I am hoping that you are connected with us over Facebook, but if not, HERE IS THE LINK to go straight there.  You can also look me up individually and follow that way.  I have been doing some live shares over facebook as I drive and think and the last one was a warning to BE MINDFUL!!!

…and here is why that came up.Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Be Mindful - Dr Erica Peabody

Last Wednesday I was in my practice and a woman came in that had been under care in the past but had to take some time off to heal from a fall where she fractured a vertebra in her neck.  She was carrying a box down a set of stairs and stepped off the side in a bad way and hit the back of her neck on a steel handrail resulting in a fracture.  She has healed well and is ready to get back under regular chiropractic care  (some of you may be curious at this point that I can even adjust someone with this kind of injury.  I want to remind you that I have a lot of tools in my bag of chiropractic techniques that allows me to work with and around all kinds of injuries as each person’s care is tailored for each individual and their needs).  

I see a lot of people with injuries which probably goes without saying.  Some of the stories make my stomach churn as the phrase that follows is always “WOW!  That could have been way worse!!”

The next patient that same day was up north and cleaning up the kitchen and tripped over the dishwasher door that was out of her line of sight.  This resulted in yet another conversation that went “Wow!  That could have been a whole lot worse!” The final one that day was a slip and fall while getting into the car and sliding right underneath the vehicle…which “Could have been a whole lot worse!”

Our lives are super busy these days.  I have to be honest, I am trying to do too much at once, carry too much at once and my brain is filled with all kinds of running thoughts also!!!  I am in that same club however when I get to see these kinds of injuries, I take note of the theme.  The running theme of all of these injuries…trying to do too much at the same time.  Me too!!  Me too.  

Be mindful.  Easier said than done often.  What I notice for myself is that if I can slow down my mind to focus on the task at hand, I am so much safer, healthier and happier.  

Being mindful wouldn’t necessarily have prevented these injuries however, we can’t know for sure, it may have.  It is always hard to say at the time and easier to reflect backwards to see situations retrospectively.  

I was getting ready the very next day and listing to a podcast or making a video for a friend AND curling my hair at the same time.  Without looking down at my curling iron, I didn’t realize that it had spun around and was facing the other direction.  When I reached down and thought I was grabbing the handle, I was actually grabbing the hot barrel, resulting in burning the pads of my thumb and two fingers.

When that happened, my first thought was how easily that would have been avoided by simply being present, looking up and then looking back down.  I am notorious for trying to do too many things at once.  As I navigate through my days, I notice just how many things I drop and realize that is a strong indication that I am not fully paying attention.

Look around in your life.  Where do you find yourself trying to do too many things at once?  Have you stumbled as you were trying to do something else?  How many different directions do you think the mind can handle going in and still pay attention?

Be mindful.  

Being mindful is much easier said than done however I am hoping by just having this brief read and reminder, it is more in the forefront of your mind as you navigate through your days.  

I am not minimizing any of the things I mentioned before nor am I saying that they for sure could have been avoided.  I just wanted to share this theme of the week so that you can be mindful too.