She is grouchy…or finicky.  Yeah, finicky is probably a better way to describe her.

The old girl, Big Blue as we have so adoringly named her, has been good to us so far.

We are working on week number 3 here and we are enjoying our time and our transition.  It is different than just closing one door and opening another one in a different office space and getting to business.  Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Home - Dr Erica Peabody - Grouchy

It is time well spent feeling her out and figuring out how to manage all of the intricacies and quirks that make her so dang lovable.

She is warmer than would be expected on cold days and colder than expected on warm days except some areas are colder than others and warmer than others. Ugh.

The original builder, AJ Phillips, put the walls together by stacking two by fours on top of one another and then plaster and lath over that, not normal stud distance, like literally one on top of another.  It is pretty astounding actually.  We have a couple HUGE pocket doors and if you look inside the pockets, you can see the construction pattern…and to think those were put in place, by hand, one by one, 130 years ago.  WOW that is some serious labor!!!

AND!!!!  Not to mention the woodwork that adorns the entire space on all three floors  The first floor is our Cafe of LIFE Chiropractic Center and has so many special things about it…but the second and third floors are absolutely spectacular as well.  We are so excited to be able to open that second story to all of you and be able to rent the third story, one bedroom and one bath apartment.  All in due time.

We love how much you all have loved her so far and we invite those that haven’t had a chance to swing by and experience the space to swing in!  We hold open adjusting hours one Saturday per month and although we will have patients here getting adjusted, if you happen to be out and about around town this coming Saturday, October 6th, stop by and swing in!  We will be here 9a-11a.Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - 3 Days In - Dr Erica Peabody (810)69-6023 - Grouchy


My staff comes to me with things they have noticed or things they need in this new space.  It seems as though my

lunchtimes have been converted to “repair time” and grabbing lunch while working on a project!  But that is okay, as we know that she will always be a work in progress but we will become a little more familiar with her needs and quirks as the time goes by.

When life took a turn and I needed to move to a different spot to be able to get one of my rentals leased out, I decided I would stay here and get to know her.  My conversation with my mom that evening went “I am just going to triple-dog-dare myself to stay for the night and just see what happens.  If you don’t mind, just please do not lock your door in case I get spooked and end up having to come out there.”  I did fine from the first night but definitely wasn’t such a huge fan of having to go into the basement after dark.  Now my attitude is like “sure girl!  Whatever you need right now is good with me.  Oh you need me to tend to something in the basement at midnight?  Absolutely!!  I will be right there!”

It is the strangest thing that I feel like I should leave a babysitter for her when Mike and I head out of town!  I have never had the feeling but Mike thinks it is ridiculous!!!  I just laugh at myself that the thought even crosses my mind at all.  The great thing is that she sits right in the middle of a town that is so connected and wonderful and I am Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Dr Erica Peabody - Grouchy - Michael Sanockicertain that if there was something going on, 30-50 people would be on the phone texting and calling me right away and so I thank you!!!


Please watch out for her.  Mike and I have most of it handled but we need eyes and ears around for this grouchy old gal!!!   …I mean finicky.

She is a gem and I think it has taken a bit for her to get used to all of us!!!  There is a lot of new and fun energy inside of this space during our days and we have already had a HUGE engagement celebration!!  …in fact that party is what gives me so much certainty that 30-50 of you would call and text if something goes bad because of the amount of people that made remarks about that party a couple Friday’s ago, “my kids pointed to that place and said, ‘Hey Mom!  Can we go there?’ since it looked like something fun was going on when we drove by” are the kind of messages we got that following week.

We love her.  We are so excited to plan our wedding to be hosted within these beautiful walls in early March, just 5 months away.

A phrase we hear over and over again around here, from me, my team and all those that visit, “if only these walls could talk!” 

We are continuing to create a story here at Big Blue, stories of healing and health and wellness and life and living and family and the amazing power of the chiropractic adjustment that would make the forefathers of this great profession proud.  There are pictures in the infancy phases of chiropractic that were taken in places just like this.  Big Blue was born in 1889-91 time frame (seems the history was maybe she took 2 solid years to build) and chiropractic was born in 1895.  It feels so, so very right to be here doing what we are doing.

Although she is grouchy, or I mean finicky (just looked that word up in the dictionary: fussy about one’s needs and desires <—sounds about RIGHT!) I think we have an incredible thing started that these walls will want to tell stories about for years to come!!!  Stop in and join us this Saturday 9-11am!!!




Published by

Dr. Erica Peabody

Fenton, MI is a great place to be from and to move back to. Serving this community the "Exceptional Chiropractic Experience" at Cafe of LIFE Chiropractic is my favorite way to spend my days. Cafe of LIFE ( is a Family Wellness Chiropractic Center located in the heart of this great little town. When I am not at my chiropractic practice, you will find me at the yoga studio, the gym, in my running shoes, with my family, on my snowboard, on my mountain bike, surfing, on the lake or some local restaurant or hiking trail. My ultimate goal and life purpose is to make a small difference in this crazy world...and have some fun while I am doing it.

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