A common theme for the end of the year has been to DOUBLE DOWN!
There are a couple ways to navigate the holiday season and head into the New Year.

The first is to rest on your laurels, let some of the commitments to yourself and your life slack, enjoy the holidays, partake in all the sugary celebrations and day by day become more sluggish on all levels of life.
The second way is to DOUBLE DOWN on your commitments to yourself and your health, clean up your diet and water intake immediately following holiday overindulgences and keep a steady state in your exercise routine.
Every Thursday at 1pm EST, Dr Paula Ruffin and I are live on YouTube and streaming to our social media platforms as we discuss the most pertinent topics of the week in our offices. It has been a great way to connect with all of you and continue to share the messages of health and wellness beyond the four walls of our individual offices. …and it is a LOT OF FUN!
If January 1st, 2025 were the starting line of a race, most people are standing at the starting line and will take off when signaled. If you can picture that in your mind, it is as though a HUGE GROUP of people are standing together in crowds at the start of a 5K race. When the gunshot goes off, everyone starts from that stand still.
The most recent topic has been how to end the year in the strongest way possible and be sure we begin 2025 running at full speed!
If you go strong with your commitments to yourself and however you want 2025 to go, starting right now, you will not be standing still on that starting line. It will be as though you come walking/jogging/sprinting right up to that line and bust through all those who were just standing and waiting for the time to “start”.
When it comes to our health, mindset, work, relationship, etc goals for the year to come, get heading in that direction RIGHT NOW!
Yes, still sit back and enjoy all the cheer of the beautiful holiday season we have ahead of us, but then when the Mondays roll around, clean up the weekend, clean up the body and your health and get going again.

Looking back on even this past weekend, I had two big celebrations, one Friday night and one Saturday night. Yes I had a couple drinks and delicious food and deserts. But I woke up this morning and chugged a bunch of water, got outside for fresh air and finished the day with an hour long sauna session to sweat it out and detox.
Monday morning will also start with water, fresh air and then heading into the week of work, I stay super committed to being at the gym or yoga studio every single day. If my schedule does not work to make it to either of those, there will be time to get a good 20 minute extra walk in somewhere.
Here is the thing, the choices we make today not only effect today, they really add to or subtract from our internal resilience for the days/weeks/months/years to come. When we can put daily deposits into our internal “resilience fund” we will be able to, not only navigate the holiday season well, we will also be able to stay strong and healthy to ENJOY all the season brings!
So what if you just took this simple idea to DOUBLE DOWN and be sure your commitments to yourself stay front and center in your days ahead. You will not only benefit now, but when the starting line of 2025 is in sight, you will already be IN MOTION! ….and we all know the great law if inertia – A body in motion wants to STAY IN MOTION!
So ask yourself, is there a place in your life that you can DOUBLE DOWN??? Share below in a comment, I want to hear it! You got this!!