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The 4th of July is probably one of the greatest holidays of the year. I love the 4th and Thanksgiving because it is all about time with family and friends and food and fun. This past 4th of July was no exception. I made it a stay-cation style of a celebration. I spend the entire weekend with my family at my parent’s house out on Runyan Lake. The great thing about their house is it is just 3 miles from my house. And though it is only 3 miles, I actually stayed out there one of the nights, didn’t even come home. It made me laugh, and then it made me think I should have just packed a bag and stayed all three nights. I love that little lake. It is all-sports and private so you can have as much fun as you want and be confident it is never going to be too over-crowded. There were a lot of people out because going to the lake was the best option for keeping cool over the scorcher of a weekend. I also sat out front of the Cafe of LIFE and watched the parade go by. I just love Fenton for the holiday celebrations. They do a wonderful parade and freedom festival and there are thousands of people that come to the events. As we were preparing for the festivities in the area, I went out and bought a few small American Flags to decorate the Cafe. My assistant Angie put them in a vase and some are still on the front desk. Having those flags here in our space this past week has reminded me of how beautiful that representation of our country is. The red, white, and blue that create those stars and stripes are so amazingly beautiful I want to leave them out there for a while…and I probably will…we only live once…and I am glad to live this life as an American!!!

This past weekend I spent down in the Carolina’s, both North and South. I graduated with my doctorate from a school that is in Spartanburg (aka. Sparkle City), SC and decided to go back and meet some friends for a seminar. While I was there, a few friends and I decided we would take a hike. The North Carolina border is just 45 minutes from the school and we spent last Friday afternoon in the woods of Soluda, NC on a beautiful trek to a waterfall…and Choco was with me. During that hike, there is an overlook to the waterfall that is a 300 foot cliff, and when I say cliff, I mean straight down. Being a good mom, I decided to tie Choco up the path a little ways just so that he didn’t make an off-step and get into trouble, which actually worked perfectly. While we were enjoying the views he was tied up, watching and waiting for us. So one of my friends that is with us, has a chihuahua at home and doesn’t really understand the retriever instincts of my big chocolate lab. As we go to untie the dog, my friend decides this is the perfect time to throw a rock (the size of a tennis ball) back down to the edge of the cliff. Guess what Choco does? Yup, he chases that thing full blast, which in turn makes me lose hold of the leash, right up to the edge of the cliff and…then the rock stops…thank you, thank you Choco’s Guardian Angels… Many of you have met Choco… and if it was inside, you realize that he is pretty mellow. However if you met him and it was outside and he had a ball in or around his vicinity, you realize he is a nut-case. So the next day we were throwing the ball for him over yet another rock ledge, this one only 4 feet high or so. Without testing or looking over the ed
ge, he runs and chases the ball no matter what and basically has the attitude of “I trust where my mom is throwing this ball is going to be fine for me to go to”. Basically he runs his life on blind trust and to watch how his mind works fascinates me and scares the b’geezers out of me!!! I know at my core that if that rock that was thrown was a ball and made it off the cliff, my dog would have gone with it and lost his life. In fact, after seeing that action the very next day off a 4 foot rock, I have not gone to sleep one night without the thought of it. It is really frightening. There is a lot of blind trust and faith happening in the world today and many are reaping the consequences of it and some are even losing their lives. Check in with yourself…is there anything that you have blindly trusted? Is there something that maybe you should look over the edge at before chasing that ball? I am a very proud dog owner, I love my dog and now realize I need to look after him and think ahead a little bit more than I do already. Look ahead, what’s in front of you? Ya know, we only get one chance in this life…
(the top picture is a picture from the cliff, the second is at the beautiful waterfall destination we were after)
…plan for everything. In fact there are times in life when we need to throw all plans aside and become 100% present to face or assist in a situation that you are not even sure how you got there in the first place. I have found through my life that the universe works in strange, miraculous ways and we are really just along for the ride…and the sooner we recognize that fact, the better and easier life becomes. People plan to be in a certain place, at a certain time, doing a certain thing, being a certain way, and planning and controlling the entire situation. It is great when it happens so simply however sometimes when we are pushed way outside our comfort zone, that is where growth happens. Though it is also the most uncomfortable place to be, it is super beneficial to make it happen anyways. I have been in a number of those spots during my life so far and seem to deliberatly seek them out on purpose on a regular basis. I believe in living a life full of rich, rewarding experiences and that doesn’t happen when you sit on the sidelines. Come join me in seeking out some of these experiences…we only live once, ya know…we only get one chance…