I am grateful for my life. I am grateful for my immediate family. I am grateful for my health. I am grateful for my extended family. I am grateful for my friends. I am grateful for my dog. I am grateful for my practice. I am grateful for my practice memb
ers. I am grateful for my Cafe of LIFE team. I am grateful for my colleagues. I am grateful live in and serve this wonderful community. I am grateful to have a roof over my head. I am grateful to have food that nourishes me. I am grateful for fresh drinking water. I am grateful to have a peaceful place to rest my head at night. I am grateful for Ethos Yoga Studio. I am grateful for all the wonderful people that cross my path everyday. I am grateful for the Cafe of LIFE Book Club. I am grateful to have a vehicle that gets me around. I am grateful to have clothes to wear. I am grateful for music. I am grateful for dance. I am grateful to live in Michigan. I am grateful to have been born in the United States. I am grateful for running shoes. I am grateful to live close to Kensington Metro Park. I am grateful to have the ability to travel. I am grateful to have visited so many wonderful places. I am grateful for sunshine. I am grateful for green grass. I am grateful for rain. I am grateful for snow. I am grateful for technology. I am grateful for email. I am grateful for Facebook and all the ways it connects us. I am grateful for those health care practitioners that educate about health and make a difference. I am grateful for colleges. I am grateful for Life University. I am grateful for Sherman College. I am grateful for hot peppers. I am grateful for lavender oil. I am grateful for books. I am grateful for flip flops. I am grateful for children. I am grateful for heat. I am grateful for light. I am grateful for fresh air. I am grateful for trees. I am grateful for blow dryers. I am grateful for curling and flat irons. I am grateful for hair products. I am grateful for undergarments and socks. I am grateful for towels. I am grateful for time off. I am grateful to be able to serve people and help them more forward. I am grateful for sweat lodges…and finally…I am grateful for ALL of life’s lessons. (…I’m sure I missed a few 🙂
