Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Atlanta GA - Dr Erica Peabody
I am on my way to Atlanta, GA. It seems like a long time since I have spent any real time there. It is another home for me. I spent a few years in school there and am still quite connected with the LIFE Chiropractic College and many people that are involved at the school. One thing about Atlanta, I love the diversity. Have you been to Atlanta?

At one point I heard that 75% of the people that are in Atlanta are transplanted…mostly from the north. That makes for the city having an interesting personality of a northern feel with southern hospitality. This small town of Fenton is incredibly non-diverse…what would be the correct word for that? Homogeneous? I don’t know…but I know you get the point. When I moved home I was shocked at how far I had to drive for any culture…and not to mention cuisine. I tend to steer away from “American” food and do not care much for Italian either. I had to drive 30-45 minutes to get things like Thai, Sushi, Indian and Ethiopian food. Things are improving slowly but surely but I love being in Atlanta where you can find all kinds of fun food on every corner.

I lived in Atlanta at a really special time in my life. I began chiropractic college and was making the greatest life-long friends and learning and growing so much as a student, but more importantly as a person. It was a time when I began to focus inward and really look at what makes me me and how I got that way. With this amazing group of friends, we spent a lot of time in introspection. Seems we were all digging for answers to the same questions…What is life really all about? Why am I here? What is my purpose? How can I live in a peaceful way? How can I serve others? What do I want to manifest in my life? How can I become more healthy and whole? …and the late night conversations filled with philosophy, connection and laughter are really precious memories for me.

Atlanta was home of the first Cafe of LIFE office I had ever been to. Cafe of LIFE is not a franchise, it is more a concept of shifting chiropractic away from a medical setting. The day I walked into that Cafe, and the first adjustment I received from the chiropractor, changed my life forever. It was a pivotal moment that I will share the specifics of in a later blog in case you haven’t heard the story. My path to some deep core healing began in Atlanta, and entering the Cafe of LIFE that day was a catalyst for that.

So when I get back there, I become really nostalgic. All the sights and sounds and smells and feels take me back to a really sweet transitioning point in my life…and also the point when I learned what it means to SERVE. I will spend the weekend in seminar and reigniting my internal flame with laughter and community and the enjoyment of being back on the campus and in a place that taught me so much about me. Have an amazing weekend everyone!!!


Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - I remember... - Dr Erica PeabodyI remember this feeling. I am in a new house and a new bed and I have yet to move the rest of my furniture into the new place. Over the past couple days I have had some upper back stiffness and I feel really hunched over and locked up. I am sitting at my desk at my office Cafe of LIFE Chiropractic and trying to remember when I felt this last…and then it hit me…it was prior to the purchase of my Sleep Number bed.

I remember waking up for years feeling like I got hit by a truck while I was sleeping. I was (and am) working out, drinking lots of water, stretching and doing yoga on a continual basis and at that age (and this age), there is no way my body should have felt (and currently feel) like that. (I am not trying to be a commercial for Sleep Number by telling you all this.) I purchased my bed 2 years ago after stopping in a store on a recommendation of another chiropractor. Everything they were telling me was making sense and when I got it home and tried it for myself, I was really, really impressed and amazed with my ability to rest and feel rested in the morning. It is one of those things that after sleeping on it for so long, I had forgotten the difference…until the past 2.5 weeks.

The biggest challenge I have now is that my Sleep Number bed I have at home is a queen and my new master bedroom has a king and requires a king…so I am going to have to go and purchase a king Sleep Number in the very near future. People that come in and get adjusted at my chiropractic office ask me all the time what bed I recommend. I always give them my personal experience because what else can i possibly talk about besides what I have done myself.

We spend a third of our lives in bed and it is important to make an investment in the quality of sleep we get. How can we possibly move through our days and do what we need to do feeling like we got hit by a truck sometime during the night? Just for the record, there are many really good quality beds on the market. Everyone is slightly different and our bodies have different requirements when it comes to relaxation and sleep. The best advice I can give on sleep position is to make sure your spine is as neutral as possible…making sure there are no twists, extra stress or sagging occurring…and I am grateful to know what I need to do about this and where to go to return to happy sleeping!!!


Guess what? No the lessons don’t ever stop. What i realize in life is if we don’t listen and learn the lesson the first time around, it is bigger and louder the next time, and bigger and louder the next time. Life is really grand…however I have been in a lot of transition for the past month or so and I am ready to go into coast mode for a bit and have some peace.

Some things I have learned lately…

-be patient

-keep exercising

-allow others into my personal space

-don’t take things personally

-don’t make assumptions

-I love a peaceful life

-sitting for hours starting at a body of water is very relaxing

-family is the greatest

-I am very passionate about assisting mothers in their birth process

-I am back home and can really feel my roots

-my body can function for 39 straight hours without rest

-when I lay down in my bed, let the day go

-even if I don’t feel like doing yoga, go anyways…that feeling will change

-parking my yoga mat in front of a heater really steps up my practice

-I am grateful for how and where I grew up

-saying a heart-felt deep “I’m sorry” is really powerful

-I love my book club

-people make mistakes in life…really BIG ones sometimes…and it is OK in the end

-I love my work work more and more every day

-friendships/relationships come and go

-sometimes it is best to let go, and sometime I need to hold on really tight

-Fenton is often a little too small for me

-I couldn’t live in Fenton without Ethos Yoga Studio so close

-I may give my right big toe to have a Trader Joe’s open in Fenton…and I am pretty sure there are a few that would join me

-I love fall

-I really want to go visit New Orleans again…without tropical storms next time
What have you learned lately?


As I walk around the past few weeks, the word “lucky” comes up in my head over and over. It has been in the forefront of my mind lately how lucky I am. Some people will argue that there is no such thing as luck and to some respect, I would agree with that. I think Life puts things in our paths according to the work we have done, the energy we radiate and what we can handle. I have done and still continue to do my work…working on myself, my wounds, my strengths and my weaknesses. I feel lucky because some key areas in my life are coming together all at the same time…that is the luck that is on my mind lately and it pertains to work, family, my living situation and my personal life.

I am a doula (Doula is a word that has most closely become associated with a woman or man[1] who provides non-medical support to other women and their families during labour and childbirth, and also the postpartum period) and this past Monday I attended the most amazingly beautiful home water birth. It just so happens she went into labor on Monday morning and by my lunch period things were well underway. Let me set the scene for you…I walked in to peace, a dim lit home, light rhythmic music playing in the background, a fan blowing, Mom in the birthing tub, friend/doula by her side putting cold wash cloths on her back and neck, husband close by and checking in with Mom when necessary, mid-wife sitting back and waiting and watching with a supportive energy and soothing words, birth assistant ready to be the key support to the mid-wife, and the dog patiently watching over the room from a bed in the corner.

Her labor went on all morning but the actual pushing was a short 35 minutes to the birth of a beautiful baby boy. When mothers are adjusted through their entire pregnancy, labor and delivery times are quick since the body is balanced and ready. It was picture perfect. I checked and adjusted the little one within minutes of coming into the world, did what I could to help for about an hour, checked and adjusted everyone else and headed out and back to the Cafe of LIFE to serve for the afternoon. That was one incredible day!

In the midst of this beautiful scenario, I stepped back and thought to myself…how lucky am I! What an honor to be invited in to the most intimate moments in this particular family’s life. I feel lucky to be in this place, at this time and having the experiences I am. When I get to experience Innate Intelligence in its rawest form and bear witness to the strength of a woman in the moment of giving birth, I am humbled and forever grateful to have even been invited. Life is amazing…make sure you are getting out there and living it!


Peace is a process, truly.  This morning I woke up in such a profound state of peace. There are a lot of things in life that seem to be coming together like pieces in a puzzle. When I am not busy trying to make things happen (which I have spent a good portion of the past few years doing), I am able Dr Erica Peabody - Peace is a process - Best chiropractor Fenton Michigan to really sit back and be completely present and drink in each and every second. That happened in an amazing way last night.

It started with a run…almost 5 miles with great company. Because of my challenged heart, I have never been able to enjoy running with other people. My body can only carry so much oxygen and I can only breathe so hard, so to run with someone was almost too stressful. I would find myself worried about not going fast enough and possibly taking away from someone else’s experience. For as long as I have been running, I have only ever had company maybe 5 times…until the past couple weeks. It is nice to have someone to chat with, catch up with and spend the time with and the run goes by so quickly and with so much ease. It is still difficult to breathe at points but I just keep pushing, and maybe even push a little harder than I would on my own, and in the long run (no pun intended) I am sure it will help me to progress as an athlete.
This particular running buddy has an office in what used to be a yoga studio. It is set up pretty much the way it was when classes were happening there and the space has some seriously good mojo. It is an older building with those beautiful old wood floors, high ceilings and the room feels really open and free. It calls out for you to do yoga or dance when you are in there…and so I had my own private yoga studio, perfect lighting and Coffee House on the radio. There were intense moments of asana practice followed by rest and melting into that wood floor. It was peaceful and comfortable and healing and I seriously could have slept there after the run and yoga session. It was a peaceful drive home, a great night’s sleep and a fullness in my heart this morning in a way like I just filled up the gas tank in my car.
So I am going to ride that wave for the rest of this week. Peace is a process and it is something that I work on/strive for on a daily basis. With all the reading, studying, yoga, working out, journaling, practicing that I do, I have come to a place where peace is possible. It is fleeting at times and sticks around at other times. Last night was a culmination of all the right pieces fitting together in just the right places to make all this work worth it.
I truly hope there are moments that you find yourself in that state as well. This may require that you chisel out some time for yourself, dissect out some poisonous people from your life, excavate some bad habits, cultivate some health-ful daily practices and find an amazing running buddy with a cool office like I did:) Start doing what you need to do in order to live your life fully as peace is a process…and we only get once chance.




Dr Erica Peabody - Try something new - Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan It was just over a week ago that i brought a friend to yoga class with me. He had never done yoga and going to the studio for the first time can create a little bit of anxiety not knowing what to expect. The class was amazing as usual and he did great. At the end of the evening I told him I was glad he was game for attending that class…and his response “I am up for just about anything as long as it doesn’t leave a permanent scar, I don’t have to get a tetanus shot and it doesn’t ruin my credit”.

Initially I laughed pretty hard…but since then I have been pondering how much power is behind those simple words. Life is all about having experiences, relating to others and learning…and that particular statement is all encompassing. How many times have you found yourself bowing out of something because “Its too cold”, “Its too hot”, “Its too hard”, “Its too early”, “Its too uncomfortable”, “I don’t have time”, “I’m too tired”, “I’m not strong enough”, “I have too much to do”. We make those excuses time after time and we watch life fly by and really miss out on some pretty great things.

I do my best to life my life in a way that puts me in places to have rich, rewarding experiences. Sometimes it is intimidating to enter into some of those situations I have no idea about and do something for the first time. Generally I have found that the more nervous I am about something, the more amazing I feel when I am finished. So instead of placing too many restrictions and being a fair-weather participant…how about creating a couple simple restrictions of your own, or adopting those three simple ones…doesn’t leave a permanent scar, no tetanus shot and doesn’t ruin your credit. Life becomes really, really exciting when you live like that and you will find yourself doing things you never even knew were on the menu…at least that is what I have found so far. We only get one chance…let’s make it to the end with no regrets!


Timing is everything!  If you were to ask my Mom, she would say that I am not and have never been the most patient person. I am not one that needs to have things “RIGHT NOW” but I am one that if I get something on my mind, it needs to happen in the “VERY NEAR FUTURE”. I used to always say that once I have kids, I will learn patience. Of course I haven’t had that opportunity yet and so Life is teaching me lessons using other medium and boy they have been some real stingers lately.

Life always has it’s ups and downs and I have learned to roll Dr Erica Peabody - Timing is everything - Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan with the tide. I have come to realize that there is a plan out there that is WAY bigger than me and if I can just surrender to whatever that is, life is simpler and easier than trying to push and make things happen. I have learned this is a lot of different ways however I have to credit my yoga practice with teaching me so much about how to manage and gracefully handle the waves in life. I am still human though and when I know that something is happening in life that is super exciting, I have a hard time not wanting to get to the exciting point as quickly as possible. This lesson has come up pretty strong this summer in two different ways, and in retrospect, it is so clear to see why and how it is all going to work out and for that, I am so grateful!

The past week/weekend was really incredible. I have sat back and watched a couple really amazing things happen. I have been involved in the purchase of a short sale home since early May. It is a great little home in a great little spot and I was super excited to transition out of my condo and into a “Big Girl Home” as one of my friends referred to it. It has been a long 3 months with people continuously asking me when I am going to close with my answer always being “I don’t have a date confirmed but I am supposed to close on or before July 31st”. So with this past weekend approaching, my realtor and I put an extension on the contract. That very afternoon, just a short 5 hours after signing the extension, another house came up on the market and through a chain of communication I ended up seeing it the next morning and putting an offer on it that was accepted that evening and I will close within 30 days! The lesson in patience was reinforced for me in a really powerful way. “Good things come to those who wait”…I get it now.

The second lesson in patience this summer is private and really near and dear to my heart. It has been guiding me through a beautiful lesson is patience and timing and it is a slow process. This is something I will report back about further down the road.

We have one chance to live this life and sometimes our thoughts and desires are the limiting factor in us experiencing our greatest life possible. There is a plan out there, a much larger plan and no way for us to really predict how it is all going to turn out. I have found that the very best thing I can do is stay present, stay calm, enjoy the people and experiences I have in my life and just keep putting one foot in front of the other, or (I love swimming) taking one stroke at a time as we navigate this sea of life.  Timing is everything.


The joy in life is found in the simple things.  This past weekend I accompanied a girlfriend to a party on the lake. Besides my friend, I wasn’t going to know a single person at the party but it seems that when hanging out around the lake, everyone is so friendly that I was sure it was going to be a good time. Something Dr Erica Peabody - The simple things - Best chiropractor Fenton Michigan about the lake makes people happy. My understanding of the reason for the party was this couple got married and bought a house without telling anyone until it was over so this was a celebration of both of those things.

My assumption was correct and the party was a blast. The people were fun. The food was good. The house was beautiful. We stayed well into the night. Around 11pm were all chatting around a fire down by the water and Bob, the host of the party, arrived with a small cardboard box of stuff. It turns out that he had a bunch of Chinese lanterns.

Have you seen the movie “Tangled” the animated story of Rapunzel? Someone had recommended it to me so I watched it a few months back. Rapunzel finally had a day outside of the tower and her only goal was to go towards the lights. Every year, on her birthday, when she looked out the window in the evening, the sky would fill up Dr Erica Peabody - The Simple Things - Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan with small lights. Though it was just an animated cartoon, the scene was really, really beautiful. She spent her free day in search of the source of those lights. Those lights were Chinese lanterns released from the people in the village. Fast forward to the happily-ever-after end of the movie is a beautiful scene filled with these lights, so beautiful I got a little choked up.


So you can imagine my delight when I realized that Bob had Chinese lanterns and that I was going to be able to light one and let it float up into the sky. I had no idea those lanterns existed in real life (though now that I googled it, I realize they are not THAT big of a deal) I don’t know if it is the fairytale-like scene that I am delighted by or what but it completely made my night to be able to light one off, actually it made my entire weekend! Its a really simple thing…but finding the joy in the simple things is what life is all about right? Have you found ridiculous joy in something so simple lately?


I have looked back at this journal entry a few times and I want to put it up here because I think that it may speak to a few of you and I want to share it. In yoga, we talk so much about coming to our “edge” on a physical level and how that physical “edge” can be a metaphor for other layers of our being. This was part of that particular lesson.

I found myself at three interesting “edges” today. The first has to do with the cleanse and I’m still trying to figure out where these messages of “let’s be done now” are coming from because I know my body is being physically nourished well. The second has to do with the commitment to this process of Yoga Teacher Training with my favorite party of the year this Friday…Tiger’s Opening Day ( I am not a die-hard baseball fan, but I am a HUGE Opening Day fan). I was even offered 2 sets of tickets to the game and everything.

The last edge is really personal, but being at that edge I have 2 options…#1 I can back up and go the other way, or #2 I could jump and grow wings after my feet leave the ground. This particular edge is familiar and I have been here before. Last time I went the other way. I’m deciding which to choose this time and wondering even why this is presenting itself again…but it is, and when I flip a coin and make the agreement with myself that I will do what the coin says and it turns up the side of “jump”…I run through the scenario in my head and there is a incredible heart-opening joy and peace involved.

The “edge” takes on many shapes and forms and keeps showing up in many different areas in life. It is dynamic and personal and teaches us about what it is like to be us in that particular moment, at that particular time. The best thing we can do is brush up against it so we know where it is, and see if we can connect with something inside that gives us the strength and courage to push through those limits. This is how we grow and evolve.”



My life is an ongoing process of “being me” and learning more and more about what “being me” is like on a daily basis. I love having a blog because as I grow and learn, I have an avenue to share some of those lessons with you and over the past couple months I have learned a lot. The following is just one of the many lessons as of late.

At the beginning of Yoga Teacher Training I made a commitment to be vegetarian for 3 months. In the middle of Teacher Training we did a 21 day cleanse that cut out all animal products as well as a few other things, which in essence is when I went completely vegan. After 21 days on that cleanse I felt so great that I continued for another 30 days or so and ever since then have chosen not to return to any animal products, not even eggs or cheese…and at that point I came to an amazing realization in my life…I FEEL AMAZING DAY IN AND DAY OUT!!

Prior to the initial commitment to become vegetarian, I was dealing with feelings of starvation 3-4 times a day, beginning early in the morning and would wake me up out of my sleep. I changed my diet and I no longer have that anymore. Some other amazingly wonderful things that I have noticed…
1. As already mentioned…I do not have to deal with feelings low blood sugar and starvation.
2. I do not have to sleep as much…I used to require 9-10 hours of sleep and sometimes a nap to feel good…now I am feeling great with 6-7 hours per night.
3. I have not been congested at all. I feel clear and free every day.
4. I have massively high amounts of energy.
5. I wake up and jump right out of bed.
6. I have huge amounts of energy when I workout.
7. I have been migraine free for 5 months now.
8. My mind is clear and my mood is good.
9. I have less wrinkles on my skin and less cellulite.
10. There is true, deep, profound peace in my being.

Being a health care provider, people ask me all the time about my diet. I had a very good, clean omnivore diet prior to making that initial commitment without any intentions of changing what I was doing. I was actually really nervous about switching over to a vegetarian diet thinking that I wouldn’t get enough substance to keep my blood sugar levels up. That couldn’t be further from the truth for me. For the above reasons, and so many more…I will be sticking to what I am doing. There is a bit of controversy about a vegan diet and that it is lacking some key amino acids necessary to build a strong, healthy body. I have taken that into consideration and supplement accordingly.

Our bodies are roughly 80% water and are happier if we consume things that match that percentage which means lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. I am by no means promoting a vegan diet for everyone and I believe we need to continue to explore to determine what is right ourselves individually. I do, however, encourage a “plant based” diet which will include loads of fresh, live fruits and vegetables and organic and local whenever possible. When we put raw and alive food, an apple for example, into our bodies…we are actually consuming that apple’s life energy. Wouldn’t you want to add more life whenever possible?

We get one chance…one life…one opportunity to experience all that we can in this body. I am choosing to help my body be the best, feel the best and promote health from the inside. Are there areas in your diet that could maybe use a little renovation? a little alteration? There is no time like the present.