A common theme for the end of the year has been to DOUBLE DOWN!

There are a couple ways to navigate the holiday season and head into the New Year.

Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan Dr Peabody   Exercise  gym  yoga

The first is to rest on your laurels, let some of the commitments to yourself and your life slack, enjoy the holidays, partake in all the sugary celebrations and day by day become more sluggish on all levels of life.

The second way is to DOUBLE DOWN on your commitments to yourself and your health, clean up your diet and water intake immediately following holiday overindulgences and keep a steady state in your exercise routine.

Every Thursday at 1pm EST, Dr Paula Ruffin and I are live on YouTube and streaming to our social media platforms as we discuss the most pertinent topics of the week in our offices. It has been a great way to connect with all of you and continue to share the messages of health and wellness beyond the four walls of our individual offices. …and it is a LOT OF FUN!

If January 1st, 2025 were the starting line of a race, most people are standing at the starting line and will take off when signaled. If you can picture that in your mind, it is as though a HUGE GROUP of people are standing together in crowds at the start of a 5K race. When the gunshot goes off, everyone starts from that stand still.

The most recent topic has been how to end the year in the strongest way possible and be sure we begin 2025 running at full speed!

If you go strong with your commitments to yourself and however you want 2025 to go, starting right now, you will not be standing still on that starting line. It will be as though you come walking/jogging/sprinting right up to that line and bust through all those who were just standing and waiting for the time to “start”.

When it comes to our health, mindset, work, relationship, etc goals for the year to come, get heading in that direction RIGHT NOW!

Yes, still sit back and enjoy all the cheer of the beautiful holiday season we have ahead of us, but then when the Mondays roll around, clean up the weekend, clean up the body and your health and get going again.

Dr Erica Peabody  Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan Sauna

Looking back on even this past weekend, I had two big celebrations, one Friday night and one Saturday night. Yes I had a couple drinks and delicious food and deserts. But I woke up this morning and chugged a bunch of water, got outside for fresh air and finished the day with an hour long sauna session to sweat it out and detox.

Monday morning will also start with water, fresh air and then heading into the week of work, I stay super committed to being at the gym or yoga studio every single day. If my schedule does not work to make it to either of those, there will be time to get a good 20 minute extra walk in somewhere.

Here is the thing, the choices we make today not only effect today, they really add to or subtract from our internal resilience for the days/weeks/months/years to come. When we can put daily deposits into our internal “resilience fund” we will be able to, not only navigate the holiday season well, we will also be able to stay strong and healthy to ENJOY all the season brings!

So what if you just took this simple idea to DOUBLE DOWN and be sure your commitments to yourself stay front and center in your days ahead. You will not only benefit now, but when the starting line of 2025 is in sight, you will already be IN MOTION! ….and we all know the great law if inertia – A body in motion wants to STAY IN MOTION!

So ask yourself, is there a place in your life that you can DOUBLE DOWN??? Share below in a comment, I want to hear it! You got this!!


There is something super magical about SPRINGTIME here in Michigan and I know you are all feeling it!

Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Dr Erica Peabody - Expansion

Being that our office is right downtown, we are all always so happy to be part of the walking culture that the DDA of Fenton created for this community!

I often walk outside after a day of work and take a quick jaunt down the street to the post office and put the outgoing mail in the mailbox. Since I am just half a block from there, I usually just continue on around at least the block. But since I am heading around one block, I usually pick one more block….and then one more…and that is how a 20-30 minute walk is done. It goes along with the Law if Inertiaa body in motion will tend to stay in motion…

And if any of you spend any time downtown Fenton, you realize just how much pride people have put into their homes and businesses and IT IS BEAUTIFUL down here!

Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Dr Erica Peabody Blossoms

Sitting front and center in town for almost 6 solid years already (ALREADY!!!!!), we see lots of people out walking, biking and strolling around. We often see sports teams running by in big groups from Fenton Middle School and Fenton High School. We love all the energy as our community has become a small hub of people taking good care of their bodies and getting their exercise in.

A friend of mine was asking me yesterday how many gyms and fitness centers are in the city of Fenton. I began to list them and it was upwards between 12+ that I could name off the top of my head and I am sure there were some that were skipping my mind. We are fortunate as our city grows, so does our health and wellness culture surrounding it all!

The Peabody Center for Well-Being is the location of Cafe of LIFE Chiropractic office, my chiropractic office and this building is completely occupied with some of the area’s greatest health/wellness/well-being professionals in the area!

Even after 6 years in this location, and many of those years with occupied office spaces, it surprises a lot of people to know that the building houses so many awesome businesses.

About a year ago, we launched a website that serves as a building directory. This is a virtual landing page for all the professionals in the building. I wanted to take a moment and invite you to take a glance through and connect with the businesses that can help you along you and your family’s health and wellness journey!

Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - 3 Days In - Dr Erica Peabody (810)69-6023 - Grouchy

Take a moment and browse through the site. This is the location that allows you to directly connect and contact each person to set up your appointments! We keep this information up to date to help you!

Enjoy the SPRINGTIME energy of our world right now and make a plan for the healthiest and happiest season ever!



What started as a dream way before I even went to chiropractic college, is now five years old!  

Five years ago today, June 14, 2018, I purchased this beautiful big blue building and converted it into a sacred healing space.  I did have the image that it would get to the point that it is today, however being in the “real-lifing” of a dream is…well I am not sure there are really words for it all.Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Dr Erica Peabody - Expansion

I remember when I first saw the listing on Zillow.  I took a quick screen shot of the listing and sent it to my realtor with the message “What is up with this?”

His quick response, I don’t know but LET’S GO TAKE A LOOK!

…and so the due diligence began. 

It was quite a process that went day by day collecting information, paperwork, getting inspections done, discussing with my personal “board of directors”, getting contractors eyes on it, and on and on.  

A process that began the end of February 2018 came to a close on June 14th and I got keys in hand.  

The cool thing was that I had a sidekick at the time.  The cooler thing is that said sidekick left and it was all me and has been that way ever since.  What makes that the “cooler thing” is that it drove me to spend many days and night figuring things out on my own.  The “cooler thing” is also that I drove me to make lots and lots of incredible connections with great contractors – too numerous to list – that still help me to this day.  I have become someone that people turn to when they are needing a trusted and reputable contractor for their projects and I am always happy to share those connections.  

After just a few months, I was able to move my chiropractic office here and open our doors.  Within just a few months I was able to begin to host other tenants doing health and wellness work and the Peabody Center for Well-Being took off!  

People often ask, “What do you do with all that space?”  

What space?!?!?  I don’t have any extra space as it is filled with incredible people doing incredible things!  When you walk into the building, you can feel the good mojo in here!  I purchased the building for the community.  Of course, it is a great investment personally, that is without a shadow of a doubt, however, this place is a community center and BIG BLUE holds the community well! 

So my questions to you are:




WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR?Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Home - Dr Erica Peabody - Grouchy

When you pull into our parking lot, you will walk down the sidewalk just off the parking lot and into our Center.  Upon entering the building, if you turn your gaze to the right, you will see an info wall.  There is a DIRECTORY there in the info center you can grab and see everyone in the building.  You can also grab yourself some business cards and get in touch with individual businesses that you are interested in.  

You can also find everyone on Facebook at Peabody Center for Well-Being   (<— click here).

You can find the Cafe of LIFE Chiropractic Center on Facebook or me personally at Dr Erica Peabody Facebook or Dr Erica Peabody Instagram.  I am very active and also respond to direct messages all the time.  If I can help, I want to!

Okay, now that all of that is said, I just wanted to say THANK YOU!  All of you!  If you are reading this, know that I am grateful for your support big and small inside of this beautiful BIG BLUE building!  It seems absolutely impossible that it has already been five years but here we are…and SO MANY MORE TO GO!!!  

I love you so much.  Thank you.  


I am hoping that you are connected with us over Facebook, but if not, HERE IS THE LINK to go straight there.  You can also look me up individually and follow that way.  I have been doing some live shares over facebook as I drive and think and the last one was a warning to BE MINDFUL!!!

…and here is why that came up.Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Be Mindful - Dr Erica Peabody

Last Wednesday I was in my practice and a woman came in that had been under care in the past but had to take some time off to heal from a fall where she fractured a vertebra in her neck.  She was carrying a box down a set of stairs and stepped off the side in a bad way and hit the back of her neck on a steel handrail resulting in a fracture.  She has healed well and is ready to get back under regular chiropractic care  (some of you may be curious at this point that I can even adjust someone with this kind of injury.  I want to remind you that I have a lot of tools in my bag of chiropractic techniques that allows me to work with and around all kinds of injuries as each person’s care is tailored for each individual and their needs).  

I see a lot of people with injuries which probably goes without saying.  Some of the stories make my stomach churn as the phrase that follows is always “WOW!  That could have been way worse!!”

The next patient that same day was up north and cleaning up the kitchen and tripped over the dishwasher door that was out of her line of sight.  This resulted in yet another conversation that went “Wow!  That could have been a whole lot worse!” The final one that day was a slip and fall while getting into the car and sliding right underneath the vehicle…which “Could have been a whole lot worse!”

Our lives are super busy these days.  I have to be honest, I am trying to do too much at once, carry too much at once and my brain is filled with all kinds of running thoughts also!!!  I am in that same club however when I get to see these kinds of injuries, I take note of the theme.  The running theme of all of these injuries…trying to do too much at the same time.  Me too!!  Me too.  

Be mindful.  Easier said than done often.  What I notice for myself is that if I can slow down my mind to focus on the task at hand, I am so much safer, healthier and happier.  

Being mindful wouldn’t necessarily have prevented these injuries however, we can’t know for sure, it may have.  It is always hard to say at the time and easier to reflect backwards to see situations retrospectively.  

I was getting ready the very next day and listing to a podcast or making a video for a friend AND curling my hair at the same time.  Without looking down at my curling iron, I didn’t realize that it had spun around and was facing the other direction.  When I reached down and thought I was grabbing the handle, I was actually grabbing the hot barrel, resulting in burning the pads of my thumb and two fingers.

When that happened, my first thought was how easily that would have been avoided by simply being present, looking up and then looking back down.  I am notorious for trying to do too many things at once.  As I navigate through my days, I notice just how many things I drop and realize that is a strong indication that I am not fully paying attention.

Look around in your life.  Where do you find yourself trying to do too many things at once?  Have you stumbled as you were trying to do something else?  How many different directions do you think the mind can handle going in and still pay attention?

Be mindful.  

Being mindful is much easier said than done however I am hoping by just having this brief read and reminder, it is more in the forefront of your mind as you navigate through your days.  

I am not minimizing any of the things I mentioned before nor am I saying that they for sure could have been avoided.  I just wanted to share this theme of the week so that you can be mindful too.  


Welcome back!!!  Wait!!!  Is that for you or for me?   

I am so confused.  

Actually, what has really gone on is that I have not had a chance inside of such a full life to keep up on this blog lately and it is one of the many reasons I am making regular weekly time for creativity in this New Year!

So WELCOME BACK to ME and to YOU!!!

I hope you will follow along with US on this ride.  I have used the word “US” a lot lately.  It is an interesting concept to really look around in life and see how many US’s you may be involved in!  I guarantee there is a lot!

I look at US in many ways…but one particular US I will be referring to on a regular basis is the US that is inside of the Peabody Center for Well-Being

I have REAL-LIFED a dream and I have been joined by a group of awesome health and wellness professionals that I will be sharing about through our time together.  

Don’t worry, it is not all business here as there are a whole lot of other areas of life I like to share about as well.  

I will probably use the concept of US as I share from many angles of the many US’s I am involved with.  

Be sure to stay tuned!  ….and WELCOME BACK!!!  Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Dr Erica Peabody - The first year


So many things can happen over the course of four years.  Four years ago today, June 14, I purchased Big Blue.  Some people say that I should have started referring to it as THE CENTER or something more “on brand”.  But honestly, Big Blue was mentioned at one point and stuck and so here we are.  Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Dr Erica Peabody - Expansion

I share this story a lot but I first saw the building on Zillow.  My Mom and I are always looking around at real estate on that app just to see what is out there.  When I saw the building, I sent a quick screen shot and message to my realtor.  “What is up with this place?  What is the story?”

His response, “I don’t know but let’s go and take a look!”

It used to be an assisted living facility so when we initially walked through we had to pretend that we were “looking for a spot for family members to live”.   A sale like that that had to be that way due to the business and employees and how the sale was being concealed.  

Prior to going inside, my Mom and I said to each other, “let’s take a look but more than likely this place will smell weird, be weird or be unrecoverable from what it had been through.”  

Half way through this 10,000 sq ft beauty, my Mom and I both looked to each other and said “Wow this place is amazing and already set up for what I want to do.”

And so the due diligence process began.  That started in February of 2018 and I finally closed June 14.  

When patients visit us for the first time, they look around in awe of the beauty that is so natural to Big Blue.  Even after 130 years, it has the original woodwork, original wood stain color and craftmanship that is not seen in current day construction.  It is absolutely beautiful and feels like working inside of a museum.  If only the walls could talk, I can only begin to imagine the stories they would share.     

The purchase of Big Blue has not been without its downfalls though.  As most of you know, I had a very serious “life sidekick” when I began this project.  That didn’t last like we had planned which threw life through a loop…but here we are still standing and thriving inside this space.  

We have many businesses join us over the past 4 years, incredible practitioners helping to increase the health and wellness in and around our beautiful community.  The services offered inside Big Blue include: chiropractic care, massage therapy, supplements, acupuncture, family therapy, psychotherapy, speech therapy, esthetician, life coach, reiki master, photography as well as connection with hypnotherapy and functional medicine.  As you can probably imagine, there are a few more business partnerships in the works for the future.

The practitioners that are currently in our building have taken great pride to enhance their office spaces and I will share a sneak peek into their working spaces in the near future so you can get a feel.  I feel fortunate to have business owners taking such pride in beatifying their office spaces.    

There is a “special something” in the air at this spot that is inherent to the building itself.  Although the business prior to us did well, a revived energy to Big Blue has been a welcomed addition to the center of our growing and bustling downtown Fenton.  

People often say “I have driven by this building thousands of times, I am so glad to be able to finally see inside!”

There is a long, beautiful and thriving future for this building and we are so happy to be just the ones to help make that happen!  

Swing in and say hello!  Or get in touch with one of the providers inside of the building and experience for yourself.  I am in awe of the first four years, I can only imagine what the next four years will bring!  





She is grouchy…or finicky.  Yeah, finicky is probably a better way to describe her.

The old girl, Big Blue as we have so adoringly named her, has been good to us so far.

We are working on week number 3 here and we are enjoying our time and our transition.  It is different than just closing one door and opening another one in a different office space and getting to business.  Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Home - Dr Erica Peabody - Grouchy

It is time well spent feeling her out and figuring out how to manage all of the intricacies and quirks that make her so dang lovable.

She is warmer than would be expected on cold days and colder than expected on warm days except some areas are colder than others and warmer than others. Ugh.

The original builder, AJ Phillips, put the walls together by stacking two by fours on top of one another and then plaster and lath over that, not normal stud distance, like literally one on top of another.  It is pretty astounding actually.  We have a couple HUGE pocket doors and if you look inside the pockets, you can see the construction pattern…and to think those were put in place, by hand, one by one, 130 years ago.  WOW that is some serious labor!!!

AND!!!!  Not to mention the woodwork that adorns the entire space on all three floors  The first floor is our Cafe of LIFE Chiropractic Center and has so many special things about it…but the second and third floors are absolutely spectacular as well.  We are so excited to be able to open that second story to all of you and be able to rent the third story, one bedroom and one bath apartment.  All in due time.

We love how much you all have loved her so far and we invite those that haven’t had a chance to swing by and experience the space to swing in!  We hold open adjusting hours one Saturday per month and although we will have patients here getting adjusted, if you happen to be out and about around town this coming Saturday, October 6th, stop by and swing in!  We will be here 9a-11a.Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - 3 Days In - Dr Erica Peabody (810)69-6023 - Grouchy


My staff comes to me with things they have noticed or things they need in this new space.  It seems as though my

lunchtimes have been converted to “repair time” and grabbing lunch while working on a project!  But that is okay, as we know that she will always be a work in progress but we will become a little more familiar with her needs and quirks as the time goes by.

When life took a turn and I needed to move to a different spot to be able to get one of my rentals leased out, I decided I would stay here and get to know her.  My conversation with my mom that evening went “I am just going to triple-dog-dare myself to stay for the night and just see what happens.  If you don’t mind, just please do not lock your door in case I get spooked and end up having to come out there.”  I did fine from the first night but definitely wasn’t such a huge fan of having to go into the basement after dark.  Now my attitude is like “sure girl!  Whatever you need right now is good with me.  Oh you need me to tend to something in the basement at midnight?  Absolutely!!  I will be right there!”

It is the strangest thing that I feel like I should leave a babysitter for her when Mike and I head out of town!  I have never had the feeling but Mike thinks it is ridiculous!!!  I just laugh at myself that the thought even crosses my mind at all.  The great thing is that she sits right in the middle of a town that is so connected and wonderful and I am Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Dr Erica Peabody - Grouchy - Michael Sanockicertain that if there was something going on, 30-50 people would be on the phone texting and calling me right away and so I thank you!!!


Please watch out for her.  Mike and I have most of it handled but we need eyes and ears around for this grouchy old gal!!!   …I mean finicky.

She is a gem and I think it has taken a bit for her to get used to all of us!!!  There is a lot of new and fun energy inside of this space during our days and we have already had a HUGE engagement celebration!!  …in fact that party is what gives me so much certainty that 30-50 of you would call and text if something goes bad because of the amount of people that made remarks about that party a couple Friday’s ago, “my kids pointed to that place and said, ‘Hey Mom!  Can we go there?’ since it looked like something fun was going on when we drove by” are the kind of messages we got that following week.

We love her.  We are so excited to plan our wedding to be hosted within these beautiful walls in early March, just 5 months away.

A phrase we hear over and over again around here, from me, my team and all those that visit, “if only these walls could talk!” 

We are continuing to create a story here at Big Blue, stories of healing and health and wellness and life and living and family and the amazing power of the chiropractic adjustment that would make the forefathers of this great profession proud.  There are pictures in the infancy phases of chiropractic that were taken in places just like this.  Big Blue was born in 1889-91 time frame (seems the history was maybe she took 2 solid years to build) and chiropractic was born in 1895.  It feels so, so very right to be here doing what we are doing.

Although she is grouchy, or I mean finicky (just looked that word up in the dictionary: fussy about one’s needs and desires <—sounds about RIGHT!) I think we have an incredible thing started that these walls will want to tell stories about for years to come!!!  Stop in and join us this Saturday 9-11am!!!





From the outside it appears that all is peachy and so simple.

It’s not.
It’s hard, anxiety-driven work to pursue a dream.
It’s long, late night conversations and countless sleepless nights.

It’s questions without answers and conflict without immediate or foreseeable resolution.

It’s stress beyond anything I have ever known.Dr Erica Peabody - Peachy - Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan
It’s wildly uncomfortable and feels like running around constantly short on time.
It’s humbling and frightening.
It’s not just out of my comfort zone, it’s as though I took a rocket ship and split from the Universe my comfort zone is in.
It’s so far off the edge and hoping the ground appears somewhere beneath my foot as I take the next step.

It is tears of frustration and moments when I cannot stand being inside my own skin.

It is giving up beach towels and sunglasses for hammers and drills.

It is a deep breath in not knowing when i will have space to exhale.
…AND it’s not just business, it’s every aspect of life.
It’s building a home that’s gone on far, far too long.
It’s learning to partner inside of a relationship rather than run off on my own and do it all my own way.
It’s learning what being a bonus mom is all about and to triplets nonetheless.

It’s wedding planning and all that comes with that (which i am currently trying to figure out).
It’s a constant battle with my subconscious that wants everything to stay the way it’s always been.
It’s tough and messy and faith-building.

It is somehow trusting that stupid phrase “You will only be given as much as you can handle.”  Everyone please STOP SAYING THAT!!!!
It’s being sure to meditate every day and pray every night.

…and all this I am writing because I got a great hot shower and did my hair and now I’m dreading walking outside into the humidity which will undo it all in 17 minutes flat. …and so this is me procrastinating and writing to you instead of that.
And now I’ve come to the end of this rant.
Regardless of all that I wrote above, I’m going to make it the best day I can anyway.

Building dreams comes with a lot of hard work and not all of it is peachy.


We are just 3 days in to our new location and I have to say it has been beyond extraordinary.  We are over the moon excited about how this space has turned out which trickles down to our ability to serve you.

The space is airy and cozy and solid and grounding and healing and absolutely lovely.

So many people are astounded by our ability to get moved over and create seamless transitions for our patient crowd.

Here is all I know.  We closed our doors at our Leroy location on Thursday, September 13th at 6pm.  We had until Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - 3 Days In - Dr Erica Peabody (810)69-6023Monday, Septmeber 17th at  10am to get up and running.

Mike would say over and over and over…. “Just pick the critical path, just the critical items that you need to get your day started and be able to endure patient care at the level they have come to expect.”  …and so in and amongst a weekend of family obligations we made it happen.

Thursday at 6pm is when the anxiety set in.  How long will it take us to do this?  and is 3 days enough?  It was a little like jumping off a cliff because, although I have moved my business a few times in the past, it had been 8 years and as I mentioned in a Facebook post, I am a pathological underestimator.  I underestimate everything and commit 100% and somehow figure it out.

It was a weekend of moving furniture, unplugging computer systems and wires all throughout the office.  It was filled with wires going every which way and plugging things in and praying.  It was a weekend or rearranging chairs and sweeping floors and dusting everything from head to toe.

Mike had to leave with his children around 6:30 on Sunday evening and head back home to be sure they are all ready to start the week.  I spent 5 solid hours on each adjusting station from one side of the place to the other and into the reception room.

The computer system was working, the music wasn’t.  The tables were ready, the rugs couldn’t be put down because of the finish on the floors.  The front desk was ready, the massage rooms were ready, the air conditioners were working, toilets cleaned and floors swept.  One more faucet installation around 9:30 and we were prepped for my realtor and his team to show up for the unveiling of the signage and the start to our first day!!

We did it!  It was a push but we did it and made it happen.

…and here we are just 3 days in and more inspired than ever before.  Follow your dreams, listen to your heart and that small voice inside as it will lead you in the right direction.  This truly feels like home and we are so glad to be here!




We are moving home!!!

I finished my final shift at Cafe of LIFE Chiropractic at 521 N Leroy this evening.  I had 4 patients between 5:45 and 6pm and I could feel myself winding down the service in that space.

This is the fourth location for my practice, so although I am not a big fan of moving, I am familiar with the process.  I bought the Leroy Street location in 2010 and the location prior to that was so super bittersweet leaving because it Best Chiropractor Fenton Michigan - Home - Dr Erica Peabodywas a chiropractic office since the 60s.  My heart ached to leave that location knowing I was moving my practice from the exact location my chiropractor worked in when I was getting adjusted as a kid.  I settled myself knowing that my 521 location would be passed down to another generation of chiropractors at some point.

But it won’t be passed down and I am certain it will get rented to another amazing business other than a chiropractor.  There won’t be little ones roaming the halls there waiting for their adjustments years from now and far beyond when I am retired like I always thought there would be.

But truly we are moving home.  I cannot describe the feeling of our new building, affectionately known as “Big Blue”, except for it is home.  I got a little choked up as I was counting down the final adjustments in the Leroy location but I could sit here now in full on tears to know that we are moving home.

This is home.

I have had a recurring dream over the past 20 years that has driven me to this exact location.  Watch for a Facebook LIVE tomorrow, Friday September 14th, as I share that beautiful story.

How did I get here?  How did this all happen?  How on Earth am I moving my practice and my livelihood to my dream location, no literally the space inside of my dream?  We have a lot of work ahead of us in the next 72 hours as we transition the office to be ready for the practice on Monday, but it is all worth it to move home.