

I settled on a space on Trealout Dr.  and opened my doors 9 years ago on March 12th…and the rest truly is history.

I had no idea when I moved home that I would still be here 9 years later.  I had no idea how much fun I was going to have being a chiropractor.  I had no idea how many families I would become part of.  I had no idea I would get to serve so many babies and chldren.  I had no idea I would enjoy giving back to the community I grew up in so much.  I had no idea I would find such amazing support here in this small town.  I had no idea I loved Fenton so much.

But I do, and so here I am.

If you are reading this blog post, I am very grateful that our paths have crossed.  I am so grateful you have allowed me to be part of your family, your life and your healthcare team.  Thank you for spreading the word about chiropractic and about the Café of LIFE.  I get choked up when I have a moment to think about how blessed I am to be part of your life.  It is my pleasure to be your chiropractor.

I also have to say thank you to my amazing staff.  We have seen some faces come and go, and even when they go, they don’t go far.  A HUGE THANK YOU to the beautiful Alyssa that is currently manning this ship and keeping us all in line.  Also THANK YOU to Teri who is our little engine that just keeps giving and loving and serving after all these years.  THANK YOU to Rachael and Kel Leigh as they round out my incredible team.  We wouldn’t be the Café of LIFE you all know today without these amazing ladies.

One last THANK YOU to all of you for sending your friends and loved ones our way!  We are looking forward to serving all of you for many years to come!

Truly, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU for allowing me to serve you.

NOW LET’S EAT CAKE!!!  Join us for your adjustments and stay and celebrate with a piece of cake 7:30a-10a & 3p-6p on Wednesday, March 12th!!!




Never underestimate the power of a hug.  I get my fair share of hugs but I want to share about one that recently shifted my entire life.

Some of you may be thinking…”Oh, she finally met Mr. Right!”.  Not so fast.

As I stated in some of my recent posts, I spent the end of 2013 in Costa Rica with some great friends.  4 years ago, this same group of friends and I vacationed in the same exact location.  We all had a strong desire to go back since the day we left there in 2009.  So, we made that happen.

We wanted to return to that spot for a number of reasons; the location was absolutely beautiful, our time there was peaceful, we were off the grid and we felt well taken care of.  That “taken care of” feeling is so necessary for humans, we all have a strong desire to be looked after, tended to and assisted.

Fenton Chiropractor hug

My friends and I shared a little bit of anxiety going back after 4 years wondering if it would be as good as we remembered.  It was, it is and we had a blast!

One of the things you will notice when you travel to Costa Rica is the exceptional service.  Tourism is a large industry in that country and it is nice to feel a sense of pride coming from those who serve you.  The locals work long, hard hours but they have beaming smiles and are some of the friendliest people I have been around.

Staying at one location for the entire week allows us to really get to know some of the servers, the ones at the restaurant in particular, and some of them remembered us from our initial trip 4 years ago.

They take time to get to know a little about their guests and, in turn, we get a chance to learn about them.  We learn about their personal lives, their families, their homes and some of their life experiences.

As we were having lunch and winding down our visit on our final day there, our table was being waited on by a man named Christian.  He happened to one of the servers that remembered us from our previous visit and so we caught up about his family and kids during the week.

We finished one final delicious meal at the restaurant and got up to pay our bills.  As we were hanging out and waiting for the credit cards to process, the hugs begin.  I hug a few of the group and then I get a chance to give Christian a hug.  He is a bigger guy with a really powerful hug, he kind of engulfs you…and he holds on.  Its longer than a cordial hug and I can energetically feel a deep meaning.  Not anything like he has an attraction for me, but just the deepest, purest heart felt gratitude for another human being.

The experience was two-fold;  first, it was a most beautiful, sincere expression of connection and gratitude, and second, it was unexpected in that moment because it was coming from someone who waiting on our table.

It was profound.  It shocked my heart space and I had to choke back my tears.

A hug, an embrace, a gesture in a moment with another human being, just do not know how far reaching it can go.  Add a smile, a high five or even simply making eye contact to the list of ways to acknowledge another human being for their presence.

Let’s not forget the health benefits of hugging; lowering stress, balancing out the nerve system, boost self-esteem among so many others.

I posted on my Facebook timeline about a “hug that shocked me into tears”.  There were many people writing me behind the scenes about how excited they were that I “met someone” and hoped it stemmed into an amazing relationship.  I regret to disappoint, however it was completely platonic, a simple gesture between 2 human beings, from a married man, with children at home, who lives in Costa Rica…so I am still looking.

BJ Palmer said it best with his quote, “We never know how far reaching something we think, say or do today may effect the lives of millions tomorrow.”  Step out there.  Give someone a hug.  Hang on a little longer.  If you see someone who isn’t smiling…give them one of yours.  Be the change…we only get one chance in this life.





I have many people connect with me over email, facebook, text message, all kinds of media, all day long.  Some of them come to the Cafe of LIFE for chiropractic care and some go other places.  Some people have been connecting with me for years about coming in for care but have not been in yet.  Some people write me from other cities and states and ask me for advice.  This next message stems from something I wrote to someone who I do not get to adjust in my own practice…but I was moved in my heart by the struggle they posted on facebook.  She lives a distance from me and doesn’t get to see me in my practice, but this is a message from your chiropractor.  Fenton Chiropractor Adjustment


“I see you are struggling with so much pain.

Let me say this, when you are in the middle of it and it is the first time you have ever experience pain like that before, it feels like your life is doomed. It is hard to see to the other side of any of it. It creates so much additional stress to the already stressful lives we lead. When you are then unable to pick up your children, and unable to workout, it makes it exponentially worse. It is so tough to deal with the day to day.

Please realize that pain is an incredible teacher. It tells us to slow down, stop or take a new path. It grabs our attention for a reason.

In saying that, the body is an incredible healer, much more powerful than anyone has every allowed you to believe. It can heal from almost anything. Truly it can and I see it every single day and bare witness to some super incredible stuff.

Right now, your body is in a splinting/protection mode so you don’t make it worse. It is stopping you in your tracks to slow you down for a reason. Let it do that. 

Remember to breathe.  Breathe deeply and often. Drink water and go for a walk. See your chiropractor, do your physical therapy exercises you were given and know you will recover.

Society has taught us that things should happen instantly. Healing doesn’t happen instantaneously on the subjective level but is happening.  It is always happening and getting chiropractic care helps to maximize its potential to do that.

Breathe. Drink water. Get adjusted and walk. This too shall pass. Place some faith in your body’s incredible ability to heal. If you witnessed as much healing as I do on a regular basis, that would be easier for you to believe. Because you don’t get to see that, I am doing my best to express it in written word.

Fenton Chiropractor 5

Take it however you feel is right for you. Be well. Erica.”

This message rolled right off my fingertips in a couple of minutes and when I went back and read it, I thought everyone might benefit to hear this message.  I truly, truly, and in every sense of the word, bare witness to MIRACLES, the body’s incredible innate ability to heal itself every single day I step foot into my office.

Old, young, infants, big, little, pregnant, disabled, happy, sad, all kinds of physical ailments, birth trauma, car accidents, injured from over-prescribed medications, vaccine injuries, people wanting to heal, people that feel well and want to stay that way, massive falls from many story buildings, broken bones, physical abuse, sports injuries, veterans…you name it, I have seen most of it in my 9 years of private practice.  I have seen some really cool stuff that the body is capable of doing.  We need to give it the right tools that allow it to do its greatest work.  It takes time…nothing in this life doesn’t take time.  We need patience.  We need a good, healthy lifestyle.  We need water.  We need movement.  We need rest.  We need chiropractic care.

I just wanted to share with all of you a message from your chiropractor.


People often ask me about my chiropractic office the Cafe of LIFE.  For years, I have tried to really explain what it is like in here…but honestly, it is more about a feeling.

Its a feeling that you can maybe understand if you had pictures and words and could see the inside of the office and hear a story.

That is exactly what we have done in creating the clip below.  I have had great feedback so far and just wanted to share with you a little about what I mean when I say “Its a feeling…”.

Please feel free to share with your friends and family or connect with us on Facebook.  It truly is a feeling.  See you soon!!


A share from my practice…

September 18, 2013

A 17 year old presented in my office 2 weeks ago with systemic pain…everything hurt.  One day prior to her first visit with me, she was in the emergency room at an Ann Arbor hospital with a pain level of 45 on a scale from 1-10.  Excruciating.  She has had to use the handrails to pull herself up and down stairs lately and has not been able to have any normal 17 year old fun.

She had been dealing with this type of pain for the past year and her family had done everything for her.  All medical tests were negative.   Next step in the medical arena was muscle biopsies.  She was 1 week away from going in for that.Fenton Chirorpactor Healing

This beautiful girl was put on acne medication in early 2012.  Turns out as her parents did more research after not finding any answers to all the pain she was experiencing, systemic pain can be a “rare” side effect of that particular medication.

Her mother works with some other people who are under care here at the Café of LIFE and one of them said to her, “If anyone can help your daughter, Erica can.”  I am flattered however I also know that I am just the messenger, chiropractic and the body’s Innate Intelligence is doing all the work, the only part I can take responsibility for is I have the education, skills and I set a very clear intention for her to return to perfect health.

They had no idea what chiropractic was about.  The first visit to the Café of LIFE includes a lot of education about the nerve system and the power that heals the body works though this system, and if there is interference, called “subluxation”, it is going to be compromised.  They were shocked to know that, grateful for the time I spent with them explaining that and STOKED to get started.

Today marks her 4th adjustment.    She is pain free for the first time in a year, she has had some 17 year old fun over the past few days and is in high hopes of joining her swim team for practices and meets in the next couple weeks.

The body has an incredible ability to heal.  I am so lucky to be able to witness these miracles on a regular basis.   I share this story with you so that you know a little bit more about what goes on here at the Café of LIFE.  I also share this story so that you do not take medication prescribed by the MD with blind faith.  Do your research.

Some many of the stories at my practice are worth sharing with the world.  I don’t always take the time to write them all out.  Thank you for taking the time to read and for letting me share.



Every single time I am on a plane, I am amazed, thrilled and in awe of flight and flying.  I have been on small Cessna planes in the past so going up in one was not a big deal for me this past Sunday…well until we left the ground and I knew I wasn’t going to be doing a usual “wheels down” kind of landing once I took off from the runway…and that is when the nerves kicked in.

I do not have a “bucket list” so to speak, however the concept of having a “bucket list” is so main-stream that as soon as I started telling people that I had signed up to jump out of a plane, that was the next phrase from their mouths, so I have just gone with it.  I am fascinated by flight, flying and in this case, more like dropping.Fenton Chiropractor skydiving

The flight has been planned for over a month and as the time was drawing near, I could feel the intensity of my nerves increasing.  I believe in LIVING this life FULLY and, as I have stated many times before, am always in the pursuit of RICH, REWARDING EXPERIENCES…that is how I ended up on that plane with a guy and a parachute strapped to my back.

There were a few other people getting ready to do their first jumps while I was there.  I heard the woman working the desk tell one of the other nervous first-time jumpers “Those guys are skydiving (meaning the instructors), you are just going with them.”  Very interesting perspective.

The instructors were amazing, especially the one I was jumping with.  There was ample, clear instructions blended with just the right amount of comforting/encouragement/kick-you-in-the-pants dialogue going on.

When I am overwhelmed, my body goes into tears or hysterical laughter…on the plane ride up, I couldn’t hide my tears, he knew it and responded “You are going to make me feel bad if you are crying when I push you out of this plane.”Fenton Chiropractor Free Fall

The plane slows down, the door pops open and I slide to the edge.  We are facing the rear of the plane and the instructor puts his left leg out and foot on a step.  Then it is my turn.  I have to take both of my legs and swing them out and let them dangle while he finishes getting us ready.  The plane is going 80mph at this point so the wind is enough to knock you right off (and if you watch the video link below, you can see me mouth expletives at that point).

He signals and I lean back into him, he wraps me up and out we go.  It is nothing less than sheer terror sitting with my legs dangling outside the plane.  The terror is because I have a decision to make, jump or don’t jump.  Once the decision is made and we are out of the plane, it is easy.  There is no turning back at that point.  The only option is to let go, seriously, you can do nothing else.

As we are plummeting toward the Earth going 120mph, there are a few thoughts going through my head, however nothing is registering because ultimately nothing really matters at that moment.  It is a moment that I have completely given up and given over trust to my instructor.  Total trust…total faith…and mind you, he is a complete stranger to me.  I think of all the reasons to be fearful of skydiving, becoming completely vulnerable to a stranger, and putting your life in their hands, is the scariest part.  Somehow, he was able to take an incredible video, 400+ pictures and keep us safe all at the same time.  That is some serious talent!!!

I am so glad I purchased the video and picture package: grateful for the video for very obvious reasons as seen below, but grateful for the pictures due to how much raw emotion is shown in my face…and then add in a 120mph wind and the face does some pretty funny things.

Since the jump, so many people have asked me if I will do it again.  There are quite a few people in my life that will be less than thrilled if I do go, but if the time is right and the opportunity presents itself, I am all for it.

Getting outside our comfort zone is really where all the magic happens in life.  Getting WAY OUTSIDE that comfort zone allows some true shifts to occur that will forever change us as individuals.  I was terrified in that moment of sitting on the edge and dangling my feet.  Because I made the next move, assisted by Josh, I am changed forever…in a good way.

The experience was such an amazing life lesson of trust, faith, vulnerability and letting go.

The question has come up a lot of “Did your stomach drop when you were in free fall?”  It is so interesting because the plane is already going 80mph when I am hanging out of it.  Then we drop at a speed of 120mph and there isn’t much of an actual feeling in the stomach…it truly felt like I was flying.  I was heading downwards, but I could only really tell that due to me seeing the ground getting closer, there wasn’t a dropping sensation at all.  And of course, once the parachute is out, it is just peaceful soaring the rest of the way to the ground.

My challenge for you…before the end of the year, check something off that bucket list of yours or at least set some plans in place to accomplish something in it next year.  At the very least, step outside your comfort zone somewhere in your life.  It is hard to predict what will happen, however dropping into it and letting go may very well turn into flying.





There are a few moments in life when there is so much internalized intensity that tears help.  Just letting a small explosion come out of your tear ducts helps to alleviate the pressure of the current moment and the stress that is building.

I am a pretty sensitive gal and do my fair share of crying, though crying is not exactly what I am talking about, though I guess it would technically be what is happening.

This past weekend I re-visited Bower’s Harbor on Old Mission Peninsula in Traverse City to compete (or rather complete) the Traverse City Triathlon again this year.  I was signed up to do the same distance I did last year which is called a “Sprint” and consists of 1/2 mile swim, 12 mile bike, and 3 mile run.Fenton Chiropractor Triathlon

I had quite a bit if anxiety building up for about a month prior to the race last year due to the distance of the swim.  This year I was much calmer…until the morning of.

I had a few friends accompany me in the race this year which included my Mom and step-dad.  They had each done two shorter triathlons in the past and had been training and gearing up for a few months for this one.  I think I was partially picking up on their nerves that morning as well and hoping and praying they had good experiences since I was the one that encouraged them to participate.
The 5:30AM wake-up time came all too early and we were grateful most of our gear was packed the evening before.  The drive up to Old Mission took just over and hour from where we were staying.  As the miles passed and the time ticked away, the most intense nervous/anxiety feeling started to brew inside me.  No amount of deep breathing or meditation could contain this feeling.  It could have possibly been the month-long anxiety from the year before all being packed into one single hour.

I had to come up with a strategy and chose to turn on some loud music and let it out somehow and that is when tears started streaming down my face.  As I sat and watched my body do this, I checked into my thoughts to discover there was a little bit of fear creeping around in there…okay, it was sheer terror.  Over what?  Why such terror?  Then I tapped in to the fact that this swimming thing never gets easier for me.  I struggle and gasp for air due to my challenged heart and decreased ability to carry oxygen.

So I just let it flow and allowed myself to settle into the idea that the wet suit I was about to put on will keep me on top of the water no matter what and all I have to do is put one arm in front of the other and kick my legs.  Tears help a lot in relieving that kind of tension.

We pulled up to the parking lot where we would unload our gear and head down to the starting line.  My Mom walks over to me and says “I think I am going to throw up.”  That didn’t help the nerves any however I was grateful to have had the avenue of release already figured out and felt better, though still super anxious.

The morning continued.  I survived the swim easily this year.  The race went well.  I beat my time last year by 7 seconds…which I was happy about.  At least I am consistent I guess.  My hopes in doing these events is that my anxiety will diminish with each event and I can get to a place where I can thrive from the starting gates and focus on the event rather than being distracted with so much anxiety.  2 Sprints down, many many more to go.

Speaking of triathlon, I would like to mention one of my heroes that happens to be doing the Ironman Triathlon this coming Sunday.  My cousin Kelley was born 2 years after I was and we grew up together.  She has taken on endurance events over the years like it is a side job of hers and will be completing the ultimate endurance challenge ever…Ironman.  The race consists of a 2.4 mile swim, a 110 mile bike and a 26.2 mile run.  I wish I could be there to witness this huge accomplishment in person but will be there in spirit.  And I have to admit that during my race last Sunday, I thought about her and was grateful to not have that kind of a race ahead of me.

Bottom line…tears help.  They do.  There is a reason they are part of our physiological make-up and can really be used to our advantage from time to time.


In the snowy months, I spend a lot of time on my snowboard.  People often ask me why I like snowboarding so much and I respond to them, “It’s a moving mediation.”  “Meditation?!?!?!  Snowboarding seems like anything but meditative…seems so stressful!” they say.

If you have ever been on a snowboard, you will realize within just a few minutes that you need to be paying 100% of your attention to what you are doing…otherwise you will get in trouble quickly.  It is a continuous process of looking about 10-15 feet ahead, choosing your line and executing.  And for as long as you want to snowboard in a day, or over a number of days, it is the same thing…look ahead, choose a line and execute.fenton chiropractor Singletrack

In that particular sequence of actions, there is absolutely no room for thoughts like “what’s for dinner?”, “I wonder what so-and-so thinks about me?”, “I can’t believe so-and-so said/did that at work yesterday.”, “When will those kids ever learn?”, “I wonder if the washing machine repair man is at the house yet or not.”  It is one of the most “present-time” awareness activities that I experience in life, besides my work as a chiropractor when I am adjusting people, and taking a yoga class.  It is truly a moving meditation.

I recently found the same thing happening on a mountain bike…and I AM THRILLED!!!!  For years I have been a “Roadie‘ they call it in the cycling world…I ride a road bike, long distances on paved roads. For years, I have had friends try to convince me to get a mountain bike and check out that scene.  For years, I would say things like “Trees are unforgiving.” or “Do you realize how important my body parts are to my work?” due to my (incorrect) assumption that every mountain biker hits trees on a regular basis.

Then recently I realized how many miles of dirt roads surround my home and how much biking I was missing out on because of only owning a road bike.  So I succumbed to peer pressure and bought a mountain bike from Cyclefit (by the way, those guys are super helpful when you are ready to purchase your next set of wheels) to ride on dirt roads.

Then I succumbed to peer pressure again and hit the actual mountain bike trails, or “single track” in biking world lingo, for the first time last week.

Just a few minutes into the ride, I found myself doing that look 10-15 feet ahead, choose a line and execute thing that I do on my snowboard and living in 100% present-time consciousness.  Little did I know, an hour and a half blew by like 10 minutes.  I was climbing hills, dodging trees, flying through mud puddles, over bridges, over roots, cruising through sand pits.  IT WAS A BLAST!!!  …and when the ride was over, I couldn’t wait to go out and do it again.

With the madness of life and the crazy speed that the days/weeks/months/years fly by, my brain craves 100% present consciousness time more and more everyday…so naturally at this point that craving goes to mountain biking, which if one needs to have a “craving”, mountain biking is a good thing to choose.  It is also adding one more thing to my list of activities to enjoy doing during this lifetime.

I  may end up staying on that same trail for the rest of the summer.  I do not plan on branching out much and risking anything and both times I have been there, although I know some of the elements and the technical areas of the trail, it seems like a whole new experience to me every time.  Being in present-time moving meditation mode, allows life to always seem new and that is super exciting in and of itself.  Happy pedaling!!!