Our great little city of Fenton has a Holiday Celebration called Jinglefest that happens the first weekend in December. For the past 3 years, my family and I get together and run it. It is great fun because it is cold and snowy and the nights always end up being perfect for a winter run. This year we had an addition to the running crew as Choco joined us. I wasn’t sure if dogs were going to be allowed but I brought him anyways. There were about 200 people or so that ran it and 3 other dogs. In the beginning of the race Choco was really interested in making friends with everyone. By the time we were about 100 yards into it he realized that it was time to work and just got right into that mode. He ran the entire 5K right by my side and we finished strong. We have been on so many adventures during our first week, from riding in the car 4 hours one way to go snowboarding, play dates with new friends, a 5K, and a day with a friend of mine. He has been amazing and I am really excited that I will be able take him on my runs. I am looking forward to the time when he is ready to come to the Cafe of LIFE on a daily basis which will hopefully be just after the first of the year. This morning I dropped him off at the vet to get fixed which will hopefully take the edge off of his attitude that he gets sometimes. He is a great dog and we have had a lot of fun together and it has only been one week!
Category: Uncategorized
Choco is finally here!
I have been wondering lately how can I squeeze a few more hours in a day? I mean literally, find a place to add a couple hours so that I would have more time to get stuff done. I am overwhelmed with what I have to accomplish by the end of this week. I guess that comes with my “jet-set” (as my practice members call it) lifestyle. I realize now that if I had stayed in town last weekend instead of hopping a plane, I would have my scarecrow finished that is supposed to be done by 9am tomorrow morning. You see…there is a Chamber of Commerce event called “An Event So Good Its Scary” that happens this Friday. Because I registered as a hospitality point, which just means that I will welcome Trick-or-Treaters into my office on Friday from 1-6, I also have to have a scarecrow for the Chamber to judge. This is all very fun stuff, I just press my limits sometimes of what I can accomplish is what amount of time. That is how I was born. So during my break today, I will be making a scarecrow so make sure to swing by the Cafe of LIFE to see this creation. I will post pictures…
Where does the time go?