I am fully convinced endurance is the key to success.

I have run marathons, half-marathons and climbed to the rooftop of Africa.  I have done triathlons, 60-90 minute Dr Erica Peabody - Don't Die With Your Daypack - Chiropractor Fenton Michiganextreme hot yoga classes and 50 mile bike rides and ran a thriving family chiropractic office for 14 years.  I endured 10 years of school beyond high school and driven 3,000 miles from Anchorage, Alaska to Atlanta, Georgia.  I have spent countless hours studying, during school and since by doctorate degree and taken many long plane rides, longest being 26 hour plane ride from Detroit to Kilimanjaro.

I never realized just how much endurance has played into my equation for success until a few months ago.

I was sitting down for lunch with one of my mentors in Florida and he says “I am really proud of you.”  He then continues, “Anyone can work hard enough and earn the degree but not many can really do what it takes to run the business the way you have and succeeded in practice and kept that kind of energy doing it all by yourself.”

Here is a clue to my internal workings, I just expect that of myself and I do not give myself an “out” to not do what needs to be done when it needs to be done.  …and that goes for every area of my life.

I was shocked when he said that mostly for the simple fact of the expectations I set on myself but when I really do look back and see how far I have come I have done this all on my own.  Granted I do have an INCREDIBLE support network in my life for sure that pick me up, dust me off and give me a kick in the rear to get going again.  I have to take a

Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Endurance - Dr Erica Peabody

moment to thank my amazing team Nikki, Teri, Stephanie and Laura – you ladies make this entire dream worth living and working so hard for!!!!  THANK YOU!!!  THANK YOU!!!  THANK YOU!!!!

One week prior to that trip to Florida, I was presented with an incredible business opportunity.  The evening before this particular lunch with my mentor, Mike and I were out to dinner and I got wind that the opportunity was actually a reality if I wanted it for the taking.

So I jumped.

I had no idea that the words that my mentor said at that time about my endurance for what I am doing would ring truer and louder than ever before in my life.  I had no idea how much that trek up Mt. Kilimanjaro would help me the past 3 months.  I had no idea that Chicago Marathon in 2005 and all the half marathons and all those miles training out on the trails to prep for those grueling 26.2 and 13.1 miles would help me through this time in my life since March.

As I endured 6 months in that walking boot last year and 3-4 trips to the gym still training, some would chime in and ask “what are you training for now?”

“I am training for LIFE!”  was always my answer.

Yes I have had road races and triathlons and trek and swims and hikes that I have trained for in the past, I have

Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - The Second Strap - Dr Erica Peabody

always had something in front of me that would inspire me daily to keep going…but I had no idea it was all for these past 3 months.  The meetings, emails, lists, meetings, emails and more lists, along with straight up execution on all of these things day in and day out aside from my newly engaged life and busy practice…this is what I have been training for.  If I am totally honest, I have developed slight PTSD opening my email these days in fear of one more list, one more thing, one more meeting that will need to be tended to.

And I still have yet to birth my own children and raise my own family…I hear that takes some serious endurance and I am certain that this time in my life is just mere preparation for those next steps too.

Patients ask me all the time, “What is your next big adventure?”  “What is the next mountain you are going to climb?”  Little did you know I have been climbing one of the biggest mountains in my life and you are all right along side me.

All of this “talking in code” and not being able to disclose this information has been a multiplying factor for the endurance of this climb.  I love being able to bounce ideas off of my people, my board of directors especially, and share.  I feel like when I share I am able to download and reprocess things inside of my mind and being and create some form of order.  I have been unable to do that due to the nature of this incredible plan. Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Endurance - Dr Erica Peabody

HOLY COW DOC!?!?!?!??!!!!!!  Are you leaving us?????  Nope I am here and setting even deeper roots into the Fenton community than ever before.  I am more here than I have ever been before.  I am more excited than I have ever been before.  I am more charged up about life and living and serving than ever before.  We are taking things up to a whole new level and are going to be able to be a beacon of light, a true heartbeat of health and wellness inside of our community and although I need another week or so to really share the plans, trust me it is really, really good and worth all the endurance.Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Endurance - Dr Erica Peabody

Now if you possibly think I could tackle something like this on my own…well thank you and yes I probably could, however I wouldn’t want to without the greatest partner in life walking shoulder to shoulder right at my side.  He props me up, he settles me down, he charges me up and knocks me on my behind when I need it.  He has been a solid driving force since our day one together however even more so now that this kind of rubber is meeting the road and this kind of traction is needed.  There were a few moments during this process that I had to consider if I would do something like this on my own…the answer us YES I would and could and will if necessary.  But in saying all that, I am so so grateful, ever so grateful to you my Love.  Thanks for everything Babe.  Good thing he is a three-time Ironman, I knew endurance was part of the fabric he was cut from since the start.

Stay tuned!!!  It is just getting good.


Laughter helps everything.

There has been a lot going on in life lately, all of it really good stuff but keeping laughter at the forefront of it all helps everything! Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Laughter - Dr Erica Peabody

For Memorial Day weekend, Mike and I headed up north to be with my family.  On Saturday we decided to kayak/canoe/float the Betsie River which runs right by my parent’s house.  It was a beautiful day, quite warm for late May in Northern Michigan and it felt great to get out on the river.  I always forget how relaxing and healing a nice float down the river is until I am on it.

Mike insisted that I just relax in the front of the tandem kayak and not paddle and that he had it all handled.  I trusted him completely and he gave me very little reason not to…at least for the first part of the trip.

We had rented a sit-on-top kayak from Crystal Adventures.  The adventure company owners advised that we bring one of their dry sacks with us on the boat and I said “It is nearly impossible to tip one of those things over but we will for sure take one.”

Famous.  Last.  Words.

Mike did and incredible job (THANKS BABE!!!) at navigating the river until one tricky part.  I was so used to sitting back and taking in the scenery that I did not see it coming and I don’t think he did either.  A big tree branch was down in the water and in very slow motion, I remember being in total disbelief it was even happening, the kayak got stuck, the current was super strong and tipped us right over.  I grabbed the stuff that I could and the rest headed down the river to be retrieved by other family members.  We were both soaked in clothes not necessarily planned for dunking in the river but laughing.  I am not sure what else there was to do but laugh.  Mike felt bad but was Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Laughter - Dr Erica Peabodyalso sort of bruised up.  I had some scratches and bruises and we just laughed and went on our merry way.

Around the bend, my brothers were whispering to each other “That must really be the right guy for her if she was that calm, cool, collected and both of them were just laughing.”  They were pretty shocked at our response to the whole thing.

All the weekends, and weeks for that matter, are spent managing things, handling projects and making things happen.  This past weekend was no exception as we framed and wired an entire basement at one of my rental properties.  It is a rather large space and a lot of work.  We finished the project around 10pm on Sunday and were wrapping everything up, finishing laundry and loading the dishwasher.  We sat down in the living room for a few minutes and as we were heading up to bed, Mike put a couple things in the sink.  As he stepped up to the sink, something felt strange.  Looking down was the view in the picture below!

You see, neither of us has had a dishwasher in our lives for over a year.  I am not sure how he did it but mistook liquid dish soap for dishwasher soap and the kitchen was filling up with bubbles.  I just start laughing.  First off, we are old enough and know better, or at least I thought we did.  But secondly, we have both missed having dishwashers in our homes so much it has been something we have looked so forward to!Best Chiropractor Fenton MIchigan - Laughter - Dr Erica Peabody

Here he is standing in ankle deep suds from putting the wrong cleaning product into the dishwasher and bubbles and spewing out the sides and continue to flow.  I am laughing so hard at this point that I think I am actually making him a little irritated.  Through laughter “BABE!!!!  How on Earth did you do this???” both on hands and knees cleaning up the floor.  (Side note: our kitchen floor is extra shiny and nice now!!)

We pretty much laughed ourselves to sleep that night.

Laughter helps everything!!!  Truly lightens the mood, shifts the tone and make it all better.  Mike and I do a lot of laughing together all the time, life is just too short to be any other way.

Look around in your life.  Are there areas you can laugh more?  Are there things you can laugh about instead of get angry or irritated with?  How can you choose laughter more through your days?  We only get one chance in this life!!!  Let’s have some FUN!!!!



I am one who always loves to take the scenic route.

I realize this more and more as the years go by.  Even if it takes me the same time, 15 minutes more or an hour more, I would prefer to be on the scenic route than anywhere else.Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - The Scenic Route - Dr Erica Peabody

This has become super evident over the past year being with a guy that also loves taking the scenic route.  What’s the saying?  “Life is about the process, not the destination.”  I don’t know who said that but it is brilliant.

Last weekend I drove over to Cleveland, Ohio to attend Birthfit Professional seminar (I will share a lot more about Birthfit Professional as time goes by as it will become an incredible tool and offering here at the Cafe of LIFE).  The seminar was Saturday and Sunday 8am-6pm both days.  That is a long weekend and with everything else going on in life right now, it was difficult to commit to that schedule.  I registered over 2 months ago and I am a woman of my word and so 7pm on Friday evening I made the drive.

Friday was a day filled with “life” and I wanted to be on the road by 5pm but that just didn’t happen.  Because I also need to preserve my sleep, I took the fastest and most efficient way to the area and got to a hotel just after 10pm to prepare for a 6:30am wake-up.

Saturday was an incredibly informative and inspiring day with a group of colleagues passionate about helping prenatal and postpartum moms prepare and recover from the most intense athletic event of their lives.  Saturday evening we were released at 6 and I set out to find some dinner.

Some of you know this about me but most of you probably don’t, I love just going for a drive.  In fact, sometime I will say to Mike “Hey babe, let’s go for a drive.” …which he is usually game for and we go and explore.  Another fun fact about me (at least I think it is fun although maybe I shouldn’t be so assuming 🙂 ) is I am passionate about real estate.  I have invested around the local area and I absolutely love transforming spaces.  Mike does too.  As we go for these random drives around, I usually am opening my Zillow app on my phone as we see “for sale” signs posted along our route.  Anywhere.  Anytime.  We drive around just to see what there is to see but also scope real estate wherever we are.  I am a Zillow addict and I love that fact that I have access to see what the homes look like inside.Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - The Scenic Route - Dr Erica Peabody

Saturday night I set out on a drive to find food and before long I realized just how close to Lake Erie I was staying.  I got caught up in a long drive scoping the Cleveland coastline real estate…and then moved inland a street…and then another.  Have you been to Cleveland?  WOW!!!  There were block after block of beautiful homes for miles.  I ran out of daylight but I was astounded.  I had Coffeehouse on my Sirius XM and it was the most relaxed I had been all week.  I would wander around, taking in all the scenery and I could feel my heart filling up.  That may seem like a strange thing to feel while on a drive looking at real estate, but I am okay with being strange.

Sunday came fast and furious and I was back in the seminar.  Sometime during that day I decided I was going to take the coastline home.  Yes I got out of the seminar at 6pm.  Yes I had a 3 hour drive in front of me.  Something inside urged me to take the scenic route and that something was making such a strong declaration about it that if I would have gotten on the toll road and taken the quickest route home, it would have been a battle inside myself the entire way.Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - The Scenic Route - Dr Erica Peabody

So I did.  At 6pm I got into my car and found the most beautiful stretch of homes along the coastline for a large portion of my drive back home.  Looking back, I am so glad I took the scenic route even though it added some time to my late drive home.  When everything was said and done, I had added just a mere 30 extra minutes driving the coastline between Cleveland and Toledo instead of the major highway.  But on top of that, my heart was full.

YOLO “You Only Live Once” and FOMO “Fear Of Missing Out” drive my life and especially these types of decisions.  I am the first to jump off the highway and see if I can find a fun way home just to see what is there.

So many people are in such a rush to get places.  Yes there is a time to be rushed and there is a time to find the quickest route to the destination and get there.  But what about when you are not rushed?  What would the path look like if you got off the heavily beaten most traveled route?  What would you see?  What would you be exposed to?  What would you learn?

Sometimes I take the scenic route and find that there wasn’t a whole lot to see.  Most of the time when I am on the scenic route I find something new and always finished more inspired.  In one of the books I read recently the author suggested “what would happen if you took a different way home?”  Your usual route to work could actually look different…which would feel different…which would help to stir up the monotony of life and maybe help you see things from a different angle.

Life goes by so quickly, I have a hard time even wrapping my head around the fact that we are in May of 2018.  Take the scenic route next time you get a chance.