Month: March 2010
Unique, pleasant, refreshing, crunchy, complete, friendly, helpful, stress-free, calming, happy, healthy, painless, comfort, relief, friendship, enriching, healing, happy smiling, peace, health, happiness, awesome, great, super, inviting, relaxing, healing, gentle, awesome, relaxing, spiritual, balanced, positive, relaxing, healing, fun, comfortable, rejuvenating, family/love, centering, restorative, awake, clear, happy, pain free, stress-free, soothing, centering, purposeful, effective, pleasant, educating, wonderful, easy, fun, flexible, peaceful, calm, friendly, welcoming, uplifting, genuine concern, caring, warm, needed, enjoyable, tension reliever, different, energizing, invigorating, pain elimination, “spine in line”, pleasing, clean, ahhhhhh!, well, love, life, learning, personal, effective, convenient, relaxation, supportive, healthy, water, educational, fun, successful, clowns, helpful, accommodating, good, tranquil, peaceful, wonderful, refreshing, restorative, beneficial, healthful, caring, heavenly, exile rating, inspiring, life-changing, improvement, love it!, feel better, healthful, angel, peace, friendly, health-giving, health-promoting, energizing, warm, neck cracking, exponential, fantastic, fabulous, exciting, amazing, fantastic, better, relax, compassion, caring, tranquil, serene, great feeling, friendly, great, wonderful, fun, stress relieving, calming, bright, restoring, restoring health, positive, pleasant, peaceful, caring, helpful, life-changing, delightful, relaxation, relief, still, great great great!, relaxed, peace, thirsty, relieve, hope, thrive.
These are all the words that describe people’s experience here at the Cafe of LIFE, coming directly from them. I do what I do because I love to help people and I love chiropractic and if what I do for other is described from the above words, I feel strongly that is a sign of success…and I am looking forward to many more years ahead!!