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This is a special thank you to all the mothers out there. My mother is not only just my mother, she has become one of my best friends. Every year around Mother’s Day, my brothers and I love to get the family together and celebrate and this year we have added one more mother to the celebration…my sister-in-law to be, Rachel, who just gave birth to my neice, Charlei, 3 weeks ago. I have been fortunate to have a small glimpse into what new motherhood is all about from being a part of Rachel and Charlei’s lives. Rachel has been able to find a beautiful, yet delicate balance of caring time and rest with Charlei and it has only been 3 weeks. I see the amount of dedication that it takes for one child, and I have absolutely no idea how my mother did it with four kids, or my mother’s mother did it with ten kids. WOW!!! Being a mom is an endless and often thankless job and what I am finding out is that it doesn’t seem like anything can prepare you for that role besides just jumping into it. My other sister-in-law, Lauren, is pregnant as well and through all of this (while I let these two raise future babysitters for me) I get to stand by and watch and help. I look forward to the opportunity to be able to experience being a mother at some point in the future (and notice I didn’t say “near future”) but until then I will do my best to continue my wonderful relationship with these women so that I may learn and grow at the same time. One last special message to my own mother—life is better, fuller, more peaceful, easier, and fulfilling and I have found more success, happiness, and love because you are my mom. Thank you for everything!

As many of you know, this last trip to Colorado ended with a pretty severe injury. This picture below is me just seconds before the incident and it is me giving two thumbs up (thought it may look like middle fingers—I wear mittens people!!!! 🙂 It was the first run on my snowboard on the very first day and I was hit by another snowboarder. For me, I usually brush things off as no big deal. Well this time, when I went to do that, it turned out it was a bigger deal that I had anticipated at first. In fact, such a big deal that we had to call the ski patrols to come and pick me up off the mountain. I was in a LOT of pain, and I mean a LOT! I have been skiing since I could walk and for the past 14 years have been snowboarding and that was the very first time ever that I rode down with a ski patrol. It turns out that nothing was broken and nothing was torn, just a severe sprain of my right shoulder. I am so grateful that just the day before I had bought myself a brain bucket. I had never worn one of those and it saved me, probably not saved my life (I don’t think the fall was life-threatening), but definatly saved me from worse injury. So the rest of the day was spent sleeping and icing and heating and filling my body full of supplements to help aid the healing process. The next morning I woke up and though I could barely move my right arm at all, I was in Breckenridge and the sun was shining and if any of you are like me…I cannot miss an opportunity so I was back out there. The guy that I was with spe
nt the entire day clipping me in and out of my bindings at the top and bottom of the runs. I was also with a bunch of chiropractor friends so getting adjusted a lot helped the healing process to begin. It turned out to be a great weekend and since then, simply sitting back and watching my body heal and my shoulder get stronger and stronger everyday is an amazing thing. Can you imagine if we needed to know all the little processes in our bodies that lead to our healing, what to put where and what blood and other chemicals need to flow when in order to orchestrate the process. Thank goodness we have an intelligence inside that takes care of making sure everything gets done, so literally we can just sit back and watch it all happen. In that process I am doing all my usual stuff, which includes eating well, drinking tons of water, getting adjusted, getting massage therapy and acupuncture, doing yoga and getting exercise and taking my supplements. The body has an amazing ability to heal from just about anything, we just have to give it the opportunity to do so. It will be a little while before my shoulder feels 100%, however I am going to continue to trust the process. 🙂
Unique, pleasant, refreshing, crunchy, complete, friendly, helpful, stress-free, calming, happy, healthy, painless, comfort, relief, friendship, enriching, healing, happy smiling, peace, health, happiness, awesome, great, super, inviting, relaxing, healing, gentle, awesome, relaxing, spiritual, balanced, positive, relaxing, healing, fun, comfortable, rejuvenating, family/love, centering, restorative, awake, clear, happy, pain free, stress-free, soothing, centering, purposeful, effective, pleasant, educating, wonderful, easy, fun, flexible, peaceful, calm, friendly, welcoming, uplifting, genuine concern, caring, warm, needed, enjoyable, tension reliever, different, energizing, invigorating, pain elimination, “spine in line”, pleasing, clean, ahhhhhh!, well, love, life, learning, personal, effective, convenient, relaxation, supportive, healthy, water, educational, fun, successful, clowns, helpful, accommodating, good, tranquil, peaceful, wonderful, refreshing, restorative, beneficial, healthful, caring, heavenly, exile rating, inspiring, life-changing, improvement, love it!, feel better, healthful, angel, peace, friendly, health-giving, health-promoting, energizing, warm, neck cracking, exponential, fantastic, fabulous, exciting, amazing, fantastic, better, relax, compassion, caring, tranquil, serene, great feeling, friendly, great, wonderful, fun, stress relieving, calming, bright, restoring, restoring health, positive, pleasant, peaceful, caring, helpful, life-changing, delightful, relaxation, relief, still, great great great!, relaxed, peace, thirsty, relieve, hope, thrive.
These are all the words that describe people’s experience here at the Cafe of LIFE, coming directly from them. I do what I do because I love to help people and I love chiropractic and if what I do for other is described from the above words, I feel strongly that is a sign of success…and I am looking forward to many more years ahead!!