We are just 3 days in to our new location and I have to say it has been beyond extraordinary.  We are over the moon excited about how this space has turned out which trickles down to our ability to serve you.

The space is airy and cozy and solid and grounding and healing and absolutely lovely.

So many people are astounded by our ability to get moved over and create seamless transitions for our patient crowd.

Here is all I know.  We closed our doors at our Leroy location on Thursday, September 13th at 6pm.  We had until Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - 3 Days In - Dr Erica Peabody (810)69-6023Monday, Septmeber 17th at  10am to get up and running.

Mike would say over and over and over…. “Just pick the critical path, just the critical items that you need to get your day started and be able to endure patient care at the level they have come to expect.”  …and so in and amongst a weekend of family obligations we made it happen.

Thursday at 6pm is when the anxiety set in.  How long will it take us to do this?  and is 3 days enough?  It was a little like jumping off a cliff because, although I have moved my business a few times in the past, it had been 8 years and as I mentioned in a Facebook post, I am a pathological underestimator.  I underestimate everything and commit 100% and somehow figure it out.

It was a weekend of moving furniture, unplugging computer systems and wires all throughout the office.  It was filled with wires going every which way and plugging things in and praying.  It was a weekend or rearranging chairs and sweeping floors and dusting everything from head to toe.

Mike had to leave with his children around 6:30 on Sunday evening and head back home to be sure they are all ready to start the week.  I spent 5 solid hours on each adjusting station from one side of the place to the other and into the reception room.

The computer system was working, the music wasn’t.  The tables were ready, the rugs couldn’t be put down because of the finish on the floors.  The front desk was ready, the massage rooms were ready, the air conditioners were working, toilets cleaned and floors swept.  One more faucet installation around 9:30 and we were prepped for my realtor and his team to show up for the unveiling of the signage and the start to our first day!!

We did it!  It was a push but we did it and made it happen.

…and here we are just 3 days in and more inspired than ever before.  Follow your dreams, listen to your heart and that small voice inside as it will lead you in the right direction.  This truly feels like home and we are so glad to be here!




We are moving home!!!

I finished my final shift at Cafe of LIFE Chiropractic at 521 N Leroy this evening.  I had 4 patients between 5:45 and 6pm and I could feel myself winding down the service in that space.

This is the fourth location for my practice, so although I am not a big fan of moving, I am familiar with the process.  I bought the Leroy Street location in 2010 and the location prior to that was so super bittersweet leaving because it Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Home - Dr Erica Peabodywas a chiropractic office since the 60s.  My heart ached to leave that location knowing I was moving my practice from the exact location my chiropractor worked in when I was getting adjusted as a kid.  I settled myself knowing that my 521 location would be passed down to another generation of chiropractors at some point.

But it won’t be passed down and I am certain it will get rented to another amazing business other than a chiropractor.  There won’t be little ones roaming the halls there waiting for their adjustments years from now and far beyond when I am retired like I always thought there would be.

But truly we are moving home.  I cannot describe the feeling of our new building, affectionately known as “Big Blue”, except for it is home.  I got a little choked up as I was counting down the final adjustments in the Leroy location but I could sit here now in full on tears to know that we are moving home.

This is home.

I have had a recurring dream over the past 20 years that has driven me to this exact location.  Watch for a Facebook LIVE tomorrow, Friday September 14th, as I share that beautiful story.

How did I get here?  How did this all happen?  How on Earth am I moving my practice and my livelihood to my dream location, no literally the space inside of my dream?  We have a lot of work ahead of us in the next 72 hours as we transition the office to be ready for the practice on Monday, but it is all worth it to move home.




Laughter helps everything.

There has been a lot going on in life lately, all of it really good stuff but keeping laughter at the forefront of it all helps everything! Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Laughter - Dr Erica Peabody

For Memorial Day weekend, Mike and I headed up north to be with my family.  On Saturday we decided to kayak/canoe/float the Betsie River which runs right by my parent’s house.  It was a beautiful day, quite warm for late May in Northern Michigan and it felt great to get out on the river.  I always forget how relaxing and healing a nice float down the river is until I am on it.

Mike insisted that I just relax in the front of the tandem kayak and not paddle and that he had it all handled.  I trusted him completely and he gave me very little reason not to…at least for the first part of the trip.

We had rented a sit-on-top kayak from Crystal Adventures.  The adventure company owners advised that we bring one of their dry sacks with us on the boat and I said “It is nearly impossible to tip one of those things over but we will for sure take one.”

Famous.  Last.  Words.

Mike did and incredible job (THANKS BABE!!!) at navigating the river until one tricky part.  I was so used to sitting back and taking in the scenery that I did not see it coming and I don’t think he did either.  A big tree branch was down in the water and in very slow motion, I remember being in total disbelief it was even happening, the kayak got stuck, the current was super strong and tipped us right over.  I grabbed the stuff that I could and the rest headed down the river to be retrieved by other family members.  We were both soaked in clothes not necessarily planned for dunking in the river but laughing.  I am not sure what else there was to do but laugh.  Mike felt bad but was Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Laughter - Dr Erica Peabodyalso sort of bruised up.  I had some scratches and bruises and we just laughed and went on our merry way.

Around the bend, my brothers were whispering to each other “That must really be the right guy for her if she was that calm, cool, collected and both of them were just laughing.”  They were pretty shocked at our response to the whole thing.

All the weekends, and weeks for that matter, are spent managing things, handling projects and making things happen.  This past weekend was no exception as we framed and wired an entire basement at one of my rental properties.  It is a rather large space and a lot of work.  We finished the project around 10pm on Sunday and were wrapping everything up, finishing laundry and loading the dishwasher.  We sat down in the living room for a few minutes and as we were heading up to bed, Mike put a couple things in the sink.  As he stepped up to the sink, something felt strange.  Looking down was the view in the picture below!

You see, neither of us has had a dishwasher in our lives for over a year.  I am not sure how he did it but mistook liquid dish soap for dishwasher soap and the kitchen was filling up with bubbles.  I just start laughing.  First off, we are old enough and know better, or at least I thought we did.  But secondly, we have both missed having dishwashers in our homes so much it has been something we have looked so forward to!Best Chiropractor Fenton MIchigan - Laughter - Dr Erica Peabody

Here he is standing in ankle deep suds from putting the wrong cleaning product into the dishwasher and bubbles and spewing out the sides and continue to flow.  I am laughing so hard at this point that I think I am actually making him a little irritated.  Through laughter “BABE!!!!  How on Earth did you do this???” both on hands and knees cleaning up the floor.  (Side note: our kitchen floor is extra shiny and nice now!!)

We pretty much laughed ourselves to sleep that night.

Laughter helps everything!!!  Truly lightens the mood, shifts the tone and make it all better.  Mike and I do a lot of laughing together all the time, life is just too short to be any other way.

Look around in your life.  Are there areas you can laugh more?  Are there things you can laugh about instead of get angry or irritated with?  How can you choose laughter more through your days?  We only get one chance in this life!!!  Let’s have some FUN!!!!



I am one who always loves to take the scenic route.

I realize this more and more as the years go by.  Even if it takes me the same time, 15 minutes more or an hour more, I would prefer to be on the scenic route than anywhere else.Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - The Scenic Route - Dr Erica Peabody

This has become super evident over the past year being with a guy that also loves taking the scenic route.  What’s the saying?  “Life is about the process, not the destination.”  I don’t know who said that but it is brilliant.

Last weekend I drove over to Cleveland, Ohio to attend Birthfit Professional seminar (I will share a lot more about Birthfit Professional as time goes by as it will become an incredible tool and offering here at the Cafe of LIFE).  The seminar was Saturday and Sunday 8am-6pm both days.  That is a long weekend and with everything else going on in life right now, it was difficult to commit to that schedule.  I registered over 2 months ago and I am a woman of my word and so 7pm on Friday evening I made the drive.

Friday was a day filled with “life” and I wanted to be on the road by 5pm but that just didn’t happen.  Because I also need to preserve my sleep, I took the fastest and most efficient way to the area and got to a hotel just after 10pm to prepare for a 6:30am wake-up.

Saturday was an incredibly informative and inspiring day with a group of colleagues passionate about helping prenatal and postpartum moms prepare and recover from the most intense athletic event of their lives.  Saturday evening we were released at 6 and I set out to find some dinner.

Some of you know this about me but most of you probably don’t, I love just going for a drive.  In fact, sometime I will say to Mike “Hey babe, let’s go for a drive.” …which he is usually game for and we go and explore.  Another fun fact about me (at least I think it is fun although maybe I shouldn’t be so assuming 🙂 ) is I am passionate about real estate.  I have invested around the local area and I absolutely love transforming spaces.  Mike does too.  As we go for these random drives around, I usually am opening my Zillow app on my phone as we see “for sale” signs posted along our route.  Anywhere.  Anytime.  We drive around just to see what there is to see but also scope real estate wherever we are.  I am a Zillow addict and I love that fact that I have access to see what the homes look like inside.Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - The Scenic Route - Dr Erica Peabody

Saturday night I set out on a drive to find food and before long I realized just how close to Lake Erie I was staying.  I got caught up in a long drive scoping the Cleveland coastline real estate…and then moved inland a street…and then another.  Have you been to Cleveland?  WOW!!!  There were block after block of beautiful homes for miles.  I ran out of daylight but I was astounded.  I had Coffeehouse on my Sirius XM and it was the most relaxed I had been all week.  I would wander around, taking in all the scenery and I could feel my heart filling up.  That may seem like a strange thing to feel while on a drive looking at real estate, but I am okay with being strange.

Sunday came fast and furious and I was back in the seminar.  Sometime during that day I decided I was going to take the coastline home.  Yes I got out of the seminar at 6pm.  Yes I had a 3 hour drive in front of me.  Something inside urged me to take the scenic route and that something was making such a strong declaration about it that if I would have gotten on the toll road and taken the quickest route home, it would have been a battle inside myself the entire way.Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - The Scenic Route - Dr Erica Peabody

So I did.  At 6pm I got into my car and found the most beautiful stretch of homes along the coastline for a large portion of my drive back home.  Looking back, I am so glad I took the scenic route even though it added some time to my late drive home.  When everything was said and done, I had added just a mere 30 extra minutes driving the coastline between Cleveland and Toledo instead of the major highway.  But on top of that, my heart was full.

YOLO “You Only Live Once” and FOMO “Fear Of Missing Out” drive my life and especially these types of decisions.  I am the first to jump off the highway and see if I can find a fun way home just to see what is there.

So many people are in such a rush to get places.  Yes there is a time to be rushed and there is a time to find the quickest route to the destination and get there.  But what about when you are not rushed?  What would the path look like if you got off the heavily beaten most traveled route?  What would you see?  What would you be exposed to?  What would you learn?

Sometimes I take the scenic route and find that there wasn’t a whole lot to see.  Most of the time when I am on the scenic route I find something new and always finished more inspired.  In one of the books I read recently the author suggested “what would happen if you took a different way home?”  Your usual route to work could actually look different…which would feel different…which would help to stir up the monotony of life and maybe help you see things from a different angle.

Life goes by so quickly, I have a hard time even wrapping my head around the fact that we are in May of 2018.  Take the scenic route next time you get a chance.


“It is hard to prepare for the hardest day of your life when you have no idea about what the hardest day in your life will be like.”Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - The Sidelines - Dr Erica Peabody

That was a quote from my brother, Garrett, last night as I sat in my office with 3 women who will be heading to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro in 2 months.

Since my trek, many local (semi-local in the region) people have stepped up to ask what it is like to do that climb because they are heading that way within months.

“How did you train?”

“What did you bring?”

“What was the most used piece of gear that you didn’t expect?”

“What about medications?  And which vaccinations?”

“What is the bathroom situation when you are climbing?”

“What did they feed you?”

“Tell us about summit night…

“What do you mean ‘Don’t die with your day pack on?'”

The last one was the best one.

I walked and talked these ladies through my entire trip last night over 2 hours of conversation.  They are bringing their husbands and teenagers with them.Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Surrender Hikers - Dr Erica Peabody Mt. Kilimanjaro

As we were going through all the details, I realized just how amazing the trip was doing it with an incredible group of women.  I remembered around any corner, if anyone needed anything, someone had extra of it and was willing to share.  What could you possibly want that one of the 31 women didn’t have...I mean half of them were moms and MOMS ARE PREPARED!!!

We all suffered a lot during the trip but, and this may be a major over-generalization and stereotype (sorry, not sorry), women are pretty graceful at dealing with suffering and moving forward anyway.

When Kelly and I headed over to Kilimanjaro, WHOA Travel gave us a packing list and sort of an idea about the trip with the FAQs of course, but we didn’t have anyone to sit down and have this kind of conversation with, which looking back was a blessing and a curse.

How did I prepare for dealing with having to go to the bathroom out on the trail?

How did I clean my body and what was it like to use wet wipes as a “shower” every morning and night for all those days?Dr Erica Peabody - A Month Later - Chiropractor Fenton Michigan

How did I manage my period that started on day 2 of an 8 day trip and summit on the day of highest level of anemia in oxygen levels half the normal of sea level?

What about the hole in my heart and the decreased oxygen levels that I experience at sea level just walking around much less 19,341 ft above sea level.

How did you manage the 10 day trip with a total of 24 hours of sleep?  How did you function like that?

What did you do at night when you were unable to sleep?  and then the next night?  and the next?  How did you keep hiking 6-7 hours per day with such little sleep?

How did you keep your clothes in good working order and what materials did you prefer to wear up there?

How do you manage temperatures from 90 degrees at the bottom to below zero at the top?

Were you bored out on the trail during the days?

How do you hike 15,000 ft to 19,341 on the final day with barely anything to eat or drink (due to my own specific circumstances) while having 3 bouts of massive diarrhea and having to still manage your period sitting and squatting on porous lava rocks at zero degrees?

What do you mean your porter had to help your every single step for the final 100 yards to the top?

It seems so strange that going down is actually harder than going up?  A walking boot for 6 months following your trek?  Still not healed?  How is that even possible?Dr Erica Peabody - Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - The Hardest Day

There was a real thought on my plane ride over there that it is possible, possible anytime of course but more possible than anything I had done before, that I wasn’t coming back.  Of course that wouldn’t have been ideal, and I am glad that it didn’t happen and I lived to tell all these stories, but truly that trek is quite dangerous.  The trail is relatively safe but exposure to the different elements, not to mention 19,341 ft elevation, can cost you your life.  I am not sure they ever really considered that deeply…maybe they have but I think they were caught off-guard that I would speak about it so casually.

I also remember, when I had that thought I mentioned above, that I was okay with how my life had been and how much I have done and accomplished and just how many lives I had helped to make a difference, big or small.  Because life is truly about contribution.  When exposed to cultures like what was in Tanzania, and spend those 10 days with them, life gets really simple.  Clothes on their backs, shoes on their feet, roof over their heads, foot to eat and family and that is true happiness.  Truly.  <<<—-THAT is the simplest thing of all.

So how do you prepare for the hardest day of your life….put a smile on your face, look around, be sure you packed the right layers and take in every last moment because your life will FOREVER BE CHANGED…for the better.  Best of luck to that group, I am sure you will all have massive success and I am excited for the report back when you are done!  <3





I’ve been meaning to tell you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - I've been meaning to tell you - Dr Erica Peabody

Wait!!!  It is past the middle of January, isn’t it too late to say that?  Yes, you are probably right however I do hope your New Year is off to a great start!!!

I am writing to let you know that I spent all the money I was going to use to send out holiday greeting cards.  I went to order them but when I ran the numbers of how many thousands of cards we would have to send out here at Cafe of LIFE Chiropractic as well as my personal life and how many hours it would take to personalize all of that, I decided to do something different.

Over the past 13 years, Cafe of LIFE Chiropractic has grown and served so many people in and around this area that our address list consists of thousands of people.  Back in the early days when the Cafe was in its infancy, it was pretty simple to order 500 cards and take the time to sign them all, address the envelopes and send them out.

After a few years, and our office filled up, I realized how much time that was taking from my staff and myself as well as just how much money was spent to make all that happen.

Now don’t get me wrong, I love receiving Christmas cards and and holiday greetings and love to see how your families are growing.  THANK YOU SO MUCH for including us in your Christmas card list!  In fact, we have kept all of those beautiful cards with your gorgeous families here at the office and have wallpapered the back side of a door here atChiropractor Fenton Michigan - I've Been Meaning to Tell You - Dr Erica Peabody

the Cafe.  Want to see it?   —>>>

I decided about 5 years ago, since it was a substantial amount of money to make that all happen and I also know that there are many people going without food in our area, more than we even know, I would donate all that money to the Food Bank of Eastern Michigan.

The Food Bank can take $1 and get six meals out of it.  I don’t know what kind of food they can get their hands on but it has to be better than no food at all, especially during this time of year.

If one single dollar provides SIX MEALS to those in need, with the money we donated we provided THOUSANDS OF MEALS.  That makes us feel good about what happened to your Christmas greetings this year and for the past few years…someone is eating your Christmas card.

I realize that sending Christmas cards and greetings is an important part of the year to many people.  In fact, I am certain in the coming years I will get back to sending personal holiday cards again with a regular update as life progresses.  In the meantime, I will be supporting places that support our community and make the world a better place.  I think feeding people instead of sending cards was a great choice for us as I know our money was spread far and wide.

I trust the year is off to a great start and I’ve been meaning to tell you all that I am thinking about you, Merry Christmas and Happy 2018!!  May this be your best year yet!!!  …and something to think about for the future, maybe you will send some money to them as well knowing how much need there is and how far your dollar can go.



It is the month of THANKSGIVING!!!  The best holiday of them all in my opinion.  We have a GRATITUDE PROJECT going on in our office for the final months of the year.

“What we think about and thank about, we bring about.”

The world proves to us over and over again that what WE FOCUS ON, EXPANDS!!!  So let us get back to focusing on GRATITUDE and what we are grateful for.  Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Gratitude

Our lives are blessed in so many ways.  Seriously so, so, so many ways.

I want to challenge you to sit for 5 minutes, set a timer even, and think about all the different things you are grateful for.  Make a list in your mind.  Can’t fill 5 minutes of time?  Look harder, you are not paying close enough attention.

I am so very grateful for my office Cafe of LIFE Chiropractic and the ability to serve this community!  I could not imagine my life any other way than spending my days doing what I love.

I also LOVE LOVE LOVE to fill this space with GRATITUDE!!!!!!!!


Each day you walk into the Cafe of LIFE, you will make sure to stop by our GRATITUDE STATION.  There are leaf cut-outs ready for you.  Write one thing you are grateful and tape it to our tree on our window.  It becomes the biggest and most beautiful gratitude tree in just a few short weeks, and we just keep going.  It is simple and super fun and such an awesome way to build GRATITUDE ENERGY!!!

And if you are not a patient here at the Cafe of LIFE, feel free to swing by and just fill out a leaf and join our mission.  The more GRATITUDE, the BETTER!!!!

In saying all of that, I want to take a moment to extend my GRATITUDE to you, my readers, family, friends and patients, for being part of my life.  My life and heart are filled up because of YOU!!!  Thank you.



This particular answer is not going to cut it in this life.  A dialogue I had today…

Me:  Is your week going well so far?  

Patient:  It will be when the weekend gets here.

It’s Tuesday.  This answer is not going to cut it.

What do I mean by “it is not going to cut it?”  Guess what????  LIFE IS REALLY FREAKING SHORT!!!  Why would you ever want to spend 5 days each week looking forward to 2 days?  Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Not Going to Cut It

So you wake up in the morning on Monday and it is seriously a race to see how quickly you can get to Friday afternoon?  Seriously?  How can this be a life worth even living?  The ratios are all off there…ALL OFF!!!!  What if you spent 2 days looking forward to 5 days?  That is more like it!!  If he said to me, “Well I made it through Monday and Tuesday and so now I am going to have an awesome week!”  I would have taken it.

But that is not what he said and so here I am at a coffee shop having to write about it.  I don’t get to go home right after work, I have no other choice than to sit here and write about it.  There is not a chance I will be able to sleep after hearing that comment unless I spend my time time this evening writing about it.

Not really guys, I am not that obsessive.  If I was, I would have WAY BIGGER problems!!

Seriously the days are not all filled with rainbows and butterflies.  We all see tough times.  In fact it was just revealed to me that I appear to live among the clouds and am untouchable by strife.  NOT EVEN CLOSE!!!  I am just grateful for the learning when I am in the trenches.  Of course I am not grateful at the time, but the stuff I learn there when the pressure is turned way up, allows me to be real, authentic and genuine and it makes me more, well, ME!!!

We seriously never know when the tables will be turned on us, towards the bad or towards the good.  We never know when a really crappy week will turn really good.  We also never know when our wonderful life will be turned upside down either.

Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Not Going to Cut It
(yes that is me)

What if we just started the day, every day regardless of if it starts with ‘Sat” or “Sun”, in a good mood.  Lets look at the fact that we are waking up on the top side of the grass.  We get a chance to do all kinds of things today!!!  And SO MANY more things that if we weren’t on the top side of the grass!!!

So you could maybe be asking “Well what if my life really does suck?”

Okay, that is a legitimate question.  I like that you are thinking like that and want to question me.  If your life really does suck, you actually can take this day and make it just a little bit better.

Let me tell you about the time my life really, really, really, really sucked.  I got divorced half way through chiropractic college.  I had 2 years of intense schooling still ahead (I was 8 years into school at this point) and not a moment to process such a huge loss.  When I finally finished I moved home to Fenton to try to figure out what I wanted to do.  Life got really quiet, my friends had dispersed all over the country and I was left with all of the “stuff” that really didn’t feel good.  I went into massive grieving mode and severe depression, to the point that I could hardly get out of bed.  I also had a degree, a license and a desire to not stay that way.  It would take one step every single day to move me forward.  Even if that meant going out and buying one single pen, it was movement.

Just do that.  One little tiny step in the direction you want to go.  Because guess what?  The time is going to pass anyway.  Go do something with your ONE WILD LIFE!!!!!

I cannot do a thing about patients responding to me like that and not having a good time in life.  If I could, you know I would!!!

The only hope I really have is letting you, my faithful readers (have I told you lately how much I love you???  I DO!!!) know, that that kind of attitude is just NOT GOING TO CUT IT!!!  Get on with enjoying your LIFE!!!!  We only get one chance….


People often ask me about my chiropractic office the Cafe of LIFE.  For years, I have tried to really explain what it is like in here…but honestly, it is more about a feeling.

Its a feeling that you can maybe understand if you had pictures and words and could see the inside of the office and hear a story.

That is exactly what we have done in creating the clip below.  I have had great feedback so far and just wanted to share with you a little about what I mean when I say “Its a feeling…”.

Please feel free to share with your friends and family or connect with us on Facebook.  It truly is a feeling.  See you soon!!


In the snowy months, I spend a lot of time on my snowboard.  People often ask me why I like snowboarding so much and I respond to them, “It’s a moving mediation.”  “Meditation?!?!?!  Snowboarding seems like anything but meditative…seems so stressful!” they say.

If you have ever been on a snowboard, you will realize within just a few minutes that you need to be paying 100% of your attention to what you are doing…otherwise you will get in trouble quickly.  It is a continuous process of looking about 10-15 feet ahead, choosing your line and executing.  And for as long as you want to snowboard in a day, or over a number of days, it is the same thing…look ahead, choose a line and execute.fenton chiropractor Singletrack

In that particular sequence of actions, there is absolutely no room for thoughts like “what’s for dinner?”, “I wonder what so-and-so thinks about me?”, “I can’t believe so-and-so said/did that at work yesterday.”, “When will those kids ever learn?”, “I wonder if the washing machine repair man is at the house yet or not.”  It is one of the most “present-time” awareness activities that I experience in life, besides my work as a chiropractor when I am adjusting people, and taking a yoga class.  It is truly a moving meditation.

I recently found the same thing happening on a mountain bike…and I AM THRILLED!!!!  For years I have been a “Roadie‘ they call it in the cycling world…I ride a road bike, long distances on paved roads. For years, I have had friends try to convince me to get a mountain bike and check out that scene.  For years, I would say things like “Trees are unforgiving.” or “Do you realize how important my body parts are to my work?” due to my (incorrect) assumption that every mountain biker hits trees on a regular basis.

Then recently I realized how many miles of dirt roads surround my home and how much biking I was missing out on because of only owning a road bike.  So I succumbed to peer pressure and bought a mountain bike from Cyclefit (by the way, those guys are super helpful when you are ready to purchase your next set of wheels) to ride on dirt roads.

Then I succumbed to peer pressure again and hit the actual mountain bike trails, or “single track” in biking world lingo, for the first time last week.

Just a few minutes into the ride, I found myself doing that look 10-15 feet ahead, choose a line and execute thing that I do on my snowboard and living in 100% present-time consciousness.  Little did I know, an hour and a half blew by like 10 minutes.  I was climbing hills, dodging trees, flying through mud puddles, over bridges, over roots, cruising through sand pits.  IT WAS A BLAST!!!  …and when the ride was over, I couldn’t wait to go out and do it again.

With the madness of life and the crazy speed that the days/weeks/months/years fly by, my brain craves 100% present consciousness time more and more everyday…so naturally at this point that craving goes to mountain biking, which if one needs to have a “craving”, mountain biking is a good thing to choose.  It is also adding one more thing to my list of activities to enjoy doing during this lifetime.

I  may end up staying on that same trail for the rest of the summer.  I do not plan on branching out much and risking anything and both times I have been there, although I know some of the elements and the technical areas of the trail, it seems like a whole new experience to me every time.  Being in present-time moving meditation mode, allows life to always seem new and that is super exciting in and of itself.  Happy pedaling!!!