I had a really interesting Super Bowl experience this year and I will tell you a little bit about how it went.

First off, I didn’t even realize it was Super Bowl weekend until maybe Friday. I do like to watch sports but my time is demanded in other areas of life right now and I haven’t even watched one single professional football game this year, and maybe caught portions of 2 Spartan games (and I don’t mean going to the stadium, I mean just on TV) the entire season.
We missed the entire first quarter of the Super Bowl and started around 8 minutes left in the second quarter. Of course the half-time show was great however I am still wondering why a guy like Adam Levine needed to take his shirt off? I am so confused by that. He is crazy talented and put on an exceptional show, and as soon as he took his shirt off, it sort of ruined it for me. Am I the only one?
Second half started and I fell asleep, not because of the pace of the game, but because the energy the TV puts out is so low and slow that I sit down and zonk right out. I was a little surprised by that but I do not have TV in my house and I do not watch any TV on a regular basis and I feel like my brain was sort of saying “A better use of my time right now is to rest.” We had a very busy weekend and so I am actually grateful to have spent some good time sleeping.
I woke up with 5 minutes left of the game. The Patriots were ahead. In all sporting events, the last minutes are the best so I was intently watching as they progressed through those last few.
Good Game Patriots!!!
Here is what I learned from watching the Super Bowl this year:
I am not a fan of TV and every time I turn it on, I want to turn it off immediately. The commercials are not even worth watching the game anymore…well except for maybe the Verizon commercial, that was really well done, but I am already a Verizon customer.
I learned I value my sleep over anything the media has to offer. The game gathers a lot of energy around it and people get really excited and happy. I am massively impressed by Tom Brady; for his performance on the field over and over and over, that is a given. More than that I am impressed with an athlete who really values health and puts in the work to keep his aging body, and brain, at tip top shape as the years go by. He fuels his body and works out, of course, but more than that, if you listen to interviews, podcasts and read some of the articles over the years, his value on health is right at the top of his priority list.
I am a pretty big fan of the idea that health comes from within and that it happens through continuously doing healthy things, and that we don’t get something for nothing and it REQUIRES WORK!!!! Tom also is a huge proponent of chiropractic care, and not just for pain, but for optimal performance. In fact, all NFL teams have a team chiropractor these days.
Now, I am no dummy to the fact that there are possibly some things that are in the hush hush about his life and actions behind the scenes, I believe those at the top of a game like that have some secrets somewhere.
I also learned that I love my little family-to-be (in 5 weeks from now) and when we spend time together, it fills my heart. I love my future husband and the fact that he will snuggle in on the couch with me for hours even if I am sleeping.
Over the years, people have asked “how do you live without TV?” My honest answer is “I don’t believe much in spending my time that way”, however, now I realize there is a bit that I can learn from watching the Super Bowl. 🙂