I had heard about this race for a long time and to me, it seemed like it would be a super fun adventure…so I found a “Buddy” and got us registered. Columbia, the outerwear gear company, travels the country putting this race on in different locations. This one was at Stoney Creek Metropark in Sh
elby Township. The race is about 6 miles long. You have to have a partner and one starts out on a bike, Ted started riding, and the other one on foot, that was me running. After the first 1.2 miles we climb a wall and switch and I bike and Ted ran for 1.5 miles. The next obstacle was balance beams, and we switch biking and running again. The third obstacle was a low crawl under nets and the fourth was a huge inflatable slide. After the last run/bike segment, we meet up and run the last few yards together to a HUGE mud pit that we have to crawl through and across the finish line. And it wasn’t just kind of muddy as you can see from the picture…It was mud everywhere and on everything. Super fun!!! We didn’t win but we sure had a great time. We will strategize better next year now that we know what to expect. When was the last time you got really muddy? We only live once ya know…go play in the dirt!!! 🙂

awesome. i love it!